Hey All,
My team and I are working against a few webservices that require SOAP Message Headers to be available when making a request. We are not in control of these webservices so we can't change the implementation, even if we wanted to (or at least not without a lot of pain). We just need to be able to have authentication related infor...
Is it possible to allow users to preview music from either Last.fm or iTunes from within my app?
Are apple OK with apps streaming preview clips of music in apps?
This is a monotouch app.
Hi all,
I am considering purchasing MonoTouch to do some iPhone programming in. I am wondering though, if I compile a static library (*.a) in MonoTouch (using C#) to call in Xcode as a standard static library.
Does anyone have any experience with this? I have looked around with no results. I even emailed Mono, but no response.
Hi friends,
I've decided to start writing an iPhone app and coming from a c# background, I thought I'd start developing it with mono.
Though this question may be subjective, I'd love some guidance from you.
Is it safe to develop my app using this technology, or should I buy some books and start learning objective C?
I know Adobe were...
I have the following calls (actually a few more than this - it's the overall method that's in question here):
1st point is - is it OK...
i'm tring to extend UIButton class to add my id property.
How i can do this?
Problem is to create a button you use
var button = UIButton.FromType(UIButtonType.RoundRect);
so, if i've
public class MyButton : UIButton
how i can create my button?
Hey everyone,
As a bit of a background I'm about to be a senior in Comp E and currently working on a project for my internship involving iPad development using Monotouch and C#. As a student with multiple projects at once during the semesters, code style is often completely ignored in order to get the final product working. I'm sure you...
Like the title says.
I find a lot of the issues I have are related to the lack of thread safety in the Sqlite wrapper needed for using Sqlite with Monotouch - so - the question is - is there an alternative? There must be something!!?
I created a UIView which has two controls on it, a label and an activity indicator (spinning wheel) to display when the device is synchronizing. As this UIViewController needs to be accessed globally I'm adding it in the app's FinishedLaunching event:
window.AddSubview (navigationController.View);
How is the above implemented in MT? How do I allow the app to open back up to the screen it was last seen in?
I am trying to write an application, but it is constantly crashing when using the uiimagepickercontroller. I thought that it might be because I was not disposing of the picker after each use, but it will often freeze up on first run as well. Usually I'll take a picture and it just freezes, never asking to "use" the picture.
Do you ha...
Hey everyone;
I've currently got a button that when selected it sets the selection of a two component pickerview to index zero and then I want it to automatically reload the second column. The code I have is this:
MakeModel.Select(0,0,true); // Select first on left
MakeModel.ReloadComponent(1); // reload right side to available
So I installed my app on my ipad and it crashes due to a memory issue. I figured this was because I'm using really big image files so I went back and reduced them all and essentially cut out about 75% of their size by resizing them and then using PNGCrush.
Now, as for running the program, if I have a background image for each of my 4 i...
Working with MonoTouch .NET for iPhone and SQLite on Mac OSX. I can read from the database no problem. However, when I attempt to make changes to the database, I get strange behavior. The code below runs without exception, but no real changes are being made to the database. I can create a table, insert a record, select that record, and d...
My users was to select their times using the 24 HR clock instead of the AM/PM 12 hour clock in my iPhone app. Presently, as far as I can tell, the only way to put the UIDatePicker into 24 HR time mode is from the device's settings. My users only want 24 HR mode for this app, not their entire device.
Does anyone know a way to p...
I'm trying to remove the images that I've loaded into buttons using
button1.SetBackgroundImage(null, UIControlState.Normal);
and I get an error because I can't set it to null and thats the only way I could possibly think of clearing it. Does anyone have suggestions on how to do this?
I've tried doing a FromFile("", Controlstate.Norma...
I'm using a UIDatePicker and I'm having problems with converting this data to a System.DateTime value in MonoTouch. There are problems with conversions from NSDate to DateTime, which I've mostly solved, but now I see that if you choose a date that is NOT in the same Daylight Savings Time period then you are an hour off. For exa...
I intend to do a little programming using mono touch.. but need a book [eBook, since searchable, preferred] that gets me started.
This pagehttp://monotouch.info/MonoTouch/Books has some recomendations, which title should I get.
I like how Facebook has the "Load New Posts" at the top of the UITableView. Is that just a header "view" to the UITableView? And how do they load the UITableView so its hidden, i.e. the first cell of the UITableView is aligned with the top so you have to actually scroll down to see the "Load New Posts" area?
I have a C# application which needs to be ported to several Smartphones. Monotouch looks like the best choice for the IPhone, if there wasn't section 3.1.3 in the new developer agreeement.
Now the Monotouch website lists 3 Monotouch apps that were allowed to the App store after the new agreement was put in place. Was it just pure ...