
How can I open an Office Document from sql server via my C# windows app and automatically save back to database when editing is done?

Our application is written in C# using .net 2.0. The application tracks our business process and users can attach office documents for reference as attachments. They frequently edit those documents. Currently, they have to save the file to their hard drive, edit and save the file, then re-attach to our application to save into databas...

C# .NET Charts Libraries/Code?

I am creating some reporting software that will generate excel workbooks with charts and all related data. Besides the built in libraries and .NET Office integration features, is there any other tools or code that people found useful to creating similar projects? EDIT: I am targeting winforms. ...

How to deploy custom Office 2007 themes to multiple users

Folks, As part of our customization to MS Office 2007, we developed a number of custom theme files (.thmx). The only way we now to deploy the custom theme is to copy them into %appdata%\Microsoft\Templates\Document Themes, for each user to allow the user to see the theme under his theme gallery drop down. This is a not a problem for a...

Office interop: developing with 2003 PIAs on a machine with Office 2007

I have Office 2007 on my dev machine. I have a small app I'm building for a customer server with Office 2003 that needs to do some interop. My program will run as a scheduled task in a nightly batch process. No matter what I do, I can't find the version 11.0 of the Access interop assembly so that will work on the server. I've tried...

How to add properties to a file like the Windows Office documents?

How to add properties to a file like the Windows Office? In Windows, is possible to edit fields from a file like Title, Subject, Keywords etc. How to do the same with an arbitrary file from C/C++ without using Office? Do you have any hint about API, DLLs or general tricks? ...

How do I programatically check if Visio is installed, and where?

I am building a C# application that exports a CSV file to be used with the Visio org chart wizard. How can I check that an installation of Visio exists, and what path? The most obvious method is checking if C:\Program Files\Office12\ORGWIZ.EXE exists, but that is fairly dependant on having Visio 2007 installed.. My other thought is ch...

Lock down Word & PowerPoint features

Does anyone know of a way to lock down (remove/hide/disable) Word & PowerPoint in Office 2007? Simply put I want to disable the user from using some functionality in them (mostly formatting). Some ideas of ways to do it, which I just can’t seem to find solutions based on: Word has a protect document option which locks some features a...

Is there a way to talk to OneNote through code?

I love using OneNote, however I want more control over the locations of my notes and how notes are generated. I'm very versed in VBA and ok with Python (and those are the only languages I can code with on my machine) however I haven't found a decent way to interact with OneNote through code. I'm using OneNote 2003 which doesn't look li...

VSTO: How to add text after a bookmark in Word with different formating within the text

I have a word document with a bookmark. I use the bookmark to get a range object which I then set the text of and add to the document. Now I want to add text after that newly added text but with different formatting how do I do this? Now I use something like object oRangeStart = (object) previousRange.End + 1; object oRangeEnd = (object...

Clicking on Popup outside bounds of TaskPane loses keyboard focus

I'm developing a Microsoft Word TaskPane containing a WPF ElementHost. The hosted WPF uses a Popup that is intended to behave as a ComboBox's does. I believe you can reproduce my problem like this: popup.IsOpen = true; popup.StaysOpen = false; Mouse.Capture(ancestor_of_popup, CaptureMode.SubTree); When a region of the Popup lies out...

Access 2007 triggers and procedures equivalents?

Ok, does anyone have some good resources for Access 2007 features regarding triggers or stored procedures? Can it even do them or something similar to them? Every resource I have found on Microsoft’s help is referencing back to Access 2003, as well as many of the help manuals online. Everything is moved around in 2007, so it is a littl...

Sharing Add-in between Office Apps

I have written an Office shared Add-in with C# and .NET 2.0. It uses the same COM Shim for all office apps. Currently, every instance creates its own instance of my class -- they have no knowledge of the fact that the add-in is running on another application. Is it possible to make it so that, say, when the Word add-in launches it can ...

Get distinct word list and count from ms office docs using C#

I am looking for an efficient way of reading the raw text from any ms office document (word, excel or powerpoint), then displaying a distinct word list and a count of how many times that word is used. If possible I would like to be able to exclude common words ('and', 'to', 'the', etc). What is the best way I can achive this in C#? ...

Where is the best documentation of Microsoft Excel Biff format

I am looking for the best documentation of Microsoft Excel's file format - 1997 - > 2003. I am not looking for ooxml. What is the best resource on the web? ...

VSTO - Shared addin for Word and Excel to modify the ribbon

I have successfully used the Excel and Word addin templates in Visual studio 2008 to create a project that adds to the ribbon, but I am having difficulty with shared addins. I have created an add in that uses a xml file to modify and add to the ribbon and I can catch the events from buttons added, but I can't for the life of me figure o...

Rookie MS Access - Creating the Front End MDE

ok guys. here are some rookie questions for you: I created a database for tracking metrics, with some automation tricks (email, .doc,.ppt presentations, etc) with a very large Main-table, and lots of forms/GUI. This is the first time I have ever I worried about an MDE/front-end for the thing. So if you would be so kind to answer a few q...

MS Project library

Does anybody know of a good library for reading/modifying ms project files? ...

What algorithm does MsOffice use for file encryption?

I am looking for documentation on the encryption algorithm used by Office for its BIFF files. The documetation says: "All records after FILEPASS are encrypted (see the Office Open XML specification (Ecma Internation Standard 376) for further details)." I looked at the ECMA documentation but could not find anything related to encryption...

MS Access 03 - muliplte "ifs" in one field of update query's criteria??

Can I run an update query and in one single field run multiple updates like: "joe doe" updated to 334 & "barry davis" updated to 456, etc basically I want to convert the name to number (in my case it would be the employee ID#), and I have about 500 employees so one at a time is a little out of the question. the table is import from exc...

Running ASP.NET website on Microsoft office Live?

Does MS Office Live allows user to upload and use websites? We have a specific requirements where we need to upload and use the our own modules.. I understand the security where it is dangerous for MS to allow user to port their ASPX and dlls into the server.. I would like to any other options to run custom ASPx on MS Office Li...