
MS-Access: What could cause one form with a join query to load right and another not?

Late breaking news! If I manually create the new record with SQL and then open the form in edit mode using the code below, it works. I would still like to know what the problem was before, but at least I can get on with my application now. Form1 Form1 is bound to Table1. Table1 has an ID field. Form2 Form2 is bound to Table2 joine...

In an Access form, how to return to previous record after requery

This should be an easy one. This form is filtered by [Dismissed] = "N". When the user clicks the "Dismiss" button, the [Dismissed] field changes to "Y". After the requery, the form should then return to the same row where the user was previously at. Private Sub DismissButton_Click() Me!Dismissed = "Y" MsgBox "Dismissed!", vbOK...

Programmatically creating linked tables in access

Hi all, We need to find a way to programatically *link all the tables* in a SQL Server database to an access db. We will be invoking this access database from a program that uses .net/SQL Server 2008. While invoking the application we would like to add the linked tables so that the users can just run the reports/modules from access with...

How can I make Access combo boxes unfurl on arrow key down?

With combo box controls, I'm used to being able tab to them, click the down arrow key to open up the options, and then use the up and down arrow keys to navigate those options. In an Access form I've designed, pressing down while a combo box is active moves to the next control. I already have tab for that, so how can I get the down arr...

In MS Access form, how to color background of selected record?

I have a somewhat complicated looking Access Form with a continuous display (meaning multiple records are shown at once). I'd like to change the background color of the selected record only so the end-user can easily tell which record they are on. I'm thinking of perhaps a conditional format or maybe something like this: Private Sub D...

Can't change data type on MS Access 2007

Hi All, I have a huge database (800MB) which consists of a field called 'Date Last Modified' at the moment this field is entered as a text data type but need to change it to a Date/Time field to carry out some queries. I have another exact same database but with only 35MB of data inside it and when I change the data type it works fine,...

sql query to replace a blank cell with any text in access 2007 column

I have an access table which has some cells as blank ( no data ) in a particular column. how i write an sql query to replace a blank cell with any text in access 2007 column any help appreciated. i have already tried the sql query update tableA set colA = 'abc' where ISNULL(colA); It updates 0 rows. ...

MS-Access: SQL for updating a column in a table

Hi, I have the following table in an access database id VisitNo Weight 1 1 100 1 2 95 1 3 96 1 4 94 1 5 93 Now row 2 and 4 are deleted. So i have... id VisitNo Weight 1 1 100 1 3 96 1 5 93 However what i need is......

Complex SQL queries (DELETE)?

Hello all, I'm working with three tables, and for simplicity's sake let's call them table A, B, and C. Both tables A and B have a column called id, as well as one other column, Aattribute and Battribute, respectively. Column c also has an id column, and two other columns which hold values for and Now, in my code, I have easy...

In an MS Access Maketable query, how to create an Autonumber field?

I have a Maketable query in an Access db that could use an Autonumber field. I can't find a built-in function for my purpose. Do i need to write my own? Ideally, I'd just like to create a field in the Access designer as "Autonum: CreateAutoNumber()" Edit: If it can't be done in the query itself, I can also run a procedure afterward. ...

SQL: Getting the full record with the highest count.

I'm trying to write sql that produces the desired result from the data below. data: IDNum Opt1 Opt2 Opt3 Count 1 A A E 1 1 A B J 4 2 A A E 9 3 B A F 1 3 B C K 14 4 A A M 3 5 B D G 5 6 C C E 13 6 C C M ...

Need Help with SQL Subquery

Hey: I am trying to write a query that will return all orders that only have a Subscription included. It is easy enough to write a query that includes all Orders with Subscriptions, another that includes all orders without a Subscription and then compare them with an unmatched query. But I don't want to have to store Queries in my Acce...

Is MS Access still the most efficient RAD tool for small-scale custom apps?

Of the many other development tools I've used, nothing holds a candle to the 'Functionality to Development Effort' ratio of MS Access. The reason I am asking is that I have been out of the language selection process for a few years, working on a large .Net system, and am only anecdotally familiar with the latest development tools outsi...

Integration Services Throws an Error Reading Access 2007 Table

[Participant Table [1994]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "I:\My Documents\Flamm Consulting\Migrations.accdb" failed with error code 0xC0209303. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireC...

Better alternative to autonumber primary keys

I am looking for a better primary key than the autonumber data type, namely for the reason that it's limited to a long integer, when I really just need the field to reflect a number or text string that will never ever repeat, no matter HOW many records are added or deleted from the table. The problem is I am not sure how to implement so...

how to sort table in access and save it (Update) in access ?

hi i have Database in access Id,Fname i need to sort this database (by Id) and save the new sort (update the table) how i can sort & update ? thank's in advance ...

OleDbExeption Was unhandled in VB.Net

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '((ProductID = ?) AND ((? = 1 AND Product Name IS NULL) OR (Product Name = ?)) AND ((? = 1 AND Price IS NULL) OR (Price = ?)) AND ((? = 1 AND Quantity IS NULL) OR (Quantity = ?)))'. I need some help sorting this error out in Visual Basics.Net 2008. I am trying to update records in ...

Associate a help file with a library in the VBA object brower

I have a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime (scrrun.dll) in one of my Access projects. If I open the object browser in VBA (by pressing F2) and choose 'Scripting' from the library dropdown it shows me all of the properties, functions, etc. for the Scripting library. If I choose one of these functions and then click on the hel...

MS-Access: TableAdapter UpdateCommand for table without primary key

What's the syntax for an Update query for a table without a primary key? Disclaimer: Frustratingly, adding a primary key is not an option. My program is a small program in a much larger system with poor data management. My development time does not include rewriting the other software. Note: The database is Microsoft Access. Note: S...

MS-Access VBA: form_error vs on error

I am trying to set up error handling for a MS-Access application. The standard method to do this seems to be with an On Error statement in each subroutine/function. It seems simpler to me to use the Form_Error function to catch all the runtime errors in that form as opposed to an On Error statement for each sub/function called by an even...