
Is it possible to open word document from website and save it like access from local network?

I need to create some website that allow user to edit Microsoft office document like Microsoft word. User can open document from this website after that user can save changed document to website like user open it from network location ("//Server-Name/path/document.docx") Update I try to use ftp server for containing documents. After th...

Will Subversion efficiently store OpenXML Office documents?

Hello, I have been managing Subversion as an engineering document storage repository for my company. It is working fairly well, however I have a question about how MS Office 2007 formats are (should be) handled by Subversion. I'm looking at an Excel 2007 spreadsheet (extension .xlsx) in my working copy that Subversion has applied the ...

Access the Outlook addressbook (global or otherwise) through Outlook Add-ins

A client of mine currently has an Outlook form for keeping track of interactions with their clients. This essentially adds a second page to a calendar entry. They want to add a field that would behave similarly to the "to" field in most e-mail messages. I was able to successfully create this field in the form, the problem I had though...

Retaining Alpha channel on buttons in Outlook Toolbar

I am developing a COM Add-in using VB.NET in Visual Studio 2008 Pro for Outlook 2003 and am having trouble assigning images to custom toolbar buttons. In a nutshell, I am having to convert from an Icon type to a stdole.IPictureDisp type so that I can assign my buttons a picture. The picture displays, but it loses the Alpha channel and ...

ms-access 2007 .exe

Good Day I have created a program in ms-access 2007, (in house program), Is it possible to create a stand alone program from access (.exe) thank you ...

How can I programatically create, read, write an excel without having office installed?

I'm confused as hell with all the bazillion ways to read/write/create excel files. VSTO, OLEDB, etc, but they all seem to have the requirement that office must be installed. Here is my situation: I need to develop an app which will take an excel file as input, do some calculations and create a new excel file which will basically be a mo...

Securing Office web content from redistribution without RMS

I’m looking for a mechanism that can be used to distribute Microsoft Office content over the web without using Rights Managements Services whilst minimising the ability for it to be printed or redistributed. I know any solution is always going to be a compromise and never entirely secure but I’d be interested in any mechanisms which incr...

MS Word Office Automation - Filling Text Form Fields And Check Box Form Fields And Mail Merge

Does anyone have any good advice or experience on how to create an engine using C# (VB.NET is okay too) that is generic enough to handle most cases of MS Word text fields I need to fill with data I'm getting from a database? In short, I'm about to embark on this little Office automation excursion and I'm hoping a little bit of feedback ...

Convert docx to xlsx

Hello, I am writting .NET application that generates reports in docx. One of the last requirements I've got was - generate also these reports in xlsx format. So, is there any simple way to convert docx to xlsx format? I haven't found any solution or utility/library. One of the ideas was to use Microsoft.Office.Interop Copy/Paste method...

Not a valid Office Add In

I developed a new office 2007 addin using VS 2008 and VSTO. after this i go to Office->Excel Options->AddIns->COM AddIns and GO.. If i select the .dll which i ve created i get an error that " not a valid Office Add In." If i run it using the visual studio 2008 at my development machine, it works fine and i see the addin. I searched s...

conversion MS documents to csv files

i have a bulk of MS documents and I'm using ubuntu os. I need to convert all documents to csv. Is there any way to do it ...

Replacing Word's Open File Dialog in a COM Add-in

I'm writing a Word COM Add-in that replaces the Open & Save dialogs with my own. For the save dialog, I'm handling the documentBeforeSave event from the application events. This works fine. For the open dialog, there is no such event, so I'm currently handling the onClick of the Open... menu item, canceling the default handling. This...

Excel: change the spreadsheets from templates to workbooks??

I have a set od Excel (2003) sheets saved as ".xlt" format. Now ,how to change the spreadsheets from templates to workbooks? Further can any one make it clear what is a Excel workbook and what is Excel template? Differences? Does not a workbook contain multiple worksheets? Thanks and Regards Vas ...

Creating the Previews of MS Office Files like word excel and PPT in cocoa

Hi How can I create the preview image for MS Office files like word, excel , power point in cocoa. Can anyone suggest me on this like how to handle those file?. I tried using the Bitmap representation of the .doc files.It dint work.. Which API i can use?.. thank you.. ...

How to know if the VBA component of Office is installed?

My Excel addin requires the Visual Basic for Applications option of Excel to be installed in order for it to work. I would like my install (which is written with InnoSetup) to be able to detect if VBA is installed and warn the user if it is not. How can I detect if the option is already installed? ...

So, .NET doesn't have built-in Office functionality?

I always thought it did, though I don't know where I got the idea... I'd always assumed it was easy to treat a spreadsheet as a 2D array for instance, but some searching on SO suggests everyone is using 3rd-party libraries? Or, are all those people needing a solutions which doesn't require Office to be installed... if I don't have this r...

How to get a non-techie coworker to be able to hand you content and documents in HTML?

I'm working on a public-facing web-based product which has a series of help files. The coworkers whose job it is to make those help files are fluent in Microsoft Word. They're not fluent in HTML. Their workstations do not include Visual Studio. So what it looks like is going to happen is they will author the help file contents in Micr...

Display Excel 2007 Document in Browser using COM

I want to display and edit MS Excel File from client side using ActiveX COM object. The user would be allowed to edit the file and save it to local PC. Then It can be uploaded to remote server. So, can you give me some example of displaying Word, Excel, Powerpoint etc document in Internet Explorer 8.0 using COM. I could not find such oc...

Excel: Set background colour of cell to rgb value of data in cell.

I have a column containing rgb values, eg 127,187,199 67,22,94 In Excel, is there any way I can use this to set the background colour of the cell? ...

How to find auto-updating date-time fields that have been inserted into a Powerpoint?

I need to find and "fix" these fields (that were inserted with TextRange.InsertDateTime with the InsertAsField flag set to true). Word documents appear to have a nice Fields property that gives me centralized access to them, and I can find the representation in the .pptx file with 2007, but I can't seem to find anything in the PPT objec...