
Synchronising tables across remote Access databases

Hi folks, I'm helping out a business by providing an Access DB to manage requests of various types. As they are a construction company, they have one machine in an 'office' on the building site, plus 3 based in their main office. The machine on site has no internet connectivity. Is there any (reasonably simple) way to synchronise the o...

Filter a form using a command button on another form

I have a form with a cmdbutton that at the moment opens another form and shows all records for several types of PartitionStyles and TrimFinishs (486 at present), I need to be able to filter the second form to show only the TrimFinish I need. Private Sub lbl600SeriesS_Click() Dim stDocName As String Dim stLinkCriteria As String stDocNam...

Change an access Primary key with relationships

I have a database in access 2007 accdb extension , there are more or less 30-40 tables with related primary key "local_number". it is a text primary key with 10 lenght. How can I change the length of this primary key to 30 WITHOUT delete previosly all the 30 relationship. A similar question. I need add a compose primary key to my PK ...

Combo-box values automatically update

Hi all, hopefully somebody can help The table structure is as follows: tblCompany: compID compName tblOffice: offID, compID, add1, add2, add3 etc... tblEmployee: empID Name, telNo, etc... offID I have a form that contains contact details for employees, all works ok using after update. A cascading combo box, cmbComp, a...

Correlated SQL Join Query from multiple tables

I have two tables like the ones below. I need to find what exchangeRate was in effect at the dateOfPurchase. I've tried some correlated sub queries, but I'm having difficulty getting the correlated record to be used in the sub queries. I expect a solution will need to follow this basic outline: SELECT only the exchangeRates for the ...

MS Access 2003 - ordering the string values for a listbox not alphabetical

Here is a silly question. Lets say I have a query that produces for a list box, and it produces values for three stores Store A 18 Store B 32 Store C 54 Now if I ORDER BY in the sql statement the only thing it will do is descending or ascending alphabetically but I want a certain order (only because THEY WANT A CERTAIN ORD...

How to use Excel VBA to extract Memo field from Access Database?

I have an Excel spreadsheet. I am connecting to an Access database via ODBC. Something along then lines of: Set dbEng = CreateObject("DAO.DBEngine.40") Set oWspc = dbEng.CreateWorkspace("ODBCWspc", "", "", dbUseODBC) Set oConn = oWspc.OpenConnection("Connection", , True, "ODBC;DSN=CLIENTDB;") Then I use a query and fetch a result se...

Will dynamic content pulled from a database be indexed by search engines?

I have blog posts stored in an Access database. They are displayed dynamically when ASP pages are loaded. Therefore, there are no publicly accessible files containing the bodies of blog posts except when the user accesses the pages. When search engines index my page, how can I ensure that the blog content is indexed and up to date? ...

MS-Access 2007 Time Online Report

I have the following data in my database: MemberID | DateTime ------------------------------------- 1 | 31/03/2010 3:45:49 PM 2 | 31/03/2010 3:55:29 PM 1 | 31/03/2010 4:45:49 PM Every time a user is authenticated or un-authenticated this log appears in the database. What I want to be able to do is total th...

Querying Access to form columns from records

At work we've got a roster that's historically been maintained in a huge Excel workbook. That's getting a bit fragile because of staff changes and such, so I'm trying to re-implement it robustly as an Access database. I've got a table of People (fields include name and some other attributes of people) and a table of Vacations -- each va...

Access Error when running windows program

I have a windows form application that uses microsoft access for the database on the backend. When I run that application I get an error that says access is not installed on the computer. I thought that if I included the reference that it will be included with what I release so the user would not have to have access installed. How...

how to search data between specified dates

I have a query OleDbCommand com = _ new OleDbCommand("select * from techs where actd0v between '" + _ TextBox1.Text + "' and '" + TextBox2.Text + "'" , con); where textbox 1 and 2 are the specified dates in which I want to retrieve some date related to those dates. But when I'm trying to find the data between...

Why doesn't SQL LIKE work in Microsoft Access?

I want to my make a search-statement and query things like this select * from table where col like '%vkvk%' But with trial and error I've come to the conclusion that access doesn't work with LIKE or wildcard operators. Does anybody have some other solutions because I ain't so in to access actually, so I really don't know. ...

How to retrieve all the constraints and columns of all tables in a MDB

How to retrieve all the constraints and columns of all tables in a MDB (MS Access) file, and while accessing the mdb file i get a ---"cannot read: no read permission"--- any suggestions please ...

Round up all values

On a report I have the following code =Sum([PartQty]*[ModuleQty]) Example results are 2.1 or 2.6, what I need is for the valule to round up to read 3 ...

cascading combo box causing empty fields in next record

Hi there, I'm having problems with a cascading combo box. Everything works fine with the combo boxes and the values get populated correctly. Private Sub cmbAdjComp_AfterUpdate() Me.cboAdjOff.RowSource = "SELECT AdjusterCompanyOffice.ID, AdjusterCompanyOffice.Address1, AdjusterCompanyOffice.Address2, AdjusterCompanyOffice.Address3, ...

MS Access 2003 - Help understanding the structure of mdb, mde and be.....

Hi. I was just wanting some explanation as to what is going on once you have split your tables out into a back end file, and set an mde out for use. When a user accesses the mde, is the mdb still required to get to the tabes (or in order to make it work)? Let say I put these access apps on a shared drive for folks to use. If I split th...

intellisense functionality in a custom VBA function?

In the standard IDE for VBA, intellisense is built-in to many standard VBA functions. i.e. the buttons variable for msgbox() gives you a list of options for how you want the messagebox to be displayed. This way, the developer doesn't have to memorize or look up the options every time function is used. Can I achieve the same for my cus...

How to set the itemdata in a combox from key value

Hi, How would i set the itemdata from getting just the ID/key of a row, if i didnt know what order it is in on the list For example I have a combo box showing the following: cmbPeople: ID Name 2 Rod 4 Jane 6 Freddy eg. I know I want Jane to be the focus of the combo box, and i have the ID but i dont know that its the seco...

Increment non unique field during SQL insert

I'm not sure how to word this cause I am a little confused at the moment, so bare with me while I attempt to explain, I have a table with the following fields: OrderLineID, OrderID, OrderLine, and a few other unimportant ones. OrderLineID is the primary key and is always unique(which isn't a problem), OrderID is a foreign key that isn...