
PHP: Output multiple line command-line outputs as different lines.

PHP: Output multiple line command-line outputs as different lines. Sorry if the title is difficult to understand. Basically I want my output like A, instead of B. It currently looks like B. I have tried nl2br. The script I am trying to run is: Script: echo "Virus Scan Results:"; $scanme = system('cd /var/www/upload/files; clamscan...

Changing the connected DB

I seem to go back and forth on this, sometimes it works for me, often it doesn't and I can't figure out how/why I can get it to work sometimes, and at other times it won't. I have 5 databases, and need to grab data from each of them during a maintenance routine. For each of the databases, I have an external file which contains all the ...

Uploading multiple images onto a panel in Java.

Hi everyone, I'm trying to upload multiple images onto a panel but I don't just know how to do this. I can upload a single image but not more than one at a time. Actually I need this knowledge to make a simple card game I recently designed look more real. Can anyone help me out. ...

How can I add link-specific scrolling animations, horizontal and vertical, using jQuery?

I've got this script on my website: $(document).ready(function() { function filterPath(string) { return string .replace(/^\//,'') .replace(/(index|default).[a-zA-Z]{3,4}$/,'') .replace(/\/$/,''); } $('[href*=#]').each(function() { if ( (filterPath(location.pathname) == filterPath(this.pathname)) &&...

Accomodating Multiple DLL Versions

I have an application that uses a Microsoft DLL (Microsoft.ComponentStudio.ComponentPlatformImplementation.dll) which is used for OS deployment and accessing the catalog files. Version is specific to the Windows Server 2008 catalog files. The newer version is specific to Windows Server 2008 R2 catalog files. Attempting to...

WPF: template or UserControl with 2 (or more!) ContentPresenters to present content in 'slots'

Hello, I am developing LOB application, where I will need multiple dialog windows (and displaying everything in one window is not an option/makes no sense). I would like to have a user control for my window that would define some styling, etc., and would have several slots where content could be inserted - for example, a modal dialog wi...

(Rails) Architecting a multi-model controller and index view...?

Hi All, I'm currently managing multiple models from a single SITE MANAGER page. I have the following relationships: Sites -> Buildings -> Meters -> Values Beside each "Sites" item I have "Edit | Delete | Add Building" Beside each "Building" item I have "Edit | Delete | Add Meter" Beside each "Meter" item I have "Edit | Delete | Add ...

hibernate multiple databases

Hi, What is the best way to support multiple databases using hibernate? I see the following article... It seems Shards is a possible solution, though the con mentioned is that it's not appropriate for large numbers of schemas. My requirement, is that we have many different databases, multiple databa...

c# Use two validators on the same field

Hello, I have run into a problem trying to modify a form I myself have not built. The form has a asp:input field for a date value, wich is checked by a requiredFieldVal and a rangeVal. The rangeVal has type set to "date" and min value 2000-01-01: max value 3000-01-01 Now to the problem, I'm trying to add so that the user also can input...

Multiple choics iPhone App - UITableView?

I am developing a voting app, where the User will be presented with a question and multiple choices. In a typical HTML world the choice for this interface would be a Radio Box/Check box. What kind of view would I use in the iPhone SDK for a similar behavior? Are there any sample apps which I can refer to? Thanks, Amy ...

Does CouchDB support multiple range queries?

How are multiple range queries implemented in CouchDB? For a single range condition, startkey and endkey combination works fine, but the same thing is not working with a multiple range condition. My View function is like this: "function(doc){ if ((doc['couchrest-type'] == 'Item') && doc['loan_name']&& doc['loan_period']&& ...

How do I return multiple generic Lists in one Web Call ?

Ok, I poked around before posting and can't seem to find anything... so here we go. I decided that returning datasets, working with datasets and datatables in a front end app is a rather bad idea. So with the magic of generics I am returning a generic list via Webservice call ( not WCF just plain ol' asmx ) . That works dandy as long as...

Multiple instances of j2me midlet problem

I have a j2me midlet running on a cell phone. The code works fine, but the issue that comes up is that the program seems to be running more than one instance of itself. I have code at the beginning of the application inside the appStart() method that runs twice when the application starts. During the lifetime of the program, the code ... mvc can i have a menu that links by both id and username

I am basically taking the default ASP.NET MVC template and extending it: Looking at the site.master, I see this for menus: <ul id="menu"> <li><%= Html.ActionLink("Home", "Index", "Home")%></li> <li><%= Html.ActionLink("About", "About", "Home")%></li> </ul> I am then editing it by the following: <ul id="menu"> ...

Count multiple rows in SQL Server Query

I have this table called Online_Transaction and i want to show all the types of transactions and how many where made of each type (completed,rejected,pending for authorization) in a specific month. I have this query until now but I get repeated results any ideas? SELECT DISTINCT TRANSACTION_TYPE_ID , YEAR(CREATED_ON) AS YEAR , ...

Python - Reading multiple lines into list

OK guys/gals stuck again on something simple I have a text file which has multiple lines per entry, the data is in the following format firstword word word word wordx word word word interesting1 word word word word wordy word word word wordz word word word interesting2 word word word lastword this sequence repeats a hundred or so t...

Form calls 2 php functions

I have an html form which uses a php file to submit data by email. I want to add some code (which I already have) to generate random numbers for spam protection. Can I call another php file within my form? Here is the code that goes in the form: <form name="mail" action="go.php" method="post" onsubmit="return CheckData()"> <input typ...

Batch multiple select statements when calling Oracle from ADO.NET

I want to batch multiple select statements to reduce round trips to the database. The code looks something like the pseudo code below. It works perfectly on SQL Server, but does not work on Oracle - Oracle complains about the sql syntax. I have had a look around and the only examples I can find of returning multiple result sets from Orac...

sending multiple records to MySQL from multiple select box

Hi, I'm trying to insert multiple rows into a MySQL table depending on the number of options selected from a multiple select box. currently it is inserting one row (regardless of how many options are selected) but the 'strategyname' column is empty each time. Any ideas on how to insert multiple rows and why the values of the options ar...

How does backup work in SQL server?

Hi, Let's say I have a very large database. Its backup starts at midnight and finishes at 02:00 am. When I recover that backup am I gonna have the state of the database at midnight or 02:00 (or something else)? Going one step further, let's say that I have multiple databases which contain references to each other's elements. If I back...