
move text from one div to another with javascript or mootools

Hi, I have two divs. I would like to move/populate the text from div id one to div id two using an onclick event. I am wondering how to do this? and also whether mootools can be used to accomplish the task or whether simple javascript is only necessary? <script type="text/javascript" src="js/mootools.js"></script> <script type="text/j...

How to remove JQuery from the Window/make the GC take it.

I have a page, when loaded it does some stuff with JQ. In the next phase I want to load mootools and remove all JQ stuff, to avoid collisions and to avoid memory leaking. I am not giving you the all picture (to simplify the question), but assume I am not doing something stupid here, and it needs to be done how I am asking it. ...

MooTools Sortables with horizontal list having problems

I am having problems sorting list items using the Sortables class when the list items are displayed horizontally. Removing this style fixed everything: display: inline Created an example on jsfiddle. This works. Check the stylesheet for .countries li - it does not display the list inline - This does not wor...

mootools accordion styling problem

I just built my first mootools accordion, but it is adding a lot of inline styles which is just ruining my UI. I can set up a inline style with !important keyword but it will just make my css maintenance a nightmare. any ideas how to get rid of the inline styles It is just this <script language="javascript"> window.addEvent('domread...

Rotating images + content - jQuery or MooTools?

I've found a feature on two different websites that I'd like to include on one of my web projects, but I can't figure out how they're doing it. I think they're using either jQuery or mootools, but I'm not sure. I'm new here so I don't have the reputation to post the other link, but if you do ...

Firefox redirect response on xhr request

Suppose we have the xhr 'POST' request that returns 'redirect' status code. In that case browser is sending additional xhr 'GET' by the given URL. I am not sure who is doing that call chain: browser itself or js library(using MooTools). The problem is that the second 'GET' request is not recognized as xhr by the server: It doesn't have...

Javascript: Do processing when user has stopped typing

I have a text box on a web page, whose value I want to send to a XMLHttpRequest. Now I want the user to just type the value, without pressing a button. But If i just send the request int he keyboard events, it will fire every time a key is pressed. So basically I want something liek this function KeyUpEvent() { if (user is still typi...

How to make radio button options dependent on other radio button choices using Mootools?

I have a form where there are 6 items, each of which can be ranked from 1-6 in order of importance. Here's a screenshot. Basically, I need to set it up so that if one item gets a ranking of 3 (for example), then "3" becomes disabled for all the other items. Therefore, the user should only be able to select a number that hasn't alrea...

How do I extend in my class a Dom element, in mootools

I want to create a Class, say MyDiv, which inherits from the original DOM DIV element. Later in my code I would like to use it like that: $('a-container').adopt(new MyDiv('my own set of params')); I am missing the exact syntax to do it. ...

Cross-browser drop shadows and rounded corners using mootools

I've seen a number of drop-shadow/rounded corner scripts out there that either use a canvas element to implement a shadow (ie liquidcanvas) or append a parent-element that wraps a div and emulates border-radius with a ton of DOM junk. Many of these scripts have been ported to jQuery, but I can't seem to find one that works using mootool...

how to attach onclick event to an array of elements (mootools)

Is there a syntax for the following thing: $$('.a-lot-of-elems').addEvent('someevent',somefunction); ...

MooTools Tween in percent

Is it possible to tween an element in percent in MooTools? var slide = new Fx.Tween($('slide_box')); $('next_slide').addEvent('click',function(){ slide.start('left', '-100%'); }); But this code tween an element by 100px, not in percent. ...

mootools slideshow not working with JQuery. Need help !

I am working on a site where i just impemented mootools slideshow. But I noticed that menubar that i was using stopped working, it was supposed to drop horizontaly but it is not being displayed now. I have used jquery for it. Please see the source of the web page. What can be the problem ? Mootools conflicting with j...

mootools hash() in jquery?

Hi, I have been using mootools for a year now. I need to use jquery for my new projects. I always used hash() to make namespaces for my functions in mootools. For example, var person = new Hash({ say_name: function(){ }, say_age: function(){ } }); Does Jquery has similar stuff? ...

online utility to convert jquery syntax to mootools syntax

Is there any online utility to convert jquery syntax to mootools syntax? Is there any guideline to convert jquery to mootools? ...

jQuery: Open File Upload window by pressing a link or image.?

Is this possible to open a File Upload window when clicking on a image or link. (like what exactly in the <input type="file" name="upload" />). ...

Js (+Mootools) - Why my script use over 60% of processor?

On this site - LINK - i need to use 3 banner scrollers (2x vertical + 1x horizontal). I've tried to do it in flash, but then everyone web browsers shut down, or suspended. Now i want to do it in JS (i use mootools). All data come from MySQL. Here's the complete code (even if you don't know mootools, You should understand it) global $wpd...

Mootools set radio button checked

Hi i have 2 radio buttons and i used mootool while loading as window.addEvent('domready', function() { var chk="1"; if(chk==1){ $('edit-gender-0').set('checked',true); } else if(chk==2){ $('edit-gender-1').set('checked',true); } but its not working at all. any one help me will be more appreciated... and anyother s...

ssl security information on internet explorer 6

Hi all, I dont want that my webpage show security information about this page contains both secure and nonsecure... this only happen in ie6, i am testing with the program ietester. I know that the problem is in file mootools-1.11-uncompressed.js in this line if(!$("ie_ready")){var C=(window.location.protocol=="https:")?"://0":"javascr...

How can I get the size of a file using JavaScript (preferably using MooTools 1.2)?

How can I get the size of a file using JavaScript (preferably using MooTools 1.2)? ...