
Psuedo-multiple-inheritance with extension methods on interfaces in C#?

Similar question but not quite the same thing I was thinking that with extension methods in the same namespace as the interface you could get a similar effect to multiple inheritance in that you don't need to have duplicate code implementing the same interface the same way in 10 different classes. What are some of the downsides of doin...

Is this valid C++ code?

Hi, I just wanted to know whether is this following block of code fully valid in C++: class A { public: virtual bool b() = 0; }; class B { public: virtual bool b() = 0; }; class C: public A, public B { public: virtual bool A::b() { return true; } virtual bool B::b() { return false; } }; Using VS2008 it compi...

ASP.NET MVC - Is it possible to have a MVC subproject in a FORMS rootproject?

I'm trying to find out if other people are able to do this. I've found the following question and answer (which refers to Scott Hanselmans post on mixing Forms and MVC) ( However this is not quite the same. Are you able to run a ....

Why is Multiple Inheritance not allowed in Java or C#?

I know that multiple inheritance is not allowed in Java and C#. Many books just say, multiple inheritance is not allowed. But it can be implemented by using interfaces. Nothing is discussed about why it is not allowed. Can anybody tell me precisely why it is not allowed? ...

How is C++'s multiple inheritance implemented?

Single inheritance is easy to implement. For example, in C, the inheritance can be simulated as: struct Base { int a; } struct Descendant { Base parent; int b; } But with multiple inheritance, the compiler has to arrange multiple parents inside newly constructed class. How is it done? The problem I see arising is: should the parents ...

Would extracting page metadata be a good use of multiple inheritance?

I was wondering if I have a couple of models which both include fields like "meta_keywords" or "slug" which have to do with the web page the model instance will be displayed on, whether it would be advisable to break those page metadata elements out into their own class, say PageMeta, and have my other models subclass those via multiple ...

Multiple inheritance hierarchy

I'm looking for a clean way of doing this since a long time. In my problem, there exist 3 classes not sharing any parent in common but each having some methods with the same name (A.doSomething, B.doSomething, C.doSomething). Hence, having the same function signature, class D inheriting from A and using method doSomething() will "look th...

How to model this multiple inheritance relationship with a RDBMS?

I'm looking at this data model I've come up with and not feeling comfortable. I've changed the entity names so it (hopefully) makes more sense. In any event, how would you model the following? I have 3 entities. GovernmentCustomer, PrivateCustomer, PublicCustomer. Private and Public Customer are both CorporateCustomers. Corporate and Go...

How do I model this multi-inheritance relationship w/ Ruby ActiveRecord?

Assuming I have 5 tables. Can ActiveRecord handle this? How would you set it up? The hierarchy: Account (Abstract) CorporateCustomer (Abstract) PrivateCustomer PublicCustomer GovernmentCustomer Edit: In nhibernate and castle activerecord the method needed to enable this scenario is called "joined-subclasses". ...

How can I emulate multiple-inheritance and use reflection to optimize this code?

I've got a WPF application where PageItems are model objects. My main ViewModel has an ObservableCollection of PageItemViewModels, each one building itself from its matching PageItem model object. Each PageItemViewModel inherits from the abstract class BaseViewModel in order to get the INotifyPropertyChanged functionality. Each PageIt...

Alternative of Multiple inheritance in Java

I have created two beans class BackPageBean{ String backPage = null; : : : } class InformationMessageBean{ String informationMessage = null; : : : } Now, if a class is backpage aware then it will extend backPageBean, or if it need to show some kind of message then it extends InformationMessageBean. class BackPage...

When might multiple inheritance be the only reasonable solution?

To be clear, I'm not asking if/why multiple inheritance is good or bad. I've heard a lot of arguments from both sides of that debate. I'm wondering if there is any kind of design problem or scenario in C++ in which multiple inheritance is either the only way to accomplish something, or at least is the most optimal way over all other alt...

"Rename" inherited methods in interface in C#

I'm trying to understand the Repository Pattern, while developing an ASP.NET MVC application (using .NET 3.5, ASP.NET MVC 1.0 and Entity Framework). I've gotten far enough to get the dependency injection and all working with one Controller and one Entity type, but now I've gotten as far as to implementing support for a relation between d...

Eliminating multiple inheritance

I have the following problem and I'm wondering if there's a nice way to model these objects without using multiple inheritance. If it makes any difference, I am using Python. Students need contact information plus student information. Adults need contact information plus billing information. Students can be adult students, in which cas...

C++, statically detect base classes with differing addresses?

If I have a derived class with multiple bases, each this pointer for each base will be different from that of the derived object's this pointer, except for one. Given two types in an inheritance hierarchy, I'd like to detect at compile time whether they share the same this pointer. Something like this should work, but doesn't: BOOST_STA...

Are there any scenarios in which multiple inheritence is necessary?

Are there any scenarios in which multiple inheritence is necessary? Please provide examples. ...

How can I get nose to find class attributes defined on a base test class?

I'm getting some integration tests running against the database, and I'd like to have a structure that looks something like this: class OracleMixin(object): oracle = True # ... set up the oracle connection class SqlServerMixin(object): sql_server = True # ... set up the sql server connection class SomeTests(object): ...

How to reuse code when multiple inheritance is not an option?

I would like to make use of few methods from couple of my old tested classes into my new class that I am building. Unfortunately, C# does not support multiple inheritance. How do I reuse code from these old classes? Do I just create them as member objects? or Do I have any other options? ...

Asymetric virtual Inheritence diamond in C++

So I have this idea and I think it's basically impossible to implement in C++... but I want to ask. I read through chapter 15 of Stroustrup and didn't get my answer, and I don't think the billion other questions about inheritance diamonds answer this one, so I'm asking here. The question is, what happens when you inherit from two base c...

Is it possible to extend a generic class parameter in Java?

Does something like this make any sense at all in Java? class A<T extends B> extends T{ int fun1() { .... } } abstract class B extends X implements C { } interface C { int fun1(); } I want class B to extend both X and C ideally. But since there is no multiple inheritance in Java, I'm trying to come up with a slicke...