
Emulate multiple inheritance in php

I have a system of Models: abstract class R00_Model_iUnique { } abstract class R00_Model_iFamilyUnique extends R00_Model_iUnique { } // for models with hierarchy abstract class R00_Model_iTaggedUnique extends R00_Model_iUnique { } // for models with tags // and, for example class R00_Model_User extends R00_Model_iUnique { } class R00_M...

Is there a BDD-style framework that allows multiple inherited behaviours?

Many of our system tests are written in a BDD style, and we make decent use of inherited behaviours to minimise duplication, for example this might be a basic hierarchy for purchase tests. class BehavesLikeSuccessfulPurchase class BehavesLikePurchaseWithValidCreditCard : BehavesLikeSuccessfulPurchase In this case the BehavesLikeSucces...

C++ Separate Compilers for classes (vtables)?

I was wondering what the consequences are for compiling a class A with one compiler that doesn't allow multiple inheritance, and compiling a class B that does support it (and class B derived from class A). I don't really understand the linking process...would it be possible to use both together? What disadvantages exist for using separa...

Why exactly do I need an explicit upcast when implementing QueryInterface() in an object with multiple interfaces()

Assume I have a class implementing two or more COM interfaces: class CMyClass : public IInterface1, public IInterface2 { }; Almost every document I saw suggests that when I implement QueryInterface() for IUnknown I explicitly upcast this pointer to one of the interfaces: if( iid == __uuidof( IUnknown ) ) { *ppv = static_cast<IIn...

Why is this the same even when object pointers differ in multiple inheritance?

When using multiple inheritance C++ has to maintain several vtables which leads to having "several views" of common base classes. Here's a code snippet: #include "stdafx.h" #include <Windows.h> void dumpPointer( void* pointer ) { __int64 thisPointer = reinterpret_cast<__int64>( pointer ); char buffer[100]; _i64toa( thisPoin...

What's the difference between COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID and COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY2_IID?

Seems like both COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID and COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY2_IID are for the case when the class is derived from two or more classes each derived from a common interface. Like this: class CMyClass : public IPersistFile, public IPersistStream { }; (both IPersistStream and IPersistFile derive from IPersist). Looks like I'm free to...

can a base class tell what item is inheriting it

I have a base clase "AsyncHandlerBase" public class CameraAlertsQuery : AsyncHandlerBase the base class is inherited by multiple pages. is there any way in the base class to execute specific code when a particular class is inheriting it? I would have that particular code executed on the page itself, but it is not possible in this ca...

Inheritance in Python Such That All Base Functions Are Called

Basically, what I want is to do this: class B: def fn(self): print 'B' class A: def fn(self): print 'A' @extendInherit class C(A,B): pass c=C() c.fn() And have the output be A B How would I implement the extendInherit decorator? ...

Overriding multiple inherited templated functions with specialized versions

Okay, sample code first; this is my attempt at communicating what it is that I'm trying to do, although it doesn't compile: #include <iostream> template <class T> class Base { public: virtual void my_callback() = 0; }; class Derived1 : public Base<int> , public Base<float> { public: void my_callback<int>() { cout << "Int callba...

Any real example of using interface related to multiple inheritance

I m trying to understand Interfaces so that I can implement them in my programs but I m not able to imagine how should i use them. Also give me some eg of using them with multiple inheritance in C# ...

Multiple inheritance on different template types

Hey, I'm working on event handling in C++ and to handle notification of events, I have a class EventGenerator which any class generating events can inherit from. EventGenerator has a method which other classes can use to add in callbacks and a method to call the callbacks once an event happens To handle notification of different types ...

Multiple inheritance using interface C#.

I am trying to use selective features of two classes into 3rd class. For example, I have Button1 class which creates a fancy button border and Button2 class which writes a the text in colorful format. Now these classes are provided to me by 3rd party vendors where i dont have access to the code. The classes are not sealed so i can inheri...

C++ multiple inheritance off identically named operator

hello Is it possible to inherit identically named operator which only differ in return type, from two different abstract classes. If so, them: what is the syntax for implementing operators what is the syntax for using/resolving operators what is the overhead in general case, same as for any other virtual function? if you can provide...

Using C++, how do I correctly inherit from the same base class twice?

This is our ideal inheritance hierarchy: class Foobar; class FoobarClient : Foobar; class FoobarServer : Foobar; class WindowsFoobar : Foobar; class UnixFoobar : Foobar; class WindowsFoobarClient : WindowsFoobar, FoobarClient; class WindowsFoobarServer : WindowsFoobar, FoobarServer; class UnixFoobarClient : UnixFoobar, FoobarClie...

Is it better to use `#ifdef` or inheritance for cross-compiling?

To follow from my previous question about virtual and multiple inheritance (in a cross platform scenario) - after reading some answers, it has occurred to me that I could simplify my model by keeping the server and client classes, and replacing the platform specific classes with #ifdefs (which is what I was going to do originally). Will...

Inherit interfaces which share a method name

There are two base classes have same function name. I want to inherit both of them, and over ride each method differently. How can I do that with separate declaration and definition (instead of defining in the class definition)? #include <cstdio> class Interface1{ public: virtual void Name() = 0; }; class Interface2 { public: ...

Python multiple inheritance: Whats wrong doing it dynamically?

Based on this answer, of how __new__ and __init__ are supposed to work in Python, I wrote this code to dynamically define and create a new class and object. class A(object): def __new__(cls): class C(cls, B): pass self = C() return self def foo(self): print 'foo' class B(object): def bar(...

How to inherit from multiple base classes in Java?

Possible Duplicates: Cheat single inheritance in Java !! Why is Multiple Inheritance not allowed in Java or C#? Multiple Inheritance in java. I know that we can use interfaces to inherit from multiple classes but is it possible to inherit the state as well? How can I inherit methods with definitions from 2 classes and have t...

Compile-time interface implementation check in C++

I'm using pseudo-interfaces in C++, that is, pure abstract classes. Suppose I have three interfaces, IFoo, IBar and IQuux. I also have a class Fred that implements all three of them: interface IFoo { void foo (void); } interface IBar { void bar (void); } interface IQuux { void quux (void); } class Fred : implements ...

Invalid ESP when using multiple inheritance in C++ (VS2005)

I've been making a game which uses the Box2D physics engine, and I've come across some weirdness with the stack pointer (ESP) and multiple inheritance. I've managed to reproduce it in a minimal amount of code, and it seems that the order in which I declare the classes to be used in multiple inheritance seems to dictate whether the progra...