
MS-Access: hotkey to display a message box

I need particular users the ability to lock a record on a form, but I don't need anything too serious such as setting different security settings. Idea: I would like to be able to have a certain keydown combination (ex: ctrl+alt+M) to open a message box. (I'm trying to avoid making a small form because all I need returned is either yes...

XML vs Access DB

I have a lightweight app that will use some data. I am trying to decide if I should use XML based or just include a mdb file. ...

Scope_Identity() in Microsoft Access

I'm writing a database in Microsoft Access to save the client from having to buy SQL Server. How do you get the primary key of the row that I just inserted? In SQL Server, it's INSERT INTO TABLE(FIELDLIST) VALUES(VALUELIST) SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE PrimaryKeyID = SCOPE_IDENTITY() ...

Any tools availabe to display Microsoft Access reports on the web?

We're looking for an easy way to display Access reports on the web. These reports have been written and viewed internally for years. They are not simple tables, but more complex charts and graphs. But, now people outside the organization need to see them. All of the data is in access. And, except for reporting everything else is wo...

Does EntityFramework work against an Access 2007 db (.accdb)?

I'm trying to create an MVC application that uses an Access 2007 DB (.accdb). I can create the Model using DataSet. But if I try to create a Model using EntityFramework, I can't get past VS2008 wanting to make the connection string be a SQL server. Am I missing something, or does EF not play with Access? ...

How can my application use both an MS Access database and a SQL Server database at the same time?

What strategies and techniques have you used to produce a data driven application that needs to access multiple diverse data sources? Specifically, Microsoft Access and SQL Server. Ideally, I'd like to make an abstraction layer that hides the physical data source from the application. Something like the ADO.NET Entity Framework would ...

How do I use SQL to "Show tables" in a MS Access database?

I based my code on the answer to the question Access get all tables, but am getting the following error: DBD::ODBC::st execute failed: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Record(s) cannot be read; no read permission on 'MSysObjects'. (SQL-42000) at line 22. [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Reco...

PHP ODBC - Access 2007: Function Call Problems: odbc_columns

Hello all, I have mananed to use the odbc_connect like the following for access 2007 and 2003 and I can get data. But when I try to get the column names the following function will not work for access 2007 but will for acccess 2003 - why? if($type[1]=='mdb'){ $connection = odbc_connect("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq...

Microsoft Access 2003 SQL Question

I need to union several tables with the different structure in Microsoft Access. For example I have table: table1 (column_a,column_b,column_c), table2 (column_a,column_c), table3 (column_d) SQL looks like follows: SELECT table1 column_a,column_b,column_c, Null as column_d FROM Table1 UNION SELECT table2 column_a,Null as column_b, co...

Speed up insert mdb

Is there a way to speed up inserts to a mdb? using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(_localDir + "\\" + _filename)) while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { //sanitize the data } This takes about 20sec for ~2mil records from a csv but when I add in the mdb insert I can barely get 10,000 records in 10min, so you can see it'll t...

Microsoft Access Data Base .. Select Query

i am doing queries practice in Microsoft access. i want to concatenate the first name with the fax number.. the fax number is like (123)555-0103 .. i`m doing that select [first name] +' ''s Fax Number is' +str(fax number) as [Mariya`s Fax Number] from employees where id =4; but it is giving error.. ...

MSAccess: Ranking rows based upon column criteria

I have a dataset that looks like this: Account Cost Centre TransNo aaa 111 43443 aaa 111 32112 aaa 111 43211 aaa 112 32232 aaa 113 56544 bbb 222 43222 bbb 222 98332 ccc 111 88778 I need a column added that is a counter of the numbe...

choosing which pages to print in an Access report

I need to print without any option, choose the last two pages of a report and print it. I am not strong at Access development so I am not sure how to do it. ...

Microsoft Access VBA to edit SQL queries

Hi guys, I have an Access database with a single query in it. I can currently copy the query via VBA, using DoCmd.CopyObject . However, I need to be able to edit the SQL in each instance of the query individually. All the examples I have seen however, involve recordset, which is something I am not using. Any ideas? With thanks, Will ...

SQL TOP 10 Ranking Query Help Required

Hi Everyone I have the code below and I am trying to find out the top 10 servers used in the last month, but having issues, not very good with SQL. Need some help or advice if possible. I got this working on top 10 Apps but cannot figure out how to make this happen for top 10 servers. SELECT TOP 10 dbo_LU_SERVERNAME.SERVERNAME, Count(...

Generate Reports from Ms Access 2007 Using Queries automatically via VBA

Hi Everyone, I have a few queries which need to be exported into a report and I want this to be done automatically each time the database is opened. I'm guessing this would be possible using VBA to which i dont have much knowledge off. Can anyone help with this please? Thank You ...

Access 97 / 2002 compatability. Missing Buttons.

Hi, I have an access 97 mdb which I want to now run using 2002. It all seems to work OK on 2002 but two buttons are missing on a form. I'm not sure why. Could you please give me a good starting place, or inforamtion reggarding compatability. I have googled but can't find what I need. Thanks. ...

Is there any good reason to continue writing VBA + Access Forms applications?

I was recently asked to update an old Access Forms application. Coming from a .NET background, I found the change frightening, and became somewhat uncomfortable. I had assumed these were legacy technologies, fast becoming anachronisms... Am I wrong? If so, what are the reasons to continue using this technology (besides avoiding the cos...

Version control for Microsoft Access development?

We recently saw this post: We then wrote a .vbs script from the example in that post to decompose a .mdb MS Access file. Problem is, when I run the script against the .mdb file, i get an error: decompose.vbs(71, 5) (null): Microsoft Offi...

Select highest total amount in different tables (Access)

Hi I have 2 tables: "sales" and "services". Both tables have these fields: customer and amount I need to retrieve the customer with the highest total amount (sum all amounts), between dates., in the both tables. Example: sales Mary | $100 John | $200 Mary | $200 services Mary | $40 John | $300 If we...