
Connect two database from 2 different host

Hi, currently I have two websites: 1. A website connected to mySQL database in host A. 2. A website connected to Ms. Access database in Host B. Is there anyway if I update the database in Host B, the database in Host A can be updated automatically? Thank you. Really appreciate your help. ...

Conversion from string to type 'Double' is not valid.

Hi, I am getting the following error while running a select statement (using OleDbCommand). My query is SELECT CME FROM Personnel WHERE CME = '11349D' If objOleDbCom.ExecuteScalar() > 0 Then When i execute the above statement i got this error Conversion from string "11349D" to type 'Double' is not valid. My field CME data t...

Exporting Access Query to Excel

I've got an Access 2007 database on which I have created around 15 SQL queries to process specific data, I have created a main frame navigation menu using menus in Access, I now need to extract all th queries to Excel using VBA code, I have managed to do this with the code below by creating a button and specifying this code to it. Priva...

Data type mismatch when retrieving records from an access database using a DateTimePicker

I get a Data type mismatch criteria expression error when i try to retrieve records from an access database between two dates using a DateTimePicker in C#. This is the Select statement else if (dtpDOBFrom.Value < dtpDOBTo.Value) { cmdSearch.CommandText = "SELECT [First Name], [Surname], [Contact Type], [Birthdate] FROM [Contacts] W...

How do I import Microsoft Visual Foxpro tables into Microsoft Access 2007?

From what I understand, I can no longer use ODBC to connect to Visual Foxpro 9 tables in Microsoft Access 2007. I see that I need to connect using OLE DB. I downloaded the Visual Foxpro provider, but I haven't found the instructions to complete my link or import from within Access. Does anyone have an answer? ...

Pros and Cons of Access Data Project (MS Access front end with SQL Server Backend)

I have been tasked with moving an existing MS Access application (mdb) over to an Access Data Project (adp). Basically the Access forms will remain the same but the data will be migrated over to SQL Server. I am not too familiar with Access Data Projects so I was hoping I could get some opinions on the pros and cons of using them. My f...

Exception on ExecuteReader() using OleDbCommand and Access

Hi again all, I'm getting the error below for this SQL statement in VB.Net 'Fill in the datagrid with the info needed from the accdb file 'to make it simple to access the db connstring = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data " connstring += "Source=" & Application.StartupPath & "\AuctioneerSystem.accdb" 'make the new...

MS Access Tables with MSFlexgrid

How to display two tables in single msflexgrid control in vb6 ...

Using query parameter in Access report

I have a very basic access database where a query returns the sales made within a set start date and a set end date. The dates are set with two pop up boxes for the user to enter, first the start date, and then the end date. I have a report running off the back of this. How can I (using VBA) get at these dates then display them on the...

How to obtain value of auto_increment field in Access linked to MySQL?

I'm trying to modify and existing Access application to use MySQL as a database via ODBC with the minimal amount of recoding. The current code will often insert a new record using DAO then obtain the ID by using LastModified. This doesn't work with MySQL. Instead I'm trying to use the approach using SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE auto_...

synchronize ms access and mySQL in different host

Hi, Would like to ask is there any way to synchronize Ms Access and mySQL but are hosted in different hosting. If I update the Ms Access, the mySQL database in different Host is updated automatically. Thank you. ...

Non-Access or -base QBE tool?

I'm currently looking for a QBE tool that can execute queries on PostgreSQL or MySQL. OS doesn't really matter. Reason is that we've got to do QBE at school but I don't want to use neither Microsoft Access nor Base (lack of features). Any help would be appreciated. ...

Copying a field to another table in Access

I'm a bit embarassed asking this here, but here goes: I've got two tables, which you can see here: I need to copy the effortid from the one table into the other, making sure that the values still maintain the correction relationships. The primary key for each is a combination of logge...

VBScript & Access MDB - 800A0E7A - "Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed"

Hey gang, I've having a problem with a VBScript connecting to an access MDB Database. My platform is Vista64, but the majority of resources out there are for ASP/IIS7. Quite simply, I can't get it to connect. I'm getting the following error: 800A0E7A - "Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed" My code is: Set conn ...

Complex SQL query with group by and two rows in one

Okay, I need help. I'm usually pretty good at SQL queries but this one baffles me. By the way, this is not a homework assignment, it's a real situation in an Access database and I've written the requirements below myself. Here is my table layout. It's in Access 2007 if that matters; I'm writing the query using SQL. Id (primary key) P...

How to use sqlite database from inside MS Access ?

I would like to use a sqlite databse inside MS Access in order to use (transfer would be good enough) the content of sqlite database table in MS-Access. How can this be done in VBA ? EDIT: This "Application" is for a client and I can not make him install "extra software" than the one already installed (in this case MS-Access): Does...

Inserted records are automatically sorted in MS Access database C#.NET

Hi, When insert data using OLEDB Jet provider, the data are inserted properly, but the order in which I have inserted is not kept as is. Instead it's automatically changing the order. How to make the inserted records in the same order ?? ...

.NET Access automation with Access 2007 Runtime

I'm having trouble deploying .NET application which uses Microsoft Access automation. I've installed the Access 2007 Runtime and Primary Interop Assemblies (PIAs) on the target machine: Access 2007 Runtime Office 2007 PIAs However, when I try to create the ApplicationClass: Application access = new ApplicationClass(); I get the fo...

Selecting rows without a value for Date/Time columns

I'm running this query: SELECT TOP 1 [DVD Copy].[Stock No] FROM [DVD Copy] WHERE [DVD Copy].[Catalogue No] =[Forms]![New Rental]![Catalogue No] And [Issue Date] = Null; Which works fine without the null check for Issue Date. I'm trying to select rows without a Date in the Issue Date column. Is Null the wrong kind of value to use for h...

Textbox's Value property does not change

I have the following code to run after another control has updated: [Stock No].Requery [Debug].Caption = TypeName([Stock No].Value) + " " + Str([Stock No].Value) If (IsNumeric([Stock No].Value) And [Stock No].Value > 0) Then [Stock Status].Caption = "In stock" Else [Stock Status].Caption = "Not in stock" End If The value of ...