
MS Access 2003 - Message Box: How can I answer "ok" automatically through code

So a couple silly questions: If I include this in some event: MsgBox " ", vbOkOnly, "This little message box" could I then with some more code turn around and 'click the ok button. So that basically the message boox automatically pops up, and then automatically goes away? I know its silly because you want to know, why do you want th...

Update access table rst with named cell values from excel

I have got a table in access that I loop through using a DAO recordset. For every recordset I take a bunch of data to an excel spreadsheet and run it through a model in excel. This produces a bunch of results in excel which are calculated in named cells. I want to be able to update the current recordset in access with these results but ...

Problems when importing from Access database to Sql Server through Access queries

Hi, I have an Access database (in Access 2003) with several tables, and data must be imported to Sql Server 2005. Access data does not have the same structure as sql server database, so I created various queries which transforms it to format needed by Sql Server. Basically for each table in sql server I have two queries: a Select query ...

Entity Spaces connect to mySQL and Access in same website

Hi all, I have a website built that uses MySql for data management. Everything works great there, however, I am now trying to add our web statistics to it - we have a generic standard that we use. This requires a connection to an MS Access database for login - user name and password, checks acess to that specific site. The stats w...

Access Insert Query

I am using C# to write/read to an Access 2007 Database. The table is ID - AutoNumber [pkey] Fname - Text Lname - Text Address - Text The query string I Use is "Insert into TblMain (Fname,Lname,Address) Values ('"+fname+"','"+lname+"','"+adrs+"')" No errors are returned, the query executes but data is not added to the db. Inserti...

Change a subform's recordsource from another subform in Access

I am using MS Access 2003 and I have a form with two subforms (subform1 and subform2) which are not nested. They both display tabular data on them so they cannot be nested. I would like to change the recordsource on subform2 based on a value in the current record on subform1. I have tried to put the code in the oncurrent event of subf...

printing a big database with 20 fields in it.

Hello Friends, I m facing some issue while printing database with 20 fields in it. I am using MS Access Database. I want to print my datasheet such that, when End of page is reached (i.e. Left to Right) the remaining Columns should be printed in second line of the page. e.g. A B C D E F G |(end) a b c d e f g | H I J h i j Here Capi...

MS Access 2003 - Option Group frame: can I add text boxes that are part of the frame instead of rad button options?

Ok so this maybe a simple/silly question but I don't know so here goes: In access let's say I want to have a frame control, so I click the option group button and add it to the desgin surface. However, I am not wanting to use this as a option group with radio button selection, instead I would like to add text boxes instead the frame, so...

Physical storage of data in Access 2007

I've been trying to estimate the size of an Access table with a certain number of records. It has 4 Longs (4 bytes each), and a Currency (8 bytes). In theory: 1 Record = 24 bytes, 500,000 = ~11.5MB However, the accdb file (even after compacting) increases by almost 30MB (~61 bytes per record). A few extra bytes for padding wouldn't be...

Selecting More Than 1 Table in A Single Query

I have 5 Tables in MS Access as Logs [Title, ID, Date, Author] Tape [Title, ID, Date, Author] Maps [Title, ID, Date, Author] VCDs [Title, ID, Date, Author] Book [Title, ID, Date, Author] I tried my level best through this code SELECT Logs.[Author], Tape.[Author], Maps.[Author], VCDs.[Author], Book.[Author] FROM Logs , Tape , Ma...

How to display and edit hyperlinks in DBGrid in Delphi 7?

I use DBGrid to display Hyperlink type field from Microsoft Access database (MDB). Normally dbgrid displays hyperlink values like "(MEMO)", without editing capablity. Is there a way to solve this? ...

Import Paradox table in Access database: Incorrect collating sequence

Hello, I have a Paradox 5.0 database and want to migrate it to Access 2007. But if I try to import a Paradox table, Access gives an error message: "Incorrect collating sequence". The Help says: "You tried to link a Paradox table that was created with an international sort order that is not the same as the one you are using". What am I...

MS Access 2003 - Formatting results in a list box problem.

So I have a list box that displays averages in a table like format from a crossyab query. It's just what I need the query is right, there is just one thing. I had to set the field properties in the query as format: standard..decimal:2. Which is exactly what I needed. However..the list box will not pick up on this. First I typed the cro...

Access / Excel crossover: Should i attach spreadsheets to records

I currently have an archaic system of client records that I am trying to improve. For each client i have a directory, in that directory i include a directory for each job. Each job has a spreadsheet that i use to store their personal details, and run calculations and costings specific to their needs. In turn I also have word documents t...

How do I make a form scroll down with mouse wheel instead of changing records in MS Access?

I have a longish form that scrolls vertically and also allows editing records. When I scroll with the mouse wheel, the form changes records instead of scrolling up and down to see more of the form. Is there any way to change this behavior? ...

Removing non-alphanumeric characters in an Access Field.

I need to remove hyphens from a string in a large number of access fields. What's the best way to go about doing this? Currently, the entries are follow this general format: 2010-54-1 2010-56-1 etc. I'm trying to run append queries off of this field, but I'm always getting validation errors causing the query to fail. I think ...

Access Validation Rule Violations on Append Query

I'm recieving the following error on trying to run an append query in access. Microsoft Office Access set .... and it didnt't add... 779280 records(s) due to validation rule violations. If I choose to run the query anyways, nothing actually happens. To give some context, I'm simply trying to copy a populated field, consisting of value...

Access 2003 VBA: Return only the index of the last item selected in a ListBox

I will preface this with saying, this is my first time using listboxes and earlier posts were criticized for lacking detail. So, all help is greatly appreciated and I hope this is enough information without being overkill. Currently, I have a listbox updating a junction table with an on click event (iterates through selected items and i...

Access 2007 can I capture the "clicked" field using an OnClick event on a report?

In Access 2007 I want to be able to click on a name field in a report and call a separate report with personal information about the person who's name was clicked to start the event. This would be as an alternative to creating a subreport or including the subreport fields in the main report in the interest of saving space. How do I ref...

"Access 2002 vs SQL Server 200*" as DB for sharepoint

I work with a team that has a sharepoint site currently runnning and its lists are linked to an access DB. My question is really on the investment level, what would be the reasons to upgrade DB to sharepoint if only a few 100 users access this site. Is there a real benefit to replacing the DB with a version of SQL Server, escpecially if ...