
Mootools element returning null

I have this HTML/PHP <input name="add to list" class='fncAdd' id='moodal_close' value="add to list" onclick="cajaxUpdateCartProduct('<?= $value->id ?>', 'quantity_<?= $value->id ?>', '<?= $this->sitePfx ?>/cart/');" type="button"> In my javascript I have $('moodal_close').addEvent('click', function(){ alert("1"); }); In...

MooTools Problem in IE with Request

I have this class method in a mootools class: getData : function(){ var r = new Request.JSON({ url : this.container.getAttribute('data-url'), method : 'post', onSuccess : function(j){ = j; this.prepareQuiz(); }.bind(this) }).send(); }, In any browser aside from IE this works fine, but in IE...

DOM Element Width before Appended to DOM

I'm sure the answer is no, but is it possible to determine the width of an element before it is appended to the DOM? Once it's appended, I know I can use offsetWidth and offsetHeight. Thanks ...

update the row using ajax in cakephp

hi to all i am using cakephp in my project. in this at one section i need to update the particular row onclick of the image. using ajax. i used mootools as javascript library. so please help me how could i do this. thanks in advance ...

mootools add an id

Is there a method like toggleClass() for and ID in mootools? ...

Highlight row of form when input is focussed

I have the following piece of Mootools 1.11 code (not upgradable as this is within Joomla), which I want to highlight the form row, when an item within it is focussed. However, this doesn't work. I need to know how to access the parent div of the form item. window.addEvent('domready', function() { var list = $$('#ChronoContact_lenso...

jquery slideshow

I'm using a slideshow script in my site. I'm new to javascript. I want one thing. When i put the mouse over a slide, it should pause on the picture, and not keep changing. I'm using mootools. Slideshow link var gallery = { initialize: function(element, options) { this.setOptions({ showArrows: true, ...

Multiple jQuery.noConflict() instances...

I am working with several jQuery scripts that include a MenuFader (, twitter feed, and timestamp. Additionally I have a couple Mootools scripts that include the Barackslideshow ( And finally I have a scrolling ticker with toolti...

Form tips with jquery or other library

This is a form validation for jquery: I need something like that but the tips has to appear when I select the input text form by clicking on it and has to dissapear when I select another input text form. Is there a way to do this with jq...

How do I stop events from bubbling/multiple events with animated mouseovers?

I noticed a lot of JQuery answers on this, but I'm using MooTools... I have a Table of Contents which uses CSS Fixed positioning to keep it off to the left side, except for 20 pixels. The user hovers their cursor over the 20 pixels, which fires the DIV's mouseover event and the ToC slides fully into the page. When the cursor leaves, the...

mootools get data of child element of li?

Hi there, I am trying to get some information of a child element of an li using mootools, essentially my html looks like this, <li><a href="/home" id="home" class="nav-link">Home</a></li> I am wanting to be able get the id, class and href of the a tag using mootools, so far my javascript looks similar to this, $$('.rate').each(f...

Zend and mootools

Hi There, I am trying to write a commenting system with Zend and Mootools, basically mootools provides and modalbox and Zend processes the comment etc. My issue is that I cannot get the ID of the post that the user is commenting on to move from Javscript to PHP. I think it is because the Modal window is an iFrame essentially. Below is...

UTF-8 BOM in php response to mootools xmlhttprequest

Hi, I'm writing my first little AJAX-enabled Joomla component. I'm using mootools. I got a xmlhttprequest to contact my Joomla component, and the component returns a response - just plain text echoed by php, like echo 'Hello World!'; It's all working fine, except wireshark tells me that the response is prepended with \357\273\277\35...

Does className exist in Mootools ?

Hi, I want to update this very simple JS to Mootools 1.2 and it's not easy. This function : function changeclass(x){ document.getElementById("content").className = "ziclass0"; document.getElementById("content").className = "ziclass" + x; } is triggered in the DOM by : <div id="someclass"...

How to get this.grandparent() functionality in Mootools?

I have built a class in Mootools and extended it twice, such that there is a grandparent, parent, and child relationship: var SomeClass1 = new Class({ initialize: function() { // Code }, doSomething: function() { // Code } }); var SomeClass2 = new Class({ Extends: SomeClass1, initialize: function() { this.parent...

MooTools accordion won't collapse nested float in chrome&ie

While firefox manages, ie and chrome refuse to collapse the div any further than the height of the picture. Additionally (but minor), ie (properly?) wraps the text around the picture, while firefox for some reason i can't figure out has the text seem to float right. Thanks for any help! The javascript: window.addEvent('domready', func...

Mootools Javascript can't push to array

I have an array set with the heights of each hidden div, but when I use it, the div instantly jumps down, rather than slowly sliding as when there is a literal number. EDIT: testing seems to reveal that it's a problem with the push method, as content_height.push(item.getElement('.moreInfo').offsetHeight);alert(content_height[i]);gives...

Custom widgets using MooTools on Django Admin pages

I have a custom widget that I would like to make available to a Django Admin page. This is easily implemented using the formfield_overrides attribute of a ModelAdmin subclass, and using the Media child class, I can define the necessary JavaScript and CSS for this widget. This works rather well. The only issue is that my custom widget req...

Accordion nonfunctional in Opera

While working as expected in all other browsers, opera refuses to tween the height of content. oddly enough, as i sat annoyed rapidly clicking it over and over again, if it's closed, and you select some text, and keep clicking the same spot long enough, sometimes it pops open. lol. seriously. ahh, it seems to sometimes open the first t...

Make two <div> same height with mootools 1.12

How to make two with same height with mootools 1.12 when there are images in the second one which doesn't have set attribute "height" in their code? <div id="box-1"></div> <div id="box-2"> <img src="..." /> <img src="..." /> <img src="..." /> </div> ...