
Where can I find an API to read movie budget?

I am looking for an API that would give me movie budget, domestic revenue and first wekeend revenue but I can't find any. Ideas? ...

How do I create a session on a server in PHP?

Hi, I am trying to make a WDTV Live plugin in linux, which plays a video from a web url. I have a url that is parsed from html source code. The problem is that the url is playable in XBMC, but it can't be play in all the media players. I checked xbmc log, and it looks like that XBMC creates a session to the movie url. Below is log from...

Playing movie in iPhone 3.1 and 4.0

In iPhone 3.1 I used the following code to play a movie: moviePlayer = [[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL:url]; moviePlayer.movieControlMode = MPMovieControlModeDefault; moviePlayer.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(playbackDidFinish:) name:...

HTML overlay on a swf flash movie

Hi All I'm having trouble displaying a overlay div saying "Please wait..." on top of a flash movie, even with absolute positioning and z-index highier than the flash movie itself. But the overlay div is still behing the flash movie. Why is that? I think it's something to do with embed/param tags but I'm not sure, please can someone advi...

GNUplot movie from plots

My program generates 100 plots in GNUplot. I would like to concatenate them into a short little film, where each plot is ~0.1s. How can I do this most efficiently? The least efficient method I can imagine would be to take a screen shot of each plot, somehow put the frames together, and then crop the movie. Thoughts? Edit: By movie I me...

Can't access .mp4 files in resource folder iphone xcode

I have a file called fireFinalRotate.mp4, it's in the XCode project folder (both in XCode and in finder). For some reason NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"fireFinalRotate" ofType:@".mp4"]; returns a nil. Any thought? I'm baffled. Is it because it's a movie file? That code's in viewDidLoad. ...

How do i store a swf file name and location in mySQL database?

Hi, Problem, I cannot pre-view a flash movie in a Question, How, where, do i store a swf file name and location in mySQL database and then use this data to call it in the application? Thanks for reading Sabby77 ...

AS3 : Center an animation loaded in one other

Hi, I have a question to center an animation within its container. This is the container or loader: public function Main():void { trace("Constructor..."); this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, this.addEvent); } public function addEvent(e:Event):void { trace("AddedToStage"); ...

Playing an MPEG movie, starting and ending in specific places?

I've compiled an MTS video into MP4 format using FFMPEG. The video is 2 minutes long. I want to be able to play the video back but start at 0:15 seconds and end at 0:45 seconds. Effectively I want the playback software to only show 30 seconds of playback available. The software must be a Flash-based application for integration into HTML...

Cocoa QTMovie - How can i change the duration of each frame being added to my movie?

I am creating a movie by addoing image frames to my QTMovie, every frame is suppose to show up for about 0.2 seconds. But the closest I have got was 1 second per frame. I tried etering amounts less than 1 into my QTTime but that way my movie length would be 0 seconds, the documentation doesn't describe what the parameters in QTMakeTime a...

I want to develop custom movie player at ios4

I want to develop custom movie player at ios4. The important player's function is "speed up playing". ex) 0.5, 1, 2 , 3 X I have not found method of development. Please, get me more development infomation or sample code. ...

As3 movie clip resize.

Ok so I have 3 movie clips that are setup in rows. I need these movie clips to be positioned in a certain position and each of the elements in side of them in another position. Now in order to do that I have to set the width so that I can put the rows where I need them however after setting the width and then adding a child to it seems t...

PHP: How to make a list of film and genre (example) - MySQL Join Many-to-Many (want?) and the PHP?

Hello everybody! How to make a list of film and genre - MySQL Join Many-to-Many (should I?) And the PHP? Or do the other way? Examples: In MySQL: Table 1: movie_id | movie_title 1______ | title_movie_1 2______ | title_movie_2 3______ | title_movie_3 Table 2: genre_id | genre_title 1______ | title_genre_1 2______ | title_genre_2 ...

Quartz Composer: switch video inputs with mouse.

Hello. Scenario: two Quicktime movie inputs, one plays on loop unless user clicks left mouse button, in which case second movie plays until the end, then first movie plays. Logically I can see it using a conditional. If number = 1, loop movie 1. If mouse click, number = 2, movie 2 plays. At end of play, number = 1, loop movie 1. Wh...

Playing movies from the library in an iPhone app

Hi guys, Does anyone know whether it is possible to play a video that was synched with iTunes from within an application of your own? In other words - it is of course possible to programmatically create a movie player inside an application, and play movies via HTTP or movies locally stored within the home directory of the application. ...

MPMoviePlayerViewController Hide Status Bar

Hello, I have an iPad application that creates and shows a video with an MPMoviePlayerViewController. Here's my code: MPMoviePlayerViewController *mpvc = [[MPMoviePlayerViewController alloc] initWithContentURL:[NSURL URLWithString:URLEncode(uri)]]; [mpvc setModalTransitionStyle:UIModalTransitionStyleCrossDissolve]; [mpvc setWantsFullSc...

UIImages to movie with AV Foundation

I have a serious problem with the AV Foundation. I want to render the animation of several UIImages to a movie file. I just want to make a movie file in which the images are changed every 1/x second. Currently I am using the code shown here

How to replace movie clip in flash animation via actionscript code

For example, I've created in Flash CS a movie clip CampfireMC, which contains child movie clip: m_fire:FireMC FireMC is an animation of flame CampfireMC controls playback of m_fire, for example, last frame of CampfireMC uses action code: m_fire.gotoAndStop(m_fire.totalFrames) And the question is how to replace (not delete/add, as m...

Getting the flash object using the DOM

I am embedding a flash video using the SWFObject static publishing option. The code is found at: I am embedding a youTube video and want a javascript function to start playing the video. I have tried using the document.getObjectById and document.getElementById methods. Neither of the...

Javascript not recognizing Quicktime movie object

Hello i'm trying to play just the first few seconds on a quicktime movie then stop. if the user scrolls, I replay - Im doing this to reshow the image that seems to go away when scrolling. By design, once the user clicks 'Play' I want the movie to disregard the scroll (and other) functions. This seems to work in FF, but not in IE, where t...