
How to get mouse position related to desktop in WPF?

Problem When you search for such question using google you get a lot of hits but all solutions assume you have at least one window. But my question is just like I phrased it -- not assumptions at all. I can have a window, but I could have zero windows (because I didn't even show one or I just closed the last one). So in short the solut...

C# Programmatic Mouse Movement/Clicks

I want to create... basically a macro program. After you click record, it keeps track of all mouse (and maybe eventually keyboard) activity. Then you can save it, and play it, and the mouse should move and click in the same spots that it did when you were recording it. I know how to grab global mouse events, but I don't know how to make...

C#, DeviceIOControl: How to control mouse using it?

Hello, Does anybody could explain me how to use it to perform mouse input in driver level? I would like to know how to perform mouse (particular button) down/down/press events, also how to do move mouse and, finally, how scroll (horizontaly/verticaly) with mouse? I have already used SendInput, SendMessage and even MouseKeys (Windows a...

linux: dual mice - multiple mice with multiple mouse pointers?

is it possible to use more then one mouse in Linux so that there's two pointers controlled by two mice? or can i get raw data like x,y from a second mouse even if there's no pointer? ...

mouseenter issue

Hi all, I have a problem using the .mouseenter() method on a div. The initial mouseenter event is triggered when the mouse enters the div. However as soon as the mouse enters a child, the mouseleave events is triggered. I was expecting the mouseleave to be triggered ONLY when the mouse goes effectively outside the div area and not ALSO ...

C# Block mouse movement

Possible Duplicates: how to Make the Mouse Freeze c# How can I block keyboard and mouse input in C#? I'm making a mouse macro program, and I already have the core mostly worked out. It would be nice, though, if I could temporarily block the user from using the mouse while the macro is playing... is this possible in C#? ED...

Getting the correct mouse position in SFML with OpenGL

My problem is related to getting the correct mouse co-ordinates from SFML while using OpenGL. Basically I am making a polygon rotate on the Z axis to look at the current cursor position. You can also move the polygon around the screen with the WASD keys. If the polygon stays in the center of the screen everything works great, but my p...

Apple Events to Control Mouse Remotely

Hey, I'm not even sure where to begin with this question... I want to be able to send mouse-click events to another machine, as if the user had clicked on that machine. I can do it on the same machine via: CGEventSourceRef source = CGEventSourceCreate(NULL); CGEventType eventType = kCGEventLeftMouseDragged; CGPoint mouseCursorPosi...

How can I get a TabPage from a TabControl based on a Point?

Surely this has got to be easy; I'm just not having any luck with it. How would I get the TabPage of a given TabControl whose tab contains a given Point? For example, if I'm handling the MouseUp event and I want to know which tab the mouse was over when it was released. I tried GetChildAtPoint, but that seems to always return the first...

Cyanogen cursor access

I'm currently working on a Synergy (, port to the android phone. I have keystrokes working -- I'm writing the key events to /dev/uinput. However I have been unsuccessful in getting the mouse cursor to show up. I've tried writing a mouse move by writing an EV_REL input_event...