
broadcast to ICECAST from multi sources

Hi all I am trying to create an Icecast server that will be able to get multiple sources from deffrent radio stations meaning we want to broadcast from few diffrent computer with diffrent ports to a single Icecast server , and we need to have a deffrent link to each station , can anyone help ? ...

Blogger multiple label search

on any blogspot blog, if you click on a label, it will do a search for you on all the blog, showing stuff tagged with that label. is there a way to do that again? i mean to search for 2 labels. I want to see all the posts that have both labels. is there something built in? if not, can I do something about that on my blog? something cu...

log4net problem : logging message in 2 log files at the same time when assembly has log statemet

I have a class library ABC where I have written logs using log4net.dll (Debug(),Error() methods). Path for log file is c:\abc\ab.log Now, I am referring the ABC.dll to my project TestSample. In this project I am logging messages again. Path for log file is c:\testlogs\logfile.log I am using log4net.dll 1.2.10 version for both projects. ...

how to use sql connection in PHP to execute a query on two databases

how can i run a query that joins two tables from TWO different Databases in mssql_query or mysql_query in php for example $conn=mssql_connect($ip,$username,$password); mssql_select_db("DB1",$conn); $q="select,B.ID from DB1.dbo.T1 A, DB2.dbo.T2 B where A.ID=B.ID"; $res=mssql_query($q); how to run such query?? ...

multiple updates with one click

Imagine there are table in the page with info that few people have sent in. Someone else has to updete that info selecting an option from select menu. It selecst one option from teh list for each row and then updates info by pressing submit button. How can I update multiple entries in database with one click? It easy to do with checkboxe...

asynchronous callback and function - in javascript and jquery

Hi guys, I need to call an address list to add markers on google map for each address. This operation should be performed as follows: 1-address list will be loaded into a list 2-each address will be searched to find lat and lng values 3-then a marker will be placed List might include an animation icon. All icons will be running in t...

Adding a button index to this

I have multiple action sheets in a view. I use the following code to get them to do an action but it seems to only work for the 1st button, not any of the other buttons. How can I get it to work with the 2nd and 3rd button, etc.? Here's the code: - (void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIn...

Creating PKCS#12 keystore with multiple certificates using OpenSSL 1.0.0a

Hi, I am trying to create a PKCS#12 keystore with more than one certificate. this option does seem to be documented well - everyone talks about creating a .p12 file from a single certicate in a .pem file, like this: openssl pkcs12 -export -in my_single_signed_cert.pem -out keystore.p12 -name "Alias1" this creates a new .p12 file ea...

Grails paginating multiple tables

I'm trying to paginate through 2 tables on 1 gsp using 2 g:paginate tags. Hitting the paginate button on 1 table paginates both tables because both paginate tags are using the same 'max' and 'offset' params. How can I paginate through 1 table without paginating the other table? Thanks in advance. ...

Apache VirtualDocumentRoot best setting

Hi, I want to have a clean, efficient directory setup with VirtualDocumentRoot. (Reference: In particular, I am thinking of the following: 1) to be served by /apache_root/ 2) to be served by /apache_root/www/example....

PHP Form handling multiple fields

What would be the best way to intercept multiple fields via PHP? Currently I have a login.php file which is pretty simple: <form method="POST" action="auth.php"> Code:<br /> <input type="text" name="code" /> <input type="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" /> <br /> Pass:<br /> <input type="text" name="pass" /> <input type...