
Very difficult SQL query

For the following table definitions: Name Null? Type Comments ------------------------------- -------- ---- ------------------------------------ ENUM NOT NULL NUMBER(4) ENUM should not exceed a length of 4. ENAME CHAR(15...

How to take first 4 time for each person.

Using Access Database Table ID Time 001 100000 001 100005 001 103000 001 102500 001 110000 001 120000 001 113000 ..., From the above table, i want to take first four time Query like Select id, min(time) from table group by id I want to take first four min(time) for each person Expected Output ID Time 001 100000 001 10...

ISBN -> bookdata Lookup to fill in a database

Ok, I wanting to database a small library. I've only had limited experience with databases, and none with querying from a webserver. I'm going to want to retrieve information like title, Publisher, maybe author, description the simplest way I can think of dooing this is looking them up via the ISBN. I've come across before,...

Using a combo box in access to list all the available sql servers and connected databases

Is there a way I can set up combo box in an access form to list all the available sql servers and then an associated combo box to list the related databases? Can this be done in access? ...

MS Access 2003 - VBA for altering a table after a "SELECT * INTO tblTemp FROM tblMain" statement

Hi. I use functions like the following to make temporary tables out of crosstabs queries. Function SQL_Tester() Dim sql As String If DCount("*", "MSysObjects", "[Name]='tblTemp'") Then DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "tblTemp" End If sql = "SELECT * INTO tblTemp from TblMain;" Debug.Print (sql) Set db = CurrentDb db.Execute (sql...

Is there a way to take a screenshot in MS-Access with vba?

I want to use vba to take a screenshot (which will then be sent as an email attachment). Ideally, I'd like to take a screenshot of just the active form. Is there any way to do this? ...

How can I preform operations on rows in a Tabular form in MS access?

I have a Tabular type Form based upon a SELECT * FROM table type of query in MS access. I would like to: check / select rows in this form iterate through the checked / selected rows ...

ADODB Connection String: Workgroup Information file is Missing?

I have a few data sources in access that I need to connect to programatically to do things with behind the scenes and keep visibility away from users. Said datasource has a password 'pass' as I'm going to call it here. Using this connection method I get an error attempting to use the open method Dim conn as ADODB.Connection Set ROBBER...

How do I get the auto number after an INSERT in Ms Access?

I have query in vba like this: DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO table (value) VALUES ('example')" ( with an auto incremented primary key called id) How can I get the auto incremented id generated by this insert? ...

How can I make an Access database readable from the web while it is open in MS Access?

I have a website using ASP with an MS Access DB back-end for storing mainly blog posts. My company has a very long software approval process so I am stuck with what I have (i.e. I must use Access). I use server-side javascript to retrieve posts stored in the database using OLEDB calls. Everything works fine except that I cannot read any ...

how would i create,edit, read,use table in ms access via

how would i create edit read use table in ms access via please give me some help ...

Alternatives to decompiling MS Access MDE files

I've been tasked with finding a suitable tool to decompile MDE files. The MDEs were created by staff who have since left (familar story eh?) and we do not have access to the originally MDB files. The reason we need access to the original code is that the data source is changing (the backend as well as some of the table and queries) and...

In subform of a MS Access form, how to hide/show the vertical scroll bars as needed?

I have a subform in an MS Access form which is not hiding/showing the vertical scroll bars as needed. In the example picture, the vertical scroll bar is showing even though there aren't enough records to warrant vertical scrolling. How do I get the scroll bars to show only when they are needed? Do I need to add an if-then condition to ...

How to get only one row for each distinct value in the column ?

Hi Everybody, I have a question about Access.If for example I have a table with the following data : NAME | ADDRESS John Taylor | 33 Dundas Ave. John Taylor | 55 Shane Ave. John Taylor | 786 Edward St. Ted Charles | 785 Bloor St. Ted Charles | 90 New York Ave. I want to get one record for each person no matte...

MS Access 2007: "Attachment" data type equivalent in SQL Server 2008?

What is the "Attachment" data type's equivalent in SQL Server 2008? ...

MS Access 2003 - text box calculation on a form

Lets say I have two text boxes on a form. the first returns a count value from a SQL statement, or a domain aggregate expression, etc. the second does the same with additional parameters. Now i want to have another text box (#3) that divides one by the other for a very simple percentage. like this for a controlsource: =[textbox2]/[text...

Why am I getting "Enter Parameter Value" when running my MS Access query?

In my query, I use the IIF function to assign either "Before" or "After" to a field named BeforeOrAfter using AS. When I run this query, however, the "Enter Parameter Value" dialog appears, requesting a value for BeforeOrAfter. If I remove BeforeOrAfter DESC from the ORDER BY clause, I don't get the dialog. Here is the offending query:...

How do I display an input form when a user selects "other" from a combo box in MS Access?

This is basically the same question as "Click items in select box, and then display a text input." Except I am using MS Access. I want to display a text input field on a form when the user selects "other" from a combo box on the same form. How do I do this? ...

Calling a MS SQL Server scalar UDF from vba

I am programming an Access 2007 (accdb, not adp) frontend at connect to a SQL Server 2005 backend. How can I call a scalar user defined function from my vba code? ...

What is wrong with my SQL syntax for an UPDATE with a JOIN?

I have two tables, related by a common key. So TableA has key AID and value Name and TableB has keys AID, BID and values Name, Value: AID Name 74 Alpha AID BID Name Value 74 4 Beta Brilliance I would like to update the TableB Value here from Brilliance to Barmy, using just the Name fields. I thought I could do it via an UPDATE ...