
How to attach to the jQuery Autocomplete plugin's mouse events?

My problem is this: I need to update some text in a div with the value of what the mouse pointer is hovering over in the autocomplete drop down list. Can it be done easily, or do I have to make fundamental changes to the Autocomplete plugin? I am using the jQuery Autocomplete plugin version 1.1 by Jörn Zaefferer. Any and all help will...

Hide / show content via CSS:hover (or JS if need be)

I have the following html: <li> <span class="one">Stuff here</span> <span class="two">More stuff</span> </li> .one { display: block; } .two { display: none; } What is the easiest method, preferably CSS only, to hide one and show two when the mouse rolls over the <li> container. If this cannot be done via CSS and only Javascript, I w...

Remove an event and setting it again

Hello. I have a mouseover and a mouseout event on a menu, that shows/hides a drop down menu. This drop down menu has some other menu items, and I wish to (when clicked) to remove the mouse out event on the target that showed the menu. But once another target is clicked I wish to enable this event again. I hope I explained it well. Thi...

jQuery and executing code until mouseout is called

Good day all, I am tasked with building a slider for our site. Here is my goal: <div id="abc"> <div id="slider">...</div> </div> I need to move "slider" left 30px at a time when a button is hovered over, and right 30px when another button is hovered over. My problem is that there doesn't seem to be a reliable method for telling the...

[jQuery] Any HTML tags inside of tooltip cause basic tooltip to close on hover.

Hi. I'm new to jQuery, in fact any kind of AJAX / JavsScript (although not new to PHP, xHTML and CSS). Anyway I'm trying to achieve a "tooltip-like" effect, where I can hover over a div...the new div fades in above it and then when I exit the div the "tooltip" fades out. So here's the basic jQuery I've managed to scrap together readin...

Why does my NSWindow only receive mouseOver events the first time?

I have an application where a borderless window is shown and hidden, using orderOut and orderFront. When it is visible, I want the it to become the key window when the mouse moves over it. So far I've done this: In awakeFromNib I have set its first responder to itself. In the window's constructor I set accepts mouse events to YES. In t...

What's the best way to tell if the mouse is over a form or not?

I figured out how to capture mouse clicks over the entire form, but this method doesn't translate well for MouseEnter and MouseLeave. My form layout is made up from many Panels and TableLayoutPanels so there's no all-encompassing control I can monitor events for, and obviously a MouseLeave event for a button doesn't mean the cursor left ...

I need a true mouseOver...

Ok, so mouseOver and RollOver, and their respective outs work great as long as your mouse is actually over the item, or one of it's children. My problem is that I may have another UI component "between" my mouse and the item I want to process the mouse/rollover(maybe a button that is on top of a canvas, but is not a child of the canvas)....

Change bgcolor param value on mouse over?

I have a .SWF email submit form. The background color is set via: `<param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" />` and in the embed: `<embed src="FILE.swf" flashvars="STUFF" quality="high" **bgcolor="#000000"** width="260" height="32" name="WidgetMailBlack" align="middle" swLiveConnect="true" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="applic...

Show Large Image on MouseOver c#

is there any way to Show Large Image on MouseOver of picturebox in c#? ...

jQuery trigger mouseover function when page loads with the mouse over the element

Hello all, I have an ASP.NET document, with an Image element within it. I created a mouseover function on this image element and it's working fine. The question is: If the mouse is ALREADY over the element when the document loads itself, the mouseover function doesn't trigger (I need to mouseout and then mouseover again in order to trigg...

Any way to simulate MouseOver in WPF

I'm working on a link control in WPF which fits the text with icon links case in the Windows UX Guide. What I want is to have some text within a hyperlink that appears to the right of some image. In my case I started off by using a TextBlock that contained a Hyperlink which then contained my image and some text. <TextBlock> <...

DIV menu ontop of <li> on hover

Hey guys, this is my first time actually posting at stackflow but i've used people's answers before. Really a great site. Anywho onto my problemo. I have some 'li' tags. When I hover the mouse over these 'li's, I need a DIV to appear over the 'li' with some buttons, etc. Basically it's kind of a menu. the 'li's are an unpredictable leng...

How do I stop events from bubbling/multiple events with animated mouseovers?

I noticed a lot of JQuery answers on this, but I'm using MooTools... I have a Table of Contents which uses CSS Fixed positioning to keep it off to the left side, except for 20 pixels. The user hovers their cursor over the 20 pixels, which fires the DIV's mouseover event and the ToC slides fully into the page. When the cursor leaves, the...

mouseOver event-mapping on iPad Safari with webkit-user-select: none

I don't have an iPad yet to find this out; have had only a brief opportunity to look at one at the Apple store. Could someone please describe what, if anything, happens to the mouseOver event of an image-map area when the image-map|area has had user-select disabled with "webkit-user-select: none" in the CSS, as described here in section...

how can I display tooltip or item information on mouse over?

I am displaying 5 userImage on one screen.I want to display userID and email on mouseover on those userImage.I used alt property of image control but that not working in mozila,chrome and some versions of IE. So what are the other better ways to display info on mouseover? ...

jquery hover issue

hi, i have mouseover issues sometimes when i move my mouse fast over links it loops for quite a while, is there a way to only loop if mouse is stil over and stop if the mouse is not. $('ul.display li').hover(function() { $('ul.display li').find('#details').hide(); // hides all deatils div before showing $('#ligh...

iPad/iPhone hover problem causes the user to double click a link

I have some websites I built times ago, that use jquery mouse events...I just got an ipad and i noticed that all the mouse over events are translated in for instance i have to do two clicks instead of one..(the first hover, than the actual click) is there a workaround ready to solve this? maybe a jquery command i shoudl have...

WPF draw Border on MouseOver

Hello, I have a WPF Application where I am trying to make a close button like image. I am trying to draw a border or have a border show up on mouse over... But I cannot seem to make it work. I have tried like 6 different methods of doing so...Images, borders with images, brushes, ect. I am using the following code at the moment: <Canv...

Jquery effect problem : How to detect if mouseover is triggered by scroll ?

Hello, I have another problem, and because the reply is to fast here i come back again !! I would like to use "key navigation" and for that, i use the keypress event with down/up key ) When my mouse is over a div (div who's contenaing a big table) and i pull the down key : i scroll to next td + change css style + remove the current s...