
Change background color on mouseover and remove it after mouseout

I have table which class is forum. My jquery code: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('.forum').bind("mouseover", function(){ var color = $(this).css("background-color"); $(this).css("background", "#380606"); $(this).bind("mouseout", function(){ ...

JavaScript is not able to convince the mouse to change its cursor

I have an ASP.NET page with an Infragistics webgrid on it. I handle the mouseover, mouseout events over the rows of the grid in a couple methods in Javascript to change the mouse cursor to the pointer and back to the default as they mouse over rows. I also toggle the color of the mouse-over'd row. When I run the page in debug locally, i...

C# : WPF Mouse Over

Hi, I need to create a WPF application , which contains two windows.. the window1 contains a button. i need to show the second window when the cursor is over the button in first window [ Like tooltip ] . if the mouse leaves, the second window should close.. I'm new to WPF. can any one help me with a sample code ...

jQuery : How to create a jQuery hover function?

I want to create two functions what fades in and out an element. This is what I have done so far, but the problem with this is that if you move the mouse while you are in the hovered element it starts vibrating :| How should I make it to not vibrate and work correctly? <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function hov...

jquery mouse out and mouse leave problem

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns="" dir="ltr"> <head> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> </head> <body> <div id="popupContact" ...

Open a popup during mouseover of listbox textblock

Photosuru has a neat effect - when you mouseover the thumbnail image a popup opens showing the image enlarged. I am trying to get this to work on a listbox, similar to a tooltip, I need to mouseover an item and have the popup open. The problem, the popup only shows the item selected in the listbox. I tried looking through Photosuru code ...

CSS Drop Down Menu is hesitating before opening up

On this page here: The mouseovers on the main horizontal navigation bar do not always open up when you mouseover the main link. Is there something I can do to make it work everytime? The CSS is a bit embarrassing, I'm still learning. thanks ...

How to remove default mouse-over effect on WPF buttons?

Hi All, My problem is that in WPF, whenever I try and change the colour of a button's background using triggers or animations, the default mouseover effect (of being grey with that orange glow) seems to take priority. After extensive searches I'm clueless as to how to remove this effect. Any help? Thanks, Neil ...

Mouseover event filter for a PyQT Label

I've been trying to convert the example here to work with a simple label. Here's the code: class mouseoverEvent(QtCore.QObject): def __init__(self, parent): super(mouseoverEvent, self).__init__(parent) def eventFilter(self, object, event): if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.MouseMove: print "mousemove...

jquery: mouseout applies to nested elements

ul with links nested in a div layer. mouse pointer goes over .title, ul is shown. the problem: mouseout() applies to nested elements mouseout() is for the div <div> <a class="title">Section A</a> <ul> <li><a href=''>link 1</a></li> <li><a href=''>link 2</a></li> <li><a href=''>link 3</a></li> ...

mouseover parent = find() child id name

when mouseover #divlayer, find() id of child span <div id="divlayer"> <p>title</p> <span id="apple">apple</span> <span id="orange">orange</span> <span id="kiwi">kiwi</span> </div> $('span').hide(); $('#divlayer').mouseover(function(){ $('span').show(); $(this).find(???).attr('id'...

Jquery mouseover image on image with a link

Hello, I read quite a bit and I am trying to find a solution which does this: When you move your mouse over on any of the product images, a button appears which is a href link. Clicking on that button opens an overlay box. I plan to use thickbox for that. My issue is trying to figure out how to use Jquery to show that image when the...

jquery: stop function immediately

when mouseover .down, the div layer slides down when mouseover .up, the div layer slides up If the mouse goes over .b, how do I get the div to slide down without having to wait for the div layer to slide up first? basically kill the previous function immediately <a href="#" class="down">Slide Down</a> <a href="#" class="up">Slide Up<...

Disable Visual Studio (ReSharper?) editor tooltips?

When I mouseover a method in my line of code, VS2010 shows a tooltip that tells me information about the signature and documentation of the method. How can I disable these tooltips (maybe ReSharper is showing them?)? ...

Catching mouseover on whitespaces in a div

How to catch mouseover event on whitespaces (blanks between text words) in a div? The div can contain html also. ...

Multiple mouseovers links changing a separate DIV Content

I have five links that I want to change the content in the same separate DIV. There's different content corresponding to each link. On the mouseleave, I need the default text to return inside the separate DIV. Has anyone already done this or can guide me? I prefer jquery. Thanks! ...

Changing text from separate links

I am trying to change the content inside a DIV from separate links when mouseover. The content is different with each link. I wanted the default content in the DIV to appear with mouseleave. I'm having trouble to figure this out with jquery. Can anyone point me in the right direction or have an example to help. I figured out how to...

Change CSS background image position of DIV from a separate link MOUSEOVER?

Is it possible to change CSS position of a background image with a DIV ("omega") from a separate link ("alpha") with a MOUSEOVER? <a class="omega" href="#"></a> <div id="alpha"></div> ...

Mouseovers on image maps in IE8

I'm having a problem with IE (who isn't) executing my javascript. Are there any known issues with attaching mouseovers to image maps in IE8? I'm not seeing any similar posts. For instance, here is the HTML in one of my pages: <map name="Map" id="Map"> <area shape="poly" coords="2,575,389,637,388,19,1,74" alt="Main Page" onmouseover="...

In Javascript, how to get the current id of the div where mouse pointer is?

How to get the id of the div on which the mouse is currently pointing? ...