
JSP parallel include

One thing I like about JSP is include mechanism. In JSP I can simply write: <jsp:include page='/widget/foo-widget?param=value' /> It works very well when I have some sort of widget and I want incude it on some other page. The other day I think, It would be nice if include doesn't block thread control, so if I have several includes, t...

Delaying execution of code?

I'm sorry if my title is a little unclear. Basically I want to print a '.' every second for five seconds then execute a chunk of code. Here is what I tried: for iteration in range(5) : timer = threading.Timer(1.0, print_dot) timer.start() #Code chunk It seems as though that Timer starts its own thread for every instance, so th...

Processes, threads, green threads, protothreads, fibers, coroutines: what's the difference?

I'm reading up on concurrency. I've got a bit over my head with terms that have confusingly similar definitions. Namely: Processes Threads "Green threads" Protothreads Fibers Coroutines "Goroutines" in the Go language My impression is that the distinctions rest on (1) whether truly parallel or multiplexed; (2) whether managed at th...

Catching all exceptions in c#

Hi, I'm developing a GUI app in c#. Its a multithread app, and I would like to wrap all the threads (some of them I don't open e.g. NetClient.StartDownload which is none blocking function) with a try/catch . Statment so that if an exception is thrown an uncought, I could log it and report to base. I tried using Application.ThreadExcep...

Problem with thread and initialization

Hi, I have a problem with my code. I lunch the thread and this thread have a NSTimer. I must remember a variabile location but when i repeat the method i reinitialize these and i lose the progress. Can you help me? Thanks My code:(these isn't my very code but is the same situation. I want remeber the number of the i but when restart the...

Problem sending mails with multiple threads

Hi i have a problem with the code below. the mail is sent with a duplicate content of the string s. why is this happening? static void Main(string[] args) { List<String> liste = new List<String>(); liste.Add("1"); liste.Add("2"); liste.Add("3"); liste.Add("4"); liste.Add("5"); ...

How does threading in powershell work?

I want to parallelize some file-parsing actions with network activity in powershell. Quick google for it, start-thread looked like a solution, but: The term 'start-thread' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the ...

Thread.currentThread().sleep(time) v/s Thread.sleep(time);

Possible Duplicate: Java: Thread.currentThread().sleep(x) vs. Thread.sleep(x) whats the difference between... Thread.currentThread().sleep(time) and Thread.sleep(time); one more thing is there anyother method by which i can delay in program without using Thread Class... ...

Automatic parallelization

What is your opinion regarding a project that will try to take a code and split it to threads automatically(maybe compile time, probably in runtime). Take a look at the code below: for(int i=0;i<100;i++) sum1 += rand(100) for(int j=0;j<100;j++) sum2 += rand(100)/2 This kind of code can automatically get split to 2 different thr...

Multithreaded drawing in .NET?

(Edit: to clarify, my main goal is concurrency, but not necessarily for multi-core machines) I'm fairly new to all concepts on concurrency, but I figured out I needed to have parallel drawing routines, for a number of reasons: I wanted to draw different portions of a graphic separatedly (background refreshed less often than foreground...

Python: Something like `map` that works on threads

I was sure there was something like this in the standard library, but it seems I was wrong. I have a bunch of urls that I want to urlopen in parallel. I want something like the builtin map function, except the work is done in parallel by a bunch of threads. Is there a good module that does this? ...

Java thread question

Im trying to implement a scenario using threads to execute concurrent commands on a server. The commands just send requests to a service running on the server and in return get the required output. The commands are generated based on reading a file, whose path the user gives as input to the application. Based every line that is in the a...

[WinForms] Thread / Form.Show()

I seem to be having trouble with Threading. First let me explain how the application is built. I have a class that extends ApplicationContext, witch is my core class for the whole application, within this class I load new windows such as the login window. then each window talks back and forth to the application context class. I have ...

Process handle count increasing with long running server application

I have an application that is transferring files across the network, doing FTP, etc. I am launching these tasks using the new Task functionality in .NET 4.0. Aside from a problem where I have not figured out why my application hangs when running in Debug or Release from the IDE, the application has been deployed to a test server and ha...

Does Java have support for multicore processors/parallel processing?

I know that now that most processors have two or more cores, multicore programming is all the rage. Is there functionality to utilize this in Java? I know that Java has a Thread class, but I also know this was around a long time before multicores became popular. If I can make use of multiple cores in Java, what class/technique would I us...

Threads - ResetEvent and WebClient

Code: public string GetTextWebRequest(string url) { WebClient cl = new WebClient(); cl.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(cl_DownloadStringCompleted); cl.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(url)); are.WaitOne(); return _textdata; } void cl_DownloadStringCom...

Delphi 6 : breakpoint triggered on non-VCL thread stops main thread repaints

I have a multi-threaded Delphi 6 Pro application that I am currently working on heavily. If I set a breakpoint on any code that runs in the context of the Main thread (VCL thread) I don't have any problems. However, if a breakpoint is triggered on any code in one of my other threads, after I continue the application from the breakpoint...

Android handling server messages through threads

Hi, I want to be able to handle input from a server through a Socket and pass it to a method to process it. I am trying to implement this through a class that implements runnable, with a loop in the run statement such as: public void run() { while(notDisconnected) { line = readLineFromServer(); if (!(line...

How can I improve this code

I'm writing a threading.Thread subclass that implements 'callable' methods. Normally with an arbitrary method on a thread, the method runs in whatever thread calls it. These methods run in the thread that they are called on and either block further execution in the calling thread or return a means to get the result depending on which de...

Is it possble to detect an endless loop?

I wrote a thread application which runs an infinite loop. The problem is since its defined as a thread the loop is not holding and process hostage but does use up a lot of my processing power hence reducing my battery life. Now I know this is not how normally programs a written but considering the fact that rouge applications may be buil...