
How to get a MPMediaItem from MPMoviePlayerController?

How can i get MPMediaItem from MPMoviePlayerController as i can get it in case of MusicPlayer as follows MPMediaItem *currentItem = self.musicPlayer.nowPlayingItem; But how to get it from MPMoviePlayerController? Is it even possible? Infact i want to get the information about the current movie item playing, for example its title, ar...

on iphone, how can i stream several videos one after one?

Right now i am use using mpmovieplayercontroller, but i need to close mpmovieplayercontroller for play another video. Is there a way to play several videos without closing the mpmovieplayercontroller? thx ...

[iphone] MPMoviePlayerController stopped resizing

I've run into a strange behavior with MPMoviePlayerController recently (shock!) The controls to change the movie scaling - double-tapping the movie, or the movie scaling button in the top right corner - have stopped working at some point during development. The movie scaling simply doesn't change now. I can't pinpoint exactly when it s...

MPMoviePlayerController stops iPod playback and doesn't restart

I've got an iPhone app with a short intro video. If a user launches the app while their iPod is playing music, the music will stop while the video plays (whether or not the video has sound), and the audio stays permanently stopped after video playback. Apple seems to indicate that you can solve this with AudioSession tricks: http://www...

Customize MPMoviePlayerController

how to customize MPMoviePlayerController and how can use next and previous buttons in MPMoviePlayerController and move to next and previous movies after completion or clicking on those buttons? ...

Is there alternatives (free or paid) for MPMoviePlayerController on the iphone?

Is there alternatives (free or paid) for MPMoviePlayerController on the iphone? ...

MPMoviePlayerController .mp4 format not supported in iPhone device

hii, I am playing a video on iPhone in MPMoviePlayerController but it is not supporting .mp4 format it is showing "This video format is not supported" while when playing video of format .mov it is playing easily,can u help me out of this....... ...

iphone sdk: Movie Player in UIWebView

Hi guys, As we all know if I want to download an mp4 file a iphone's movie player (MPMoviePlayerController) pops out and plays the video. My question is if I can get some kind of a message that it pops out or perhaps even to prevent it from appearing? Thanks ...

Play youtube videos with MPMoviePlayerController

Hello I'm trying to stream some youTube videos using the MPMoviePlayerController but I'm having some problems. The code i'm using is pretty simple and I can play .m4v videos by passing a URL to initWithContentURL. When I launch the movie player the player comes up but just goes away after about 20 seconds. When I try it in the simulat...

iphone sdk: Movie Player problem!

Hi guys What I'm trying to do is to play videos in MPMoviePlayerController. I hooked it with MPMoviePlayerContentPreloadDidFinishNotification to check if it succeeded or failed. Whenever I try to load broken urls it gives me an alert saying "the server is not correctly configured". Now I want to change this text to something else or h...

IPHONE MPMoviePlayer: Playing video under button layers that can be interacted with while video plays??

I would like to have layers of buttons over video playing in the background on my IPHONE application. Basically, I'm looking to adjust the Movie Player code, in order to allow the application user to tap on different portions of the screen while a video plays and call other commands (for example a video of puppets talking, if you touch o...

IPhone, MPMoviePlayerController how to disable zooming when double tap on the screen ?

How can I dissable the strange double tap behaviour when playing movie using MPMoviePlayerController. The double tap makes zoom/unzoom of the movie and makes some of my gestures in the overlay view to stop working on the double tap area. ...

MPMoviePlayerContentPreloadDidFinishNotification does not fire [iPhone]

I'm running into a problem with the MPMoviePlayerContentPreloadDidFinishNotification notification. I've regisered to recieve the MPMoviePlayerContentPreloadDidFinishNotification notification and MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification but the first one never fires. Is this bug in Firmware OS 3.0 ? maybe fixed in 3.1 ? or ? Because my ...

Why can't I capture a screenshot of MPMoviePlayerController?

Hi guys, I need to capture a screen shot of a video playing in mpmovieplayer controller, but all I get is a red screen (I made the coverView with red background and 0.5 alpha). Here is the code: NSArray *windows = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] windows]; if ([windows count] > 1) { UIWindow *moviePlayerWindow = [[UIApplication sh...

mpmovieplayercontroller keep download after stop (iphone)

Hi, when i stop the movie and the mpmovieplayercontroller is disappear, i see in my router that the movie is continue downloading, can it be? is it normal? ...

MPMoviePlayerController seems to make 2 calls for each movie

I seem to have an issue where an iphone app using the MPMoviePlayerController seems to make 2 calls to the server for each video it wants to play back. This occurs with iphone 3.x OS and libraries but not with iphone 2.x. I know that iphone does progressive download and will make multiple 206 requests, etc. but as far as our back end is...

Pause mpmovieplayercontroller programmatically - is it possible?

Pause mpmovieplayercontroller programmatically - is it possible? tnx. ...

custom view on iphone's native media player(MPMoviePlayerController)

I am building an application that implements a custom view on iPhone’s native media player. I want your help in deciding directions to lay this effort. At present I have find out that iPhone SDK doesn’t support APIs to customize media player. I need these things in the player: I would like to have custom views i.e. want to change all ...

moviePlayer setOrientation:UIDeviceOrientationPortrait not work??

Hi, I got a problem that it hasn't change to portrait mode when using the following code: NSString *url = @""; MPMoviePlayerController *moviePlayer = [[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url]]; moviePlayer.scalingMode = MPMovieScalingModeAspectFill; // seen nothing change w...

Open video in iPhone without controls

I am trying to play video without showing controls (volume and other buttons) but it also should be possible to make them visible by taping on the video. The code is: theMovie.scalingMode = MPMovieScalingModeAspectFill; theMovie.movieControlMode = MPMovieControlModeDefault; In this case it shows the controls by default a...