
vim + iterm: how to use mouse for everything EXCEPT selection?

Ok, have a very specific setup question. I'm using Mac OS X, iTerm, and vim. I really like using my mouse for clicking tabs in normal mode, scrolling in normal mode etc. (e.g. I already have the mouse working within iTerm/vim). However, I dislike using visual mode for selecting. I just want to use OS X selection not vim's visual select...

Check if Mouse LButton is down?

Hi, How do I check if the Left button of my mouse is currently pressed down/dragging something(I preffer the first possibility). I tried Mouse.IsDraging,but no result. NOTE: I handle mouse messages in my application so its no problem if its a WM,just share a way to accomplish my task. ...

Use a mouse for non-mouse input

So the question I have today has to do with interfacing with a USB mouse plugged into a linux machine. However, I don't want the mouse to have any traditional effect on the X environment -- I just want to be able utilize the encoders embedded within it through raw input. So here's my question. How can I obtain low level but meaningful...

A small javascript library for cross platform mouse handling?

Is there a library that gives me a stable API upon which to handle mouse input for Javascript? All I wan't is mouse handling, but if tjere is a great library that doesn't affect other things too much thats also ok. ...

what is standard user mouse speed range, on which GUI web-developer can rely?

As you know, browsers generate events depending on mouse speed (sometimes failing to generate, if mouse speed is too high). Are there any research - on which speed should any application be optimized and on which - should not? ...

OnMouseMove and mouse laging

Hi! I want move control in another control. It's very simple code private void ControlThumb_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { m_offSet = Control.MousePosition; ((Control)sender).Capture = true; } } private void ControlThum...

Getting the face of a cube.

I want to calculate which face on a cube has been clicked. I've got the mouse to 3D down, and I can draw things, in 3D, at the mouse's position. All I need to do now is calculate WHAT face of a cube is being touched. EG. I have a function, when I pass the size, position and mouse position to it, it returns the face. Top, bottom, left, ...

How to detect the mouse state in Qt without a MouseEvent

Okay, using Qt, I'd like to know how to detect the current state of the mouse at any point in time - without a MouseEvent. Using QCursor::pos(), you can get its position, but is there a way to determine the current state of the buttons? Basically, I'm looking to verify the state of the mouse when a timer goes off, so it won't be relate...

I want to use Robot class in java applet for web browser. will it move and click mouse

I have created this applet, It moves mouse to 1000 pos on screen.It works as application but it does not work in applet. I have created signed applet but still it wont move mouse. What should i do to make my robot class work from browser . import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Robot; import java.awt.AWTEx...

WPF Checkbox control don´t react to MouseLeftButtonDown event

I have the following XAML code: <Grid Background="Blue"> <Grid MouseLeftButtonDown="Grid_MouseLeftButtonDown"> <CheckBox MouseLeftButtonDown="CheckBox_MouseLeftButtonDown_1"></CheckBox> </Grid> </Grid> When i click the checkbox with the mouse left button, the declared event is not fired. Can anyone have an ...

How to track cursor position efficiently in Java?

The effect I've been trying to create is that the mouse cursor icon changes whenever the mouse enters a certain zone on a JPanel, and switches to default whenever it leaves the zone. I'm using the MouseMoved feature in the MouseMotionListener class, which whenever the mouse moves over the JPanel verifies if the coordinates correspond to ...

How can I avoid the overflow when wheel scolling WPF DataGrid

When I use the mouse wheel to scroll the WPF Toolkit DataGrid on a Vista 64 Machine I get a cryptic low level error: at System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(IntPtr value) at System.Windows.Interop.HwndMouseInputProvider.FilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled) at System.Windows.Interop.HwndSour...

jbutton.doClick() clicks the buttons but does not perform the function

I have a jbutton which performs a function when clicked on by mouse. For doing this programatically I have this other function void clickButton(){ backButton.doClick(); } When I run the clickButton() function I can see the backButton being pressed on the jFrame but the function associated with backButton does not happen. When I...

Javascript: How to measure the milliseconds between mousedown and mouseup?

Looks like you can't call setInterval() from the onMouseDown event handler. I tried, didn't work. By John Resig's explanation, this makes sense: So is there any way to measure the difference between the mouse button gets depressed and when it gets released? ...

VC# Multiple Mouse

How can i seperately get x,y coordinates and events of multiple mouse attached to the system and identify the mouse uniquely in winforms. What about muliple keyboards as well NOTE: i am not taking about multiple cursors... all i am taking about is some hook which tells me that i have mouse 1 & moise 2 attached to the system and will ...

Injecting Mouse Input in WPF Applications

I've been working on injecting input into a WPF application. What makes this project hard is that I need to be able to inject the input into the application even though it's running in the background (i.e. another application has the input focus). Using the SendInput() function is therefore out of the question. So far, I've got keyboard...

Subscribing to mouse events of all controls in form

How can i easily catch the "mouse down" events of all the controls in a form, without manually subscribing to each and every event? (C#) Something like the "KeyPreview" feature, but for the mouse events. ...

Which API can be used to _capture_ the mouse when moving OS X "Carbon" windows?

On request I have implemented support for moving an OS X window by dragging it using an area within the content part of the window, i.e replicating the drag and move functionality of the title bar but in another area. The problem I have yet to resolve is the fact that if the user drags the mouse quickly it can leave the window area and...

WPF: OnMouseLeftButtonDown not called

I'm creating a control which is derived from Panel. When mouse is clicked on one of the children it gets the OnMouseLeftButtonDown overriden method called. When mouse is clicked on the control itself, there is no event. How come? ...

How to Set mouse cursor position to a specified point on screen in C#?

How to Set mouse cursor position to a specified point on screen in C#? am i must hacke the motherboard buffer that receive the mouse and keyboard coordinates and presses ??? is there another one to do clicks or i am imagine ??? ...