
Mouseover/mouseenter not fired by browser on animated/moving element

If you have an element that has an animation to move it around, the mouseover and mouseenter events aren't fired unless the mouse is moved by the user. To demonstrate try the block of code below with jQuery. If you put your mouse in front of the moving div so you're not moving the mouse when the div passes by then the mouseover isn't f...

Weird mouseover behavior in Chrome?

We have a heading element styled as: <div class="sidebarHeadingFont">Operation</div> .sidebarHeadingFont {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans serif; font-size:10pt; font-weight:bold; color: #003366; } In Chrome when you put your mouse over this element the font size increases (making the width of the element bigger) and the color cha...

how to change image inside <p> tag on mouse over through jquery

my code- <td> <p align="justify" id="prodetail"><img src="images/PostQuote.png" id="protext">Airspot recently realeases a revolutionary wireless router that can help your WiFi router go social.<br> <a href="linkpage.htm" align="right">more...</a></p> </td> I have some links on mouse over of links I am changing the ...

jqplot changes the color of graph on mouse hover

jqplot changes the color of the fill when mouse hovers... I want to remove that effect.. How ?? here is the options used. : var options={ series: [{ neighborThreshold: -1, shadowAngle:0, shadowOffset:2.5, shadowAlpha:.05, ...

mouse over popup sometime creating problem

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns="" dir="ltr"> <head> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <style type="text/css"> .user-bg { backgro...

Javascript Pop-Up when Mouse Hovers toward Browser Bar/Back Button

Hello, I would like to imitate this exact feature on this page. (Move mouse toward the top browser bar) I guess all i need to know is how to create the hovering mouse action, the rest I should be able to handle myself. Any tutorials...