
Move a window on keypress + mouse (like linux ALT + mouse down)

Simple, i want to move a windows pressing ALT+MOUSE, like linux os (ALT+drag). It's possible to pass a win32 api (move api) to the windows interested clicking on it? I have a windows services that hook key pressed (ALT button in specific). When ALT key is pressed and a mouse down event is verified, i want to move window clicking anywhe...

How to find larges file in a directory tree, in php?

I have a folder, that contains other folders, which may or may not contain other folders, where the files might reside. I want to scan the entire dir structure, and find files larger than 100MB, and move these files to the top level directory. Whats a good way to accomplish this, in php? For example: /data/1/subfolder/id33/big_file.av...

Unix invoke script when file is moved

Hi. I have tons of files dumped into a few different folders. I've tried organizing them several times, unfortunatly, there is no organization structure that consistently makes sense for all of them. I finally decided to write myself an application that I can add tags to files with, then the organization can be custom to the actual orga...

Move constructor/operator=

I'm trying to learn about new feature of C++ namely move constructor and assignment X::operaror=(X&&) and I found interesting example but the only thing I quite not even understand but more dissagree is one line in move ctor and assignment operator (marked in the code below): MemoryBlock(MemoryBlock&& other) : _data(NULL) , _leng...

PHP: Move file from domain to subdomain

Hi guys, I have a site on a domain, let's call it "", where people can log in. This domain has a subdomain When the user uploads a file on the main domain, I want to move it to the uploads folder on The folder I want to move the file to has full write/read privileges. My code that upload...

Why is there no boost::filesystem::move_file?

Hi, I'm using boost filesystem to replace windows C++ functions like CopyFile and MoveFile get some kind of portability between windows and linux. I'm using copy_file but I have not been able to find anything that moves files like a 'move_file' function. Do boost have a move file function? I would very much prefer to use boost, but al...

Custom TreeView move items and get updated coordinates

Hi all, I am using a Custom TreeView (whit custom item style) bound to an ObservableCollection. I have a function that walks the tree and calculates/stores items' coordinates with the purpose of drawing some custom shapes over the tree. It uses something like this: (...) FrameworkElement grid = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(currentParent, 0...

Move an item inside a list? [Python]

In python, how do I move an item to a definite index in a list? Thanks in advance for the reply. ...

move files to folders with partial names

hi, i have about 250 files that i need to move to a specific folder. the problem is that folder only have the partial name of the files. for example, i need to move file: "12345.txt" to folder "12345 - hello" as each folder starts by the actual file name. can i do this in a batch file in dos? thank you. ...

How to move all files except the newest one to a folder?

Hi all, I have a Windows box and a folder containing such files: 2010-07-04 20:18 81 in01_Acct_20100704001.r 2010-07-07 05:45 165 in01_Acct_20100706001.r 2010-07-07 19:41 82 in01_Acct_20100707001.r 2010-07-07 10:02 81 in01_Acct_20100707002.r 2010-07-08 08:31 ...

move cursor from input box with jquery

Hi, I'm trying to do something but I'm not sure what it's called or what I should be looking for. I want to do it in jquery. Basically when you're in an input box, if the user enters a character I want the caret to automatically jump to the next input box. Banks usually have it. What class does this or what should I be looking for? ...

How to shift item location on screen after iPhone rotation.

I have a UILabel that I need to shift up by about 50 pixels on application start (because it starts out in portrait, and I designed it in landscape) and then once again whenever it is put back in portrait. Right now I'm using a CGRect based on its current frame. The problem is when I try to rotate the phone the frame uses the portrait va...

SVN: How to fill a new repo with a working copy

I have a working copy checked out, and a new empty repository. How can I fill that new repository using the working copy? I don't have access to the original SVN. I could delete all .svn dirs and do svn commit, but I'm wondering about some smarter way. Thanks for tips. ...

Does std::move result in slicing?

For example, in unique_ptr<Derived> = new deriv; std::vector<unique_ptr<Base>>.push_back(std::move(deriv)); will deriv be sliced to type unique_ptr<Base>? ...

How to move HTML element

How to move HTML element to another element. Note that, I don't mean moving element's position. Consider this HTML code: <div id="target"></div> <span id="to_be_moved"></span> I want to move "to_be_moved" to "target" so "target" has child "to_be_moved" now. So the result should be like this: <div id="target"><span id="to_be_moved"></...

Moving ctor and moving dtor.

Hi, as I've asked in here and after a while I've agreed and accepted right answer to that question I was just thinking, if would it be useful to have something like "moving destructor" which would be invoked on moved object everytime we used move ctor or operator=. In this way we would have to specify only in move dtor what we want from...

When move ctor will be invoked?

Given class: class C { public: C() { cout << "Dflt ctor."; } C(C& obj) { cout << "Copy ctor."; } C(C&& obj) { cout << "Move ctor."; } C& operator=(C& obj) { cout << "operator="; return obj; } C& operator=(C&& obj) { cout << "Move oper...

How can I make the start menu apear anywhere on the screen?

I am creating a taskbar. For now want to use the windows start menu and only relpace the taskbar. I saw that there's an docklet for object dock that can open the start menu and it opens just above the mouse. So I know that ths is possible, but I can't find anything on the internet. How can I do this? I am using the .net framework ...

move folder from one directory to another in batch script

Hi, can anyone please tell me how to move a folder from one path to another path using batch script? For ex: I want to move XXX folder(including the contents) from D:\abc\XXX folder to D:\cef\ Regards, Orbit ...

How do I move a database from one server to another in PgSQL?

I am trying to move a database from my old server to a new server. Any help would be appreciated. ...