
Help transcoding simple jQuery to mootools

$(".container").hover( function(){ $(".child-1").hide(0); $(".child-2").show(0); },function(){ $(".child-1").show(0); $(".child-2").hide(0); }); A project I have requires that I use mootools, but I never used mootools, and jquery makes much more sense to me. Can someone ...

Trying to convert JQuery to Mootools - show hide using mouseenter and mouseleave

I am trying to port the code below to mootools 1.1 code but am having no luck jQuery(document).ready( function(){ jQuery("div#fpss-nav_activator").bind("mouseenter",function(){ jQuery("div#navi-outer").stop(true, true).show("slow"); }).bind("mouseleave",function(){ jQuery("div#navi-outer").stop(true, true).hide("slow"); ...

trying to show/hide a div but something is not working

window.addEvent('domready', function(){ $('detail_block_table').addEvent('click', function(){ if ($('detail_showDiv').getStyle('display') == 'none') { $('detail_showDiv').setStyle('display','block'); } else { $('detail_showDiv').setStyle('display','none'); } }); }); ...

Regarding mootools and jQuery demo

Hi , i found more useful when i was learning jQuery with each function explained in demo along with code sample in a practical manner. im looking for the same in mootools. is anyone find any website which provide demos and sample coding like above the same in ...

mootools event listener disappears after element.innerHTML is changed

I putting together a page that will display a set of stored values. I am using mootools and AJAX calls to update the values without needing to refresh the page each time the user selects a new item from the drop down menus. the HTML each line looks something like: <div class="selections"> <input class="checkbox selector" type="checkbo...

Mootools: wizard plugin

There is a plugin for moootols that applied to a form change it into a wizard? Edit: No other responses to the question... I will accept mine. ...

How to rewrite this jQuery code by using Mootools?

I have a jQuery code, but need it working by using Mootools: if ( $("span.mailme").length ) { var at = / AT /; var dot = / DOT /g; $('span.mailme').each(function () { var addr = $(this).text().replace(at, '@').replace(dot, '.'); $(this).after('<a href="mailto:' + addr + '">' + addr + '</a>'); $(this).remove(); }); }...

has any method like substitute of mootools in jquery ..

this is mootools code: var myString = "{subject} is {property_1} and {property_2}."; var myObject = {subject: 'Jack Bauer', property_1: 'our lord', property_2: 'savior'}; myString.substitute(myObject); and does jquery has this mothod? or like this method ? ...

Using "class/object" MooTools-style events in jQuery

One of the nice things about MooTools, is that it lets you easily assign/fire events to objects, for example: var playerSingleton = new (new Class({ Implements: [Events], initialize: function() {}, setVolume: function() { // do some stuff.. this.fireEvent('volumeChanged') } })); // Somewhere else... playerSingleton...

Mootools not loading fast enough IE6

Very random and annoying problem with IE6. We keep our common JS files on a resources server so we only have to update them in one place. As well as our custom classes we also keep our build of mootools and more on the resources server and link to it in the head of our sites. This is fine in all the browsers accept IE6. In IE6 it see...

Mootools to jQuery convert

Hi, I would like to implement the Vimeo website scroll/easing effect (look for the sun and clouds) in my website. Vimeo uses Mootools to do that, I want to use jQuery. How do I do this? Below is the easing part that needs to be ported to jQuery (don't know this is allowed to post so delete this if it isn't): var scroller; window.addE...

How do I add auto rotate to MooTabs?

I'm trying to get my tabs to automatically rotate, but struggling to get it to work. I'm using MooTabs which can be found here: The MooTabs code is below: var mootabs = new Class({ initialize: function(element, options) { this.options = Object.extend({ width: '570px', height: ...

How can I stop a default event when using a named function in addEvent?

Normally, if I wish to stop a default event in mootools I can do this: $('form').addEvent('submit', function(e) { e.stop(); //Do stuff here }); However, I don't like using an anonymous function in events because I often want to reuse the code. Lets say I have a validate function. I could do this: $('form').addEvent('subm...

Implement keyboard control in JavaScript Grid

I finished building a JavaScript grid control, end everything works fine. Paging, button navigation, column sorting, etc. The cells in the grid are DIVs which are generated using Mootools 1.2.4 (which is heavily used throughout the control). I want to implement keyboard control for the grid, both for paging (page up/page down) and for ...

MooTools Event Delegation using HTML5 data attributes.

Is it possible to have event delegation using the HTML5 data attributes in MooTools? The HTML structure I have is: ​<div id="parent"> <div>not selectable</div> <div data-selectable="true">selectable</div> <div>not selectable either.</div> <div data-selectable="true">also selectable</div> </div>​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​...

mootools errors in Joomla...

Hi.. I'm having a problem.. the site is working correctly in safari, chrome and firefox (mac and win) but in Internet explorer I get an error related with mootools: Line: 59 Character: 102. The site URL is: (I've removed the url for security reasons) I've noticed that mootools is being loaded two times, maybe another co...

Mootools 1.2 ToolTip - doesn't read input fields

I'm using MooTools Tooltip by Constantin Boiangiu as a form popup. It displays fine but when I try to read the values to do a ajax call using Request, it sends blank. After debugging using Firefox I noticed that any control inside the Tooltip popup shows the values which were in html. Any user input isn't reflected when they are read u...

How to retrieve an input's value without the browser interpreting html special entities?

Is there a way in JavaScript or MooTools to retrieve the actual text in the value from an input element without the browser interpreting any html special entites? Please see the example included below. My desired outcome is: <div id="output"> <p>Your text is: <b>[&lt;script&gt;alert('scrubbed');&lt;/script&gt;]</b></p> </div> Not...

MOOTOOLS calling sexy.error() from PHP

I am very inexperienced with PHP and I've having trouble calling a mootools function. Here's my code: echo '<script language="JavaScript">'; echo "Sexy.error('Test!');"; echo '</script>'; When viewing source code looks like this: <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>Ba...

MooTools - Programmatically fired events not working with event delegation

Would really appreciate if anyone can help me figure out why I am unable to fire events programmatically when using event delegation in MooTools (from the Element.Delegation class). There is a parent <div> that has a change listener on some child <input> elements. When the change event is triggered by user actions, the handler on the pa...