
Deploy VSTO Document solution to Excel 2003

We have an Excel workbook which has c# VSTO code in it and two .NET DLLs that sit behind it. The spreadsheet used to work for all users in the organisation. Recently our IT department had a problem with the OU which deleted all user accounts. The accounts were restored but since then users in our London office have not had the added fun...

Embedding Office in Java

I'm trying to get Office 2007/2010 application embedded inside a Java application using SWT using the following code: import java.awt.Canvas; import javax.swing.JFrame; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.awt.SWT_AWT; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.*; import org.eclipse.swt.wid...

How do I create an MS Word add-on that automatically recommends terms by detecting what user is typing (muti-word matching)?

I am aware of auto-complete and custom dictionary, but my application requires matching multiple, unspecified number of words or acronyms. I want to suggest to user a standard way of writing a particular term by detecting what she means. Kind of like when you are typing a date and word suggests the standard format. ...

Create SP 2010 List from Excel 2010 Worksheet

I have a user who wants to create a new SharePoint 2010 list from his Excel 2010 Spreadsheet. I have no problem performing this ( my config is XP SP3, Office 2010 Prelium Plus). But whem he tries, he gets a popup window Titled "Message From Webpage" with the error "An unexpected error has occurred". His configuration is Windows 7 64Bit...

Word OLE Automation - delete first page and manipulate header and footer

Hi, I am using PHP to start Word Automation and manipulate word documents, but i guess it can be done in all any other language. What i need to do is quite simple, i need to remove the first page and add header and footer. Here is my code: $word = new COM('word.applicantion'); $word->Documents->Open('xxx.docx'); $word->Documents[1]...

Office 2010 SharePoint Multiple Upload - Translate header

Hi, we've got a SharePoint (WSS3) site where users use the multiple upload functionality in Office to upload documents. Users that have upgraded to Office 2010 can no longer upload multiple documents - each document is reported as failed. Our WSS3 site is locked down with urlscan, and one of the headers it is disallowing is 'Translate'. ...

How to copy a picture (graphic object) to the Clipboard in VBA?

In Excel 2003, I need to copy a Graphics object (sheet.PageSetup.LeftFooterPicture) to the Clipboard. How can I do that? ...

PHP xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx headers

Here is my code where I am trying to send a correct header depedning on a type of a document. I figured out the headers for pdf, doc and docx but I still need to know correct header for Excel and Powerpoint files. Any help appreciated. $document = urldecode($_GET['document']); $extension = end(explode('.', $document)); $m...

Is there functionality that is NOT exposed in the OpenXML SDK v2?

I want to know if there is anything that you cannot do with SDK that was exposed in the COM interface? ...

COM object with CLSID {00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} is either not valid or not registered

In my application there is a functionality to show an excel sheet.Due to some reason we need to uninstall Microsoft Office. Now the above functionality is not working and I am getting following error. COM object with CLSID {00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} is either not valid or not registered. Any Ideas how do I resolve this with...

MS Office licence on receiving editing and reposting MS Word documents via commercial website?

Hello all. I'm developing a website which will receive MS Word documents, edit them and send them back to user. My question is this: do I need to pay a specific MS Office licence to do that? Thank you in advance. ...

Help me optimize VBA Excel code for copying certain columns of every row on a sheet to another.

Hi all, I need to copy certain columns of every row in sheet A into sheet B. I have created a sub that creates 2 arrays (variants) of the matching column numbers, so I can map column 3 in sheet A to be equal to column 8 in sheet B, etc. Everything works fine, thing is it's quite slow, here it is: Sub insertIntoSelectedOpps(opCols As...

identify heading in an ms word document using C#

I need to identify the headings and normal texts in a ms word document separately and put them in two different columns of an excel sheet. This is a VSTO application using C#. ...

Microsoft Office Word 2007 .docx manipulation via software C++ / Javs SDK

Hi, I am looking for a C++ / Java SDK for manipulating .docx documents. I need to read the text, add a new page at the beginning, add footer and header etc'. Not one that works with COM / OLE Automation for Word. But a real SDK. Thanks ...

How do I make MODI not identify rotated images?

I have a VBScript script that looks like this: Const ForAppending = 8 Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\OCRresults.txt", ForAppending, True) set miDoc=CreateObject("MODI.Document") miDoc.Create ("C:\PathToTifScreenshot.tif") miDoc.Images(0).OCR set miLayout = miDoc.Images(0...

Convert from Office Docs / PDFS to HTML

I am currently working on a project where I need to secure access to downloadable files. The solution I want to implement is to have two buttons next to each document. One that says Editable and the other read-only (depending on the users permission they will see one of these or both). The editable will work normally with the browser dia...

VSTO Outlook: Creating a dynamic custom context menu for a mail item determined by subject line

Is it possible to add different items to a mail item custom context menu by inspecting the contents of the item? For instance, only add the item if the subject line contains "IMPORTANT". ...

VBA Collections driving me nuts!

Hi guys, I'm still learning VBA and I can't figure out wth I'm having so many problems with a Collections object. I have a function that adds custom objects (I created a very simple class to store some data) that does the typical "read data, create object representation, stick it into Collections" sort of stuff. If I try to add a "key...

Is it possible to automate a Click-to-run application?

I have a small application which automates Microsoft Word via COM/OLE Automation. Unfortunately this doesn't work with the virtualized Click-to-run editions of Word, because they don't have the required keys in the registry. (At least not where they are exptected to be) In other words: CreateObject fails because the necessary COM classe...

Customize Office Ribbon programmatically

I am writing an addin to Office (both 2007 and 2010), and have so far used the Fluent Ribbon XML to customize the different ribbons. The problem I am having now with that approach, is that I want to have a bit more flexibility in my code, and have different modules add more buttons to the ribbon, without hard coding them in XML - The add...