
(simple) boost thread_group question

I'm trying to write a fairly simple threaded application, but am new to boost's thread library. A simple test program I'm working on is: #include <iostream> #include <boost/thread.hpp> int result = 0; boost::mutex result_mutex; boost::thread_group g; void threaded_function(int i) { for(; i < 100000; ++i) {} { boost::mut...

WPF -- Event Threading, GUI updating question

I'm trying to send two events to the main window so that I can show some kind of animation that will let the user know that I'm updating the data. This is an ObservableCollection object so the OnPropertyChanged is immediately picked up by the bindings on the main window. The sleep is only in there so that the user can see the animation...

Where to look for synchronized contention evidence in java?

Our Tomcat web application feels slow when it is used by a couple hundred users. The servers are in a hosting company and their reports doesn't show any problem with bandwith or cpu workload, so I suspect that the reason of the slowdowns can be because of contention on some legacy code that we encapsulated under synchronized calls becaus...

Using WebClient within ASP.NET MVC asynchronously?

I have an ASP.NET MVC application that currently uses the WebClient class to make a simple call to an external web service from within a controller action. Currently I am using the DownloadString method, which runs synchronously. I have run into issues where the external web service is unresponsive, which results in my entire ASP.NET ap...

Thread portability across Android Platforms

I understand that if you specify thread priorities other than the default in Java then it makes the program platform specific. If you were to create threads for an android application and modify the priorities then would the app platform specific across different android versions (i.e. Cupcake/Donut and modified versions of Android like...

MultiThreading WebBrowser Control C# STA

Hi. I want to make 3 threads that each run the WebBroswer control. So I would like to use the ThreadPool to make things easy. for(int i = 0;i < 3;i++) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(gotoWork), i)); } WaitAll(waitHandles); ....../ void gotoWork(object o) { string url = String.Empty; int num = (int)o; ...

Scala actors: receive vs react

Let me first say that I have quite a lot of Java experience, but have only recently become interested in functional languages. Recently I've started looking at Scala, which seems like a very nice language. However, I've been reading about Scala's Actor framework in Programming in Scala, and there's one thing I don't understand. In chapt...

How can I fix a bootstrap version mismatch when loading Perl's threads module?

I am trying to use threads in Perl, but I get the following errors when I do require threads: ~ > perl -e 'require threads' threads object version 1.07 does not match bootstrap parameter 1.71 at /System/Library/Perl/5.8.8/darwin-thread-multi-2level/ line 94. Compilation failed in require at -e line 1. I am using OS X 10.5.7...

Java: How to wait for a set of threads to complete?

What is a way to simply wait for all threaded process to finish? For example, let's say I have: public class DoSomethingInAThread implements Runnable{ public static void main(String[] args) { for (int n=0; n<1000; n++) { Thread t = new Thread(new DoSomethingInAThread()); t.start(); } // wait for all t...

C# Compile time way to ensure methods are only called on the UI thread, and others only in a background (non-ui) thread

Right now I do: Util.AssertBackgroundThread(); or Util.AssertUIThread(); at the start of the methods. This is not too bad, but it's runtime error checking. The reason we use static languages like C# is to move more of the error checking onto the compiler's shoulders. Now I don't think this is generally easy, but if I restrict myself...

How to use OpenGL ES on a separate thread on iphone?

The OpenGL ES rendering loop is placed on a separate thread in my iphone application. Everything goes fine except that the EAGLContext's presentRenderbuffer method fails. The result is a blank white screen. When the same code is run on the main thread, presentRenderbuffer succeeds and the graphics is properly shown. What is the correct ...

Problem with modal in multi-thread app

I have application which works with 2 threads in first I have main windowa and almost whole logic, in other I run a preloader which is shown when user have to wait a a little more time for an results. When i introduced the second thread into my app I have seemed a different occurrence. When i open some modal window in main thread and i ...

Thread-safe memoization

Let's take Wes Dyer's approach to function memoization as the starting point: public static Func<A, R> Memoize<A, R>(this Func<A, R> f) { var map = new Dictionary<A, R>(); return a => { R value; if (map.TryGetValue(a, out value)) return value; value = f(a); map.Add(a, value); return value; ...

Java threading and the JTabbedPane dilemma

In a project I'm working on, I have a main class (named TrackWin) that extends JFrame. In this frame, I make use of a JTabbedPane. A user can create a new tab in the pane from the Menu Bar. Whenever this occurs, tabbedPane.addTab() is called in TrackWin. I also have a class called TrackTab, which extends JPanel. This class contains a...

How can I provide access to this buffer with CSingleLock?

I have these two methods for thread-exclusive access to a CMyBuffer object: Header: class CSomeClass { //... public: CMyBuffer & LockBuffer(); void ReleaseBuffer(); private: CMyBuffer m_buffer; CCriticalSection m_bufferLock; //... } Implementation: CMyBuffer & CSomeClass::LockBuffer() { m_bufferLock.Lock(); ...

Does AtomicBoolean not have a negate() method?

Does java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean not have a method that can atomically negate/invert the value? Can I do it another way? Am I missing something? ...

Why do libraries implement their own basic locks on windows?

Windows provides a number of objects useful for synchronising threads, such as event (with SetEvent and WaitForSingleObject), mutexes and critical sections. Personally I have always used them, especially critical sections since I'm pretty certain they incur very little overhead unless already locked. However, looking at a number of libr...

Why is Boost scoped_lock not unlocking the mutex?

I've been using boost::mutex::scoped_lock in this manner: void ClassName::FunctionName() { { boost::mutex::scoped_lock scopedLock(mutex_); //do stuff waitBoolean=true; } while(waitBoolean == true ){ sleep(1); } //get on with the thread's activities } Basically it sets waitBoolean, and the ...

If MessageBox()/related are synchronous, why doesn't my message loop freeze?

Why is it that if I call a seemingly synchronous Windows function like MessageBox() inside of my message loop, the loop itself doesn't freeze as if I called Sleep() (or a similar function) instead? To illustrate my point, take the following skeletal WndProc: int counter = 0; LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, ...

Chained custom FormPaint() in Embedded Forms causing 10 sec wait

I have created a Windows Form App for Managed Care(CRUD of Member Data). It is an internal app that uses Merge Replication to allow field use. The app basically follows this structure: Form Shell Form MemberHost Form Member Form MemberContacts Form MemberInsurance Form Enrollments Form CaseNotes Form MemberCenteredPlanHost Form M...