
How to play movie infinite number of times using MPMoviePlayerController class ?

Hi All, Is it possible to play movie again and again using the MPMoviePlayerController class? Thanks ...

MPMoviePlayerController S3 authentication

I'm trying to stream a video that is stored on Amazom S3 services. I've tried passing the url with authentication using MPMoviePlayerController but with no success. Like this: http://theusername:[email protected]/path/to/the/video Have anyone done this before? I would like some advices, thanks. ...

problem in playing mp4 video in safari

I have a particular link to a video file in server. when i load the safari through [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://mydomain/category/2.mp4"]]; simulator pops out an alert message saying that "Cannot Play MOVIE.. Server is not correctly configured"....... Even I tried using the mediaPlayer fram...

Playing video and audio in iPhone not working...

So we have buttons linked up to display images/videos/audio on click depending on a check we do earlier. That part works fine. It knows which one to play, however, when we click the buttons for video and audio, nothing happens. The image one works fine. The video and audio are being taken for a URL online, they are not local, but everyw...

How to detect when iPhone MPMoviePlayer controls appear/disappear?

I'm trying to add custom buttons to the left and right of the standard rewind/play/forward controls in an MPMoviePlayerController view (OS 2.x and up). I've figured out how to add them to the player window, but they're always visible. Is there a way to detect when the standard controls appear and disappear? ...

Stream video with MPMoviePlayer while streaming separate audio file in background, all from remote URL

So we want to be able to stream a video from a website. We also want to be able to do the same with a separate audio file. The reason why we need them to stream separately and can't integrate the two into just a video is because we need the user to be able to scrub the video however the audio should keep playing. Is there a way to get ...

How to enable iPhone auto lock during MPMoviePlayer playback?

When I play a video with MPMoviePlayerController in my app my iPhone does not auto lock (tested OS 3.0 & 3.1.2). However, the application.idleTimerDisabled = NO, so this setting is not affected by MPMoviePlayerController. How can I get my iPhone to sleep normally (e.g. after 3 min screen dims, then goes dark) when my app is running and ...

How to detect touches on MPMoviePlayerController window and still having the standard playback controlling

Hello I have the MPMoviePlayerController set up to play a movie.I want to detect a touch on the movie for bringing up few buttons.I used the code : // The movie's window is the one that is active UIWindow* moviePlayerWindow = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow]; // Now we create an invisible control with the ...

is there any animation can be set for opening of the video player in iphone?

I am new to iphone development.I have created a application which able to play a video from a url.Is there any animation can be set for opening of the video player in iphone?.The video is opened normally in landscape view. I want to show the opening of video player with some animation.Is there any way out? NSURL *movieURL = [NSURL URL...

iPhone MPMoviePlayerController lost sound while playing video on a real device.

I am having issue with losing "video" sound while it was playing. I follow all the standard but the Video Audio sometimes got muted or just disappear at the end of the video file. Have no idea why. Does any know what might be an issue? This only happens when running the app on the real device, i can't simulate the issue on the simulator...

Can you force a MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification ?

Hi, I have several movies that are played and presented using this code. As you can see I also have removed the default movie controls and have added a custom overlay which essentially just stops the video. Here is my problem... When I stop the movie with my custom overlay button, I don't seem to be getting the 'MPMoviePlayerPlayba...

MPMoviePlayerController resize

How can I resize the frame size of MPMoviePlayerController? ...

What differences should i make in the MPMoviePlayer sample code(for iphone) to make it work in Ipad?

Its working perfectly in the iphone simulator. But not in the ipad simulator. I am only trying to make the movie getting loaded when the application launches.Copy pasted the same code in a ipad window application. But it loads and only gives the white screen and nothing is happening. Can anyone tell me what changes should I make to work...

How can we achieve the gradually growing and then going into fullscreen effect when we play a video in iphone?

When we click on the button or anything that is gonna play the video in my view, I want the player to grow and become fullscreen and then play(Like animated to become fullscreen). Now its like when we click suddenly the fullscreen movie starts playing. How can I do this? Do anyone know? ...

iphone using MPMoviePlayerController in 2 views

I'm creating a navigation controller based application. In first view, there's a button. When clicked app will play a movie for 10 seconds. In next view, there's another button. When clicked it will also play a movie. I'm using two different objects of MPMoviePlayerController in two views. But my problem is that the movie is playing in f...

How can we make the video play in a small view and also filling that whole view?

I have added an imageView of size 300*300 into the interface in my ipad project. I can play the video fullscreen using MPMOviePlayerController. And I am trying to make it play in the imageView by using the following code. [imageView1 addSubview:moviePlayer.view]; [self.moviePlayer play]; Its playing but not as fullscreen and also not ...

cc1obj: error: type '({anonymous})' does not have a known size , Xcode

huh? google returns nothing on what this error is... All I am doing is adding a movieplayercontroller to a flipside iphone app. cc1obj: error: type '({anonymous})' does not have a known size {standard input}:228:non-relocatable subtraction expression, "L_OBJC_SELECTOR_REFERENCES_9" minus "L00000000004$pb" {standard input}:228:symbol: "...

http stream of baselineh264 doesnt seem to work in my MPMoviePlayerViewController

Here is some code... I have a stream that works correctly if I view with safari on the iphone or quicktimex on the mac... but the stream doesnt view in my code for the ipad simulator - (IBAction)clickedOpenMovie:(id)sender { NSString *myString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"http://myipofstreamingserver:1935/live/aStream/playlist.m3u8"...

i have two mpmovieplayercontrollers and two separate subviews that they utilze... except that only one video will play at a time

I would like to have both movies playing at once in their two separate sub views. They are both accessing different media. this is on an ipad with a superview and two little views 320x240 right by eachother on the xib. -(IBAction)playLeft:(id)sender{ if ([self.playerRight playbackState] == MPMoviePlaybackStatePlaying); [self.playerRig...

HTTP stream without extension in MPMoviePlayerController

Hi, I'm currently letting VLC stream a WMV file while it converts the file live to H264 with MP3 audio. This means you get an URL with just an IP and a port ( When I try to let MPMoviePlayerController stream this, it says it can't open that extension... What should I do? I heard that you have to create a M3U8 fi...