
How to create a reusable toggle button in AS3?

I'm trying to make the code below reusable. I need multiple toggle buttons in my flash project. Right now the code below works on one button. If I continue and create more buttons, and follow the format below, I would need to create separate functions for each button. I would like to put the reusable code in a separate ActionScript file...

NotifyIcon.BalloonTipClicked event and mouse buttons

I've got a NotifyIcon that signals downloadable application updates. I want the download page to open on a Left Click on the NotifyIcon and on a Left Click on the NotifyIcon balloon (on screen for 10 seconds). However, when I handle the BalloonTipClicked event I can't figure out if it was a Left or a Right click. Thus, while the balloon...

Flash, using Event.ENTER_FRAME or movieclip?

I want to create an endless loop, 8 items moving in a circular shape. When you roll over of each item, it will stop the moving, and you should be able to click it. I dont know what should I use, should I use Event.ENTER_FRAME or the circular shape should be in movie clip, so that when there is a mouse over event, it will stop moving? I ...

Get Firefox mouse event on onbeforeunload when it doesn't exist???

Hi all, so the onbeforeunload event doesn't have mouse information, so how do I get mouse XY? I am trying to know if the user clicked the close buttom on the browser to log them out right away (20minutes of session is too long for resource, but, we will not shorten it to make customer angry). On IE, I can simply access mouse info to fi...

How can I forward mouse events to a different element

How can I have have one element forward the mouse events to another element? I would like to simulate a margin that forwards events to the content. In the following example, r1 is the margin and r2 is the content. <DockPanel> <Rectangle DockPanel.Dock='Left' Name="r1" MouseLeftButtonDown="r1Down"/> <Rectangle Name="r2" MouseLeftButton=...

How to prevent the middle-button from opening a new tab in the browser?

I have a group of links on a page. when the user clicks a link it triggers an asynchronous request and a content area on the page is updated with the response html. This works fine, except for if the user clicks the link with the 'middle-button' (or mouse wheel, whatever it's called!). Then a new tab opens and the response gets returned...

How can java.awt.Robot be made to respond to mouse drag events?

I'm writing a class that will allow users on other computers to control the contents of a JPanel, for use in a shared display system. java.awt.Robot will allow me to perform mouse clicks and keyboard input, but it does not have a mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt) method. My client has clientMouseReleased (and Pressed) methods as part of a Mo...

jQuery: ajax event

OK here is my code $("#content_Div").ajaxStart(function () { $(this).css('cursor', 'wait') }).ajaxComplete(function () { $(this).css('cursor', 'default') }); this is a fairly simple problem: on ajaxStart the cursor immediately changes to the (wait)hourglass but on ajaxComplete it doesnt change back to defalut untill you move t...

cocoa mousedown on a window and mouse up in another

Hello, I am developping a Cocoa application and I have a special need. In my main window, when I mouse down on a certain area, a new window (like a complex tooltip) appears. I want to be able to do: - mouse down on the main window (mouse button stay pressed) - user moves the mouse on the "tooltip" window and mouseup on it. My issue is...

How to specify a full click in Python Tkinter

The following python line will bind the method "click" to the event when the user presses the mouse button while the pointer is on the widget; no matter where the pointer is when she releases the button. self.bind('<Button-1>', If I use "ButtonRelease" instead of "Button" in the code, it seems that the method "click" will b...

What's the difference between CellClick and CellMouseClick?

Is it only in the event arguments that get passed into the event handler? i know you can get which button made the click in the mouse event, but is that the only difference? ...

Is it possible to work out where in a p's text a mouse click event occurred?

I have a <p> containing text. When the <p> is clicked on, I create a <textarea> containing the text from the <p>. Is it possible to calculate where in the <p>'s text the click occurred, and move the <textarea>'s cursor to that same point? ...

How do I implement a double-right-click for winforms?

This question seems to point to the existence of a windows event for a double-right-click. How to implement it in a C# windows form, however, is less than clear. What's the best way to implement double-right-click on a control such as a button? (I'm thinking I must use MouseDown and keep track of the time between clicks. Is there a bet...

How can I attach custom behaviour to a double click in jsTree?

I'm using the jsTree jQuery plugin and want to execute code when the user double clicks a node. I can't seem to get it to work. I found some documentation on a ondblclk event but it doesn't fire. browser.jstree( { plugins: ["themes", "json_data", "ui", "cookies"], callback: ...

Mouse events with Qt

Hi, I'm trying to implement some kind of drag and drop feature between two widgets with Qt 4.5. So I've reimplemented the mouse events methods to do what my program is supposed to do when I press the mouse button on the first widget and move the cursor & release the button on the second one. Problem is: after the pressEvent on the firs...

Move active element loses mouseout event in internet explorer

In a library I am using I have the task of moving an element to the front of the dom when it is hovered over. (I make it bigger so I need to see it, then shrink it back when mouse out). The library I am using has neat solution which uses appendChildren on the active element to move it to the end its parent so further towards the end of ...

C# Mouse handling / forms

So I'm new to C# and have done a few gamey projects as learning exercises. One I'm currently doing is a sort of practice run at an RTS. It's VERY basic stuff. I have a commandbutton that builds tanks; said tanks are instances of a class that contains a picturebox. Said tanks can be moved around by left clicking anywhere on the form wh...

How to capture mouse click with javascript when the mouse has moved between mousedown and mouseup

Hi, I am building a website with a scrolling javascript time line, using code from this tutorial. There is a demo to go with the tutorial here. My problem is as follows: if the user clicks on the timeline to drag it, and they happen to click on a link, then when the mouse button is released, the browser interprets that as a click on ...

Need Multiple JPanel's to respond its own mouse click events.

I have multiple JPanels on my application, however I cannot figure out how to detect which exactly which one was clicked. In my MouseListener, I have the argument e but my method isn't working Early in my code I declare multiple JPanels and a listener object. PuzzleListener plist = new PuzzleListener(); JPanel puzzle_board = ...

IE6 and IE7 onMouseout event toElement problem for dropdown

I have a div#dropdownCont with onmouseout and onmouseover listeners attached via: domTarget.attachEvent('onmouseout', function(e){hideDropDown(e);}); domTarget.attachEvent('onmouseover', function(e){showDropDown(e);}); The dropdown works like this -- when mouseover event happens, the div#dropdownCont expands downwards as its childnode...