
Parse xls file in email

I am trying to parse an excel file from an email without using an oledb driver or mssql! The client i am working with is using server 2003 x64 and ms sql express 2005. I cannot run IIS in x86 because this would break the exchange owa. I also cannot create a sql job to take in the xls file and spit out a csv because it is an express editi...

Best way of automating a mailshot process

I looking at automating a mailshot process. Currently the mail merge is done in word with data coming from SQL Server. This produces a letter, then depending on a value on the letter a number of brochures are manually added to the envelope with the letter. What I am trying to do, is automatically print the correct number of pdfs behind ...

Tips for VSTO Developers

I have a personal project that I'd like to build as an add-in for Microsoft Word 2007. I have prototyped it using VSTO with Visual Studio 2008 and found it surprisingly easy to work with the object model. I am however worried about deployment of my add-in. I assume users will need Office and .NET 3.5 (with SP1) installed, but will they...

Creating a plugin for outlook with VS 2008

I've created an outlook add-in using Visual Studio 2008. What I want to do is add a menu item to the right click context menu of an email item. Does anyone have a sample or two of how to do this? ...

MS Office Add On

Hi, I want to add on certain feature in MS Office. Currently, I am looking at VBA to develop it. However, it seems that running macros requires security disabled. This means that if I distribute the VBA program, other people need to enable macros to run. (Security issues) The problem now is, how do I distribute the VBA that I wrote? E....

Saving Excel 2007 documents

In .NET C# I'm trying to open an Excel template, add some data and save it as a new document. I'm trying to use the OpenXML document format. I can't seem to find any guidance on how to do this. Seems like all the documentation talks about how to write various parts to the Package but I can't find anything on what to do when you're done...

How can I make Single Installer for my Different version of Office Addin.

Hello, Any one knows how can I make an Installer Common for the both office 2003 / 2007 plugin. Installer should automatically select the appropriate Office Version (2003/2007), depends on which Office is installed. I'm using VS2008, Extensibility - Shared Addin, for my Office Plugin. I have 2 Projects for 2003 and 2007, I want to make...

Options for encapsulating an API

I want to extend an API (the Visio API - Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio). The classes are not sealed. They have some weird COM stuff going on inside of them. What are my options? Specifically, what's the best way to seperate pure (external) api access from the biz logic of my app? ...

Creating outlook item with custom Message Class IPM.CustomClass

I am using VSTO 3.0 for outlook2003 addin. Is it possible to create an item with custom Message Class IPM.CustomClass. The following article mentions about form configuration files to create custom item IPM.Help. Is it possible to create a custom Outlook Form and register it against custom message class. BTW it is possible to create an...

Calling an excel macro from build script

I am looking to call an excel Macro as part of a build script. I was trying to use powershell to call into excel. I was using the following article as a reference: This approach did not work due to the fact that there seems to be a bug that only allows ...

must capture document properties for word, excel and powerpoint documents

Hi, I am new to VBA and this area. I would like to capture the document proporties like (document title, subject, author, team, manager,company etc...) while create or saving the document. This properties capture is must and i would like to implement to all the Word, Excel, Powerpoint users in my company. How this can be possible...

Size limit on exchange server 2003 Item properties

Hi, Is there a limit on the size on value of property of an item in Exchange [Contact,Task etc]. In outlook I was able to create a item property with value having 100,000 Characters but when read this item property in exchange using webdav value was not Synchronized from outlook to exchange. It could sync property value up-to 4000 char...

Use Excel for calculations in web app

Hi I've inherited a large Excel spreadsheet that does some financial calculation magic using any number of simulation tables, and have been asked to write a web application as a front end. Now I could spend endless hours trying to figure out the sheet, or I could call the excel sheet from my web app. I seem to need the Office Primary In...

No 'Home Site' attribute has been provided for 'Office2003PIA'.

I have Office 2003 PIA as dependency in my setup project. when I build my project I'm getting following Warning. Warning 1 No 'HomeSite' attribute has been provided for 'Office 2003 PIAs', so the package will be published to the same location as the bootstrapper. ...

In Shared Addin Extensibility how to get Application Configuration File?

In case of VSTO this AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile This Returns the Configuration file of the Executing Plugin, while shared add-in Returns False Configuration File as AppDomain returns d:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\EXCEL.EXE instead of the Assembly of the Plugin. My Question is how can I get th...

Using .NET Microsoft.Office.Interop to convert .DOC to XHTML

I'm trying to convert the contents of a Microsoft Word (.doc) file into nicely formatted XHTML using C#, .NET 2.0 and the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word namespace. This is just a little exe that I'm building, which I can hopefully integrate into our automated build process. The reason I'm doing this is because Word's built in "Save as Web...

Weird behavior when adding heading/footing around Word Table programatically

I am writing a macro to insert a Word table and surround it by a heading and footing, the heading and footing are pre-edited into a couple of documents. My macro is doing this: insert the heading from an external doc ask the user for table dimension and create the table insert the footing from an external doc I am getting a weird be...

Office Addin Installation help!!

Hi All I created a VSTO Excel 2003 addin and a setup project. It works perfect in Excel 2003 and Excel 2007. When I install the addin in Office 2000. I getting the following error... "The Common Language runtime could not be loaded... contact your administrator" No exception Sad Since for Office 2000 we need to use the PIA o...

PowerPoint - load macro on document load?

Does anyone know how I can have a macro load on document load when opening a PowerPoint pot-template? I've looked at some Auto_Open and add-ins which looks like need to be set. But there's a few settings that need to be set as well within PowerPoint itself for it to work. I've got a template which thousands of users are about to be usin...

MS SharePoint 2007 - Anyone know where I can find a thorough learning resource?

Hey guys. I would like to learn about MS Sharepoint 2007...does anyone know where I can begin (the more thorough, the better) Thanks...much appreciated! ...