
[Javascript] Linux Ajax (mootools Request.JSON) Header error

Hi all, I use the following code to get some json data: var request = new Request.JSON( { 'url': sourceURI, 'onSuccess': onPageData } ); request.get(); Request.JSON is a class from Mootools (a javascript library). But on linux (ubuntu on firefox 3.5 and Chrome) the request always fails. So i tried to ...

Compare only date javascript

Hi all, I can't seem to figure out what is wrong with my code. Maybe it would be simpler to just compare date and not time. Not sure how to do this either and I searched but couldn't find my exact problem. BTW, when I display the two dates in an alert, they show as exactly the same. My code: window.addEvent('domready', function() { va...

Does Mootools prevents javascript closure 100%?

Hi, While I was talking about javascript closure to my friend, I was told that using Mootools can prevent closures 100%. To my knowledege, a variable causes a closure. How does Mootools itself prevents javascript closure? I think my friend is saying that Mootools' functions are closure-safe functions. Any suggestions? ...

Why are custom events not working for me? (Mootools)

I've been learning Mootools, but I'm having problems firing custom events. I'm sure it must be something simple, but I can't see it for the life of me. I wrote a simple class to nudge some list items using Fx.Tween. It works perfectly, except that the custom events aren't being triggered, no matter what I try. <script type="text/javasc...

mootools 1.1.1 scrollto element with class name ... anything like jquery?

I get the impression mootools will do this, but in a roundabout way. I am working with livevalidation script. What I want to achieve is when the from runs and errors are generated then the page will scroll to the first error found. This will be outputted as: <span class=" LV_validation_message LV_invalid">Can't be empty!</span> with...

Jquery Tools and Mootols Conflict

I am trying to make a jquery tool tip to open up a link in a mootools lightbox. Can you please help me... Here is my Code: Header <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns=""&gt; <script language="javascript" typ...

How does one get access to the Flash object's vars in IE?

Is there a way in IE Browsers to access the Flash object? In this case it is made with mootools swiff. It´s working fine in all other browsers, because they can wrap this object correctly. But it does not work in IE. Here is the script: var swfObj = $('mbImage').getElement('object'); swfObj.get('data'); <--- Thats not working in IE ...

Access <body> tag properties from form found in mediaboxAdvanced lightbox.

I am building my portfolio website simply using HTML, Flash, and the Mootools Javascript framework. I have decided to implement a theme changing feature using Javascript and cookies. When the user clicks on the "Change Theme" link, a mediaboxAdvanced lightbox appears, containing a real-time form which allows you to change the theme on th...

Mootools in Rails

For my client side development I use MooTools primarily, I have also just recently started learning rails. What is the best method of using Mootools in rails pages? Just adding my code inline like I would any other server side language? Or is there a better and cleaner way to do things? Basically I'm asking the most conventional way of ...

MooTools events not firing in IE8

I have a Mootools asset created like so: // Create a new asset var asset = new Asset.image(path, { title:, events: {click:, link)}, }); I have a method of a MooTools object defined as such: download: function(e) { // The path to download console.log('download: ' + e); },...

text editor for jquery ,dojo,mootools

I need a text editor that supports cross platform JavaScript languages such as jQuery or MooTools. I do not mean a rich text editor. I'm looking for an "intellisense" text editor to develop in those languages. ...

Mootools 1.2.4 delegation not working in IE8...?

Hey there everybody-- So I have a listbox next to a form. When the user clicks an option in the select box, I make a request for the related data, returned in a JSON object, which gets put into the form elements. When the form is saved, the request goes thru and the listbox is rebuilt with the updated data. Since it's being rebuilt I...

need to use mootools for simple script instead of jquery... how?

i have a script in jquery (that grabs a value from a select field and transfers it to an input field) that i need to do in mootools...i love jquery... mootools i dont know... not having much luck... here is the code: <select size="1" class="inputbox select " id="producers" name="producers"> <option selected="selected" value="">-...

Mootools Fade effect for Joomla Tabs

Hi, I am trying to use the TabsManager for Joomla from Gavick. I am using the fourth example. But instead of the slide effect for navigating to different tabs, I am trying to use the FADE effects to show the tab contents. I have no idea how to do this in mootools. The javascript source file is

mootools 1.11 .setHTML not working in IE

Hello, I am trying to make a form dynamic using mootools 1.11, for specific reasons I cannot upgrade atm. I'm trying to manipulate a select field to have dynamic options. This works in Firefox & Chrome but not IE8. Hope there's a fix for this. bits of the code: myOptions(hrs+1, 23, 'uur'); $('vertrektijd_uur').setHTML('<option value=...

MooTools Classes and JsDoc

I have the following Moo class: Nem.Ui.Window = new Class({ Implements: [Options, Events], options: { caption: "Ventana", icon: $empty, centered: true, id: $empty, width: $empty, height: $empty, modal: false, desktop: $empty, ...

Streamlining my javascript with a function

i have a series of select lists, that i am using to populate text boxes with ids. so you click a select option and another text box is filled with its id. with just one select/id pair this works fine, but i have multiples, and the only thing that changes is the id of the select and input.. in fact just the ending changes, the inputs all...

Emulate domready event with a custom event (mootools)

I need to fire a one time only custom event that functions like the domready event, in that if new events are added after the event has occurred they are fired immediately. This is for some code that cannot execute until certain data and resources are initialized, so I want to do something like this: // I am including a script (loadRes...

tween or morph many elements based on css class selector using mootools?

how do i tween/morph the height of many elements at once selected by css class selector using mootools? thanks :) ...

Accomplishing This Style of Drop-Down Menus in jQuery

I was browsing the web and found this site. I noticed how the nav bar drop-down works, and I want to implement something similar on my website. Afer going into the source code of the page, I found that those drop-down areas are contained in divs with class fOut. It turns out that this is being done with MooTools. Here is the script its...