
Using ant, rename a directory without knowing the full path?

Howdy friends, Given a zipfile with an unknown directory, how can I rename or move that directory to a normalized path? <!-- Going to fetch some stuff --> <target name="get.remote"> <!-- Get the zipfile --> <get src="" dest=""/> <!-- Unzip the file --> <unzip src="packa...

Is there a way to make Android tabs slide?

Hi all, I'm new to Android development, and I was wondering if anyone knew either how to make Tabs slide, or how to get a similar effect without tabs. I have quite a few tabs in my application, and it does not look good on devices with smaller screens. Or maybe tabs are not what I am looking for. If you don't know what I'm talking about...

Why i cannot get the frame of a UIView in order to move it? The view is defined.

I am creating a nav-based app with a view that floats at the bottom of the screen (Alpha .7 most of the time). I create it like this... // stuff to create the tabbar/nav bar. // THIS ALL WORKS... // then add it to subview. [window addSubview:tabBarController.view]; // need this last line to display the window (and tab bar controller)...

What is the best way to move a UIToolbar?

Here is an interesting problem. On the iPhone, I have a view set up that has a toolbar on the bottom of the screen. I am currently trying to make this a universal app so that it runs on iPad as well. I would like the toolbar to be at the top of the iPad screen, so in the viewDidLoad method of the specific viewController I have the follow...

moving iphone app background image

Hey there. I am creating my first iPhone native app (beginner Objective-C). On my main menu title screen, i would like for the background image to move slowly to the left. Is it possible to tile a background image and have it move? I'm basically trying to have my clouds drift across the background. How would you accomplish this? ...

Array reordering

I am trying to reorder an array (moving one item of 90 to the top, and move all the others down). Is there a way to do this? ... [Build Error] with DevC++ while moving the project

Heya, I always got this problem, it's not a big deal, but is very boring, maybe u can solve it :P When i make some program at school, or away from my computer, i save all the files in a USB, then i get home and i open the .dev file, but when i try compiling it, there is an error: C:\Users\Nico\Desktop\Program\ [Build Error...

Batch to move files in a folder to another folder?

Hello People, I want to create a batch file that moves all the files in this directory to its father directory. Like for example if I have a directory " Something " that contains files : ...New Folder/Something And I want to move the files in " Something " to New folder. Is there such a command? Thanks a bunch :) ...

Implementing a lock using simple files

I would like to know if there is any way a file can be moved only if the destination does not exist - in other words, move only if it does not lead to overwriting. mv --update seemed first to be the solution, however, if the timestamp of the source path is newer than the destination, move will overwrite it and all attempts to circumve...

Move row from one table to another?

I have two tables with the same column definitions. I need to move (not copy) a row from one table to another. Before I go off and use INSERT INTO/DELETE (in a transaction), is there a smarter way? SQL Server 2005 ...

Overload on reference, versus sole pass-by-value + std::move?

It seems the main advice concerning C++0x's rvalues is to add move constructors and move operators to your classes, until compilers default-implement them. But waiting is a losing strategy if you use VC10, because automatic generation probably won't be here until VC10 SP1, or in worst case, VC11. Likely, the wait for this will be measur...

Creating an Drop Pin MKPinAnnotation supporting dragging like the Drop Pin in Maps App.

Hi! I wonder if it's possible to create an MKPinAnnotation in a Custom MKMapView, which answers to touch and drag just like the "Drop Pin" annotation in the Maps App. I would like a way to drop a pin at a location given by the GPS. Then let the user fine tune the exact location by touching the Pin and dragging it right, if the GPS is a...

Move Image or Div Up As Window Resizes?

Hi, I have an image in my html with a class of "stretch". Currently, with css, this image re-sizes as the window re-sizes to be 100% of the screen width. I would also like it to move upwards as the window is being re-sized. I'm assuming this can be done with jQuery but I am not quite sure. Basically the "top" css value just needs to ...

Can I Move a MediaWiki site to a new virtual folder?

I had MediaWiki installed in as the default site on my server using IIS 6 and I created a virtual directory and pointed it to the Wiki folder. The page loads, but all the links are pointing to the original location that is no longer pointing to the Wiki Folder. Info Server Name: tech Path to Wiki: http://tech/wiki/ Example Links Wrong ...

Moving and renaming files, keeping extension but include sub directories in batch file

Forgive me if this is nor the place to ask these questions, I am new to batch and scripts and a bit new to these kind of posts... I have a folder that will receive files and folders, I want to run a script that looks at the directory and renames all files in each subfolder numerically, and moves them if possible. For example I have s...

How to find when iphone moving in X direction ?

How do I learn when the iPhone is moving in a particular direction (X-axis)? Can you show some sample code? ...

Moving .NET controls at runtime

I am attempting to move all controls on a form down or up by the height of a menubar depending on whether it is visible or not. I have code which I think ought to work well for this, however it seems that Me.Controls is empty at runtime, so my for each loop is never entered. Could someone please offer a suggestion as to how I can move ...

Detect when a Mac OS X window is resized or moved

I am writting an application which must know when a window is resized or moved. I had a look on notifications but it seems it does not do what I expected. Do you have any idea how I can achieve this? ...

SVN moving duplicate directory structures onto one another

I have duplicate directory structures in two locations that I need to merge together in an svn repository. By "merge" I mean I want all files and folder that are unique to structure b to be moved into structure a. When I try to do this using svn move I get the error svn: Path 'com' already exists The folders look like: src -> com ...

How do I change a file's path in git's history?

Here is what I have - a git repo of my code: projects |-proj1 (no git repo here yet) |-subproj1 <- current git repo here Here is what I want - a git repo which is now tracking a new project that uses my code: projects |-proj1 <-git repo moved to here, but still tracking files in subproj1 |-subp...