
MPMoviePlayer dismiss when pressed

Hi. I have a MPMoviePlayer setup to play an intro movie to my application. That works just great, the only problem is that it lasts for 14 seconds, and I want to give my users a chance to skip the intro by pressing anywhere on the movie. I have hidden the movie controls, as they are not needed. Code: NSString *introPath = [[NSBundle ...

IPhone https authorization using client certificates

I am interested in playing HTTP live streaming data from my app. The stream (which I create) is encrypted, and a URL pointing to the AES key is included in the stream index file. MPMoviePlayer hits this URL for the AES key, when it sees that encryption is enabled. I would like this URL to be served by https, and for MMMoviePlayer to use...

iphone movieplayer custom screen size

I tried this code for customizing the screen size.. But it works well this 2.2.1 but it doesn't work with sdk 3.1.2..Its showing some error as windows count beyond bound.. can anyone tell me how to this in 3.1.2. else is there anyother method to customise the screen in 3.1.2. plz help. thanks NSArray *windows = [[UIApplication sharedApp...

How to detect when iPhone MPMoviePlayer controls appear/disappear?

I'm trying to add custom buttons to the left and right of the standard rewind/play/forward controls in an MPMoviePlayerController view (OS 2.x and up). I've figured out how to add them to the player window, but they're always visible. Is there a way to detect when the standard controls appear and disappear? ...

How to detect touches on MPMoviePlayerController window and still having the standard playback controlling

Hello I have the MPMoviePlayerController set up to play a movie.I want to detect a touch on the movie for bringing up few buttons.I used the code : // The movie's window is the one that is active UIWindow* moviePlayerWindow = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow]; // Now we create an invisible control with the ...

how to prevent MPMoviePlayer controls from hiding

I am trying to implement a custom MPMoviePlayer to play mp3 audio. I have got it working in portrait mode along with an overlay window over the native controls - thanks to other stackoverflow posts. The current issue is the song progress control shows up when the media window opens (blue bar taking up the first 40 odd pixels), but see...

How to set the movie player alpha value to 1 in iphone?

I am new to iphone development.the alpha value of the movie player changes from 0 to 1 while playing the video. I don't want to show the change in alpha value.I want to keep the alpha value to 1 when loading .I am using the apple reference sample program.Thanks. ...

UIModalPresentationFormSheet and MPMoviePlayer on iPhone/iPad OS 3.2?

I have a UIModalPresentationFormSheet which has a movie player inside of it. When the user hits the button to play it in full screen, my UIModalPresentationFormSheet is still there ontop of the video while it's playing in full screen, behind the window and behind the shadow. What do I need to do to get rid of the dim so the video is play...

How to play sequence video continuously on iPhone?

I'm trying to play two videos continuously using MPMoviePlayer. I let the second video play when the MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification is posted. [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(playSecondMovie) ...

iPhone MPMoviePlayer Hide Controlls but Play and Timeline

Hi, I know about the MPMoviePlayerControlModes VolumeOnly, Hidden and Default. In some apps I've seen some players with rewind 30sec and just start/pause + timelime above. Was that a custom created view? If so how was it recreated including the fading controls on a touch especially how is that timeline recreated? I know how to impleme...

How to rotate video portrait to landscape

Hi all, I am playing video with MPMoviePlayer in my application. How i rotate video in my iphone landscape to portrait and vice versa. ...

MPMoviePlayerController: I need some help rotating (autorotating or whatever) the movie when device turns upside-down

Hi all I'm having some trouble trying to apply rotation to the movie player while it's playing... When you see the IPhone's video player (the default you have in the operative system), you realize that whenever you turn the device upside-down, the player rotates too. I want to achieve exactly the same thing in my app, but I don't know...

next/prev button problem in iPad movie player contoll style 3

hi,i am developing an iPad app which has videos plays. the videos from URL . i am using control style 3 . but there is strange problem while i press done button it get video did finish notification but when i press next or previous button it doesn't get did finish notification..... ...

Why can't I retrieve UIDeviceOrientation correctly while playing a movie in MPMoviePlayerController?

Everything works fine while I'm not playing anything (I'm calling beginnotifications, etc, and using the orientation to rotate my view). But after I start playing with MPMoviePlayerController everytime when I try UIDeviceOrientation orientation = [[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation]; The orientation gets a UIDeviceOrientationUnknown...

Will my MPMoviePlayer run on iPad if I compile under 3.0

I'm having lots of issues with the MPMoviePlayer lately. My app is targeted for 3.0+. So if I compile it under 3.0 will it run on an iPad? Because it doesn't work on 3.2 because of the new MPMoviePlayer changes since 3.2 ...

MPMoviePlayerController shows blank white screen before launch?

I have an MPMoviePlayerController that I am presenting modally. The video loads fine, however just before the video is launched the screen turns white until it has loaded. How can I prevent this from happening? moviePlayerViewController = [[MPMoviePlayerViewController alloc] initWithContentURL:[NSURL URLWithString:mySTVideo.video_url]];...

MPMoviePlayerController play error on iPad

Hello, I'm writing an app that will be playing videos alot using the MPMoviePlayerController on the iPad. The problem is the app was working fine and playing the videos when I stopped working about 15 hours ago but now the videos do not play. The MPMoviePlayerController will show the first frame from the video, and in full screen view ...

problem using MPMovieController in iPhone SDK 4.0

I was using MPMoviePlayer to play a short video in my app with no problems in SDK 3.1.3. I made the changes to the code in SDK 4 but the video is not playing. I just get a black screen and audio. The Apple Dev Center doesnt have any sample code for this class for the latest SDK. Following is the code I'm using: (void)viewDidLoad { [su...

MPMoviePlayerViewController crashes on OS 3.0

Hello, During the testing of my app i discovered that it crashed on an iphone with OS 3.0.1 and 3.1.1(iPod Touch). I have the following code for playing the video which is placed on a remote server. It works flawlessly on the iOS 4.0 and iPad with OS 3.2 Xcode is setup to use SDK 4.0 but target OS is 3.0. NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWith...

Hide ActivityIndicator in moviePlayerController

As you know,when i play movie with MPmoviePlayerController ,the moviePlayer should show an activityIndicatorView in the center of the moviePlayer'view. Now,i have put a custom activityIndicatorView in my program,i just want to hide or remove the activityIndicatorView of MPMoviePlayController,can i do that ? ...