
Help with Query - Access

Hi I have 4 tables: machines, categories, users and usersMAchines machines is linked to categories and usersMachines. Machines -------- idMachine machine idCat Categories -------- idCat category Users -------- idUser nameUser UsersMachines -------- idUserMachine idUser IdMachine To list machines, filtered for any field of 3...

Print ms access data in

How do I print the ms access data(.mdb) in Here is the code that I'm using to view the data in the form. What I want to do is to be able to print what is currently being viewed. Perhaps automatically save the .pdf file and the pdf viewer installed on the system will open that newly generated pdf file Dim cn As New OleDbConnecti...

Fixed number of rows In Access Report

Hello All, I am having tried a access 2007 report with fixed numbers of rows (records) per page. For example, I like to fix total number of records (rows) to 10 per page while underlying query might have 5 records in some criteria or 15 records in some case. If any idea, please share me. TIA ProNek ...

MS Access SQL to T-SQL Convertor

Is there a tool that will convert MS Access SQL to T-SQL? ...

Use system tray & icons in VBA (Access)

I've found a few tutorials that explain how to use the windows API to get a custom icon in the system tray. These are all for Visual Basic, and they don't seem to be scaling to VBA well. I'm following this short tutorial: Basically, you have to set the hIcon value (a 'long' variable) but it does not wo...

wanting to move up from ms access, thinking .net? visual studio?

So I wrote a project-management program for a small business using Microsoft Access 2007. Now they've requested lots of additional features (timekeeping, privileged data tiers ...) I personally use Linux, but the whole office uses Windows. I'm relatively new to programming but like to teach myself using projects like this. I'm right...

Is there a way to evaluate a variable in vba?

I have a variable newItem. I want to place the value stored in newItem into a string. I thought I would be able to accomplish this with... myString = eval(newItem) ...but it doesn't work. Is there any way to evaluate a variable in Access vba? ...

How to populate an array with recordset data

I am attempting to move data from a recordset directly into an array. I know this is possible, but specifically I want to do this in VBA as this is being done in MS Access 2003. Typically I would do something like the following to archive this: Dim vaData As Variant Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset ' Pull data into recordset code here... ...

MS Access 2003 - Unbound Form uses INSERT statement to save to table; what about subforms?

So I have an unbound form that I use to save data to a table on button click. Is there a way I can have subforms for entry that will allow me to save data to the table within that same button click? Basically I want to add more entry options for the user, and while I know other ways to do it, I am particularly curious about doing it thi...

"SELECT TOP", "LEFT OUTER JOIN", "ORDER BY" gives extra rows

I have the following Access 2002 query I'm running through OLE DB in .NET: SELECT TOP 25 tblClient.ClientCode, tblRegion.Region FROM (tblClient LEFT OUTER JOIN tblRegion ON tblClient.RegionCode = tblRegion.RegionCode) ORDER BY tblRegion.Region There are 431 records within tblClient that have RegionCod...

In MSAcess Database, Insert query to insert the character with apostrophe

In MS Access Database Insert query to insert the character------> N'tetarnyl I have an insert query OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand("insert into checking values('" + _ dsGetData.Tables[0].Rows[i][0].ToString() + "','" + _ dsGetData.Tables[0].Rows[i][1].ToString()+ "')", con); but...

How to convert ms access data into pdf in

I want to convert the ms access data into a document so that the print function in will read it. Where do I start from here? Here is my form: And here is the code for print preview. Try PrintPreviewDialog1.ShowDialog() Catch es As Exception MessageBox.Show(e...

Placing variable number of variables into fields in table

I am trying to make a generic notInList function that is called when the user types a value in a combobox that is not part of the list. In middle of that function, I want to insert the new value(s) into a table. For some of the combo-boxes, more than one field has to be filled out in the table. (The user is asked a follow-up question ...

how to open access database with password in C# ?

hi how can I open an MS Access 2007 database with a password in c# ? I have tried this: Conn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:\BioDB.mdb ;Password=1966;"); but it doesn't work. ...

Which is better practice: complex SQL statements or Recordset manipulation in Access VBA?

I'm doing some VBA development and I found creating SQLs quite efficient way of getting everything done (selecting and updating). But I got to this stage where my SQL statements contain complex Switches and WHERE conditions where I have another Selects to update appropriate records. Therefore, I create this SQLs and I simply run it via ...

Converting an OLE Image Object from MS Access for use in .NET

Hello, I'm working on redeveloping an Access based system into, however when MS went from office 2003 to office 2007 they removed the picture editor within access - which meant that previously stored pictures would no longer display in the system. The guys at the company did a hack that basically saved the images with VBA using e...

How can I use an Access query which uses Access-VBA-defined functions in Word VBA?

State of the question: I no longer think it is relevant that I'm referencing Excel or that the query has parameters. I think question boils down to this: How can I use an Access query which uses Access-VBA-defined functions in Word VBA? What I want to do is impossible, how can I make an inlined version of the Acos function work with my...

Access DataBase Query

hey, my question is that i want to display the names whose payment type is empty.. what should i add after a where clause ?? please help.. and there is also another query that i want to display the names of those which starts with alphabet A.. please help... ...

How can I modify the schema for an Access DB in C#

Hey all. I have a project here the goal is to merge multiple Access DB's into one SQL Server db. Some of the records in the Access DB are autonumber, and will not be unique across all the DB's. We are currently working on modifying those autonumber fields programmaticaly to being number fields. The adjusting and allowing access to casc...

How to skip Autoexec macro when opening MSAccess from MSAccess?

So I have an MSAccess MDB that needs to open other MDB's and run a bunch of code that will compare two Access MDB's to find code differences,query diffs,etc. The goal being to verify any production MDB has not been altered from the original deployment. My problem is that many of these Access apps have Autoexec macros and there is no sim...