I was reading through some threading related code and found this piece of code:
//Create a thread
m_pThread = AfxBeginThread(/*some parameters*/)
//Create a duplicate handle for the created thread
m_hDuplicateHandle = DuplicateHandle(/* some more parameters*/)
//Set some variables so ...
I'm working on win 32 multithreading with c++.
I have a function used by multiple threads.
This function as a critical sections (or any kind of construct that can lock a resource).
In the critical section an exception is thrown.
At this point I need to take care of unlocking the resource in the exception catch block.
Is there ...
One example could be: RAII - Resource Acquisition is Initialization used with critical sections
Any others that are important, popular and you often use?
I'm having a problem sending a job (an integer array) from client to server in two different packages over a socket connection. Any ideas please?
I can explain further if my question is not clear enough.
I've been struggling with event handling in backgroundworker threads.
All the documentation I've come across make me believe that when a DoWork event handler throws an exception that exception should be dealt with in the RunWorkerCompleted handler and that exception will be available in the Error property of the RunWorkerCompletedEvent...
I have an application which is taking ages to close. When I close the app, it tries to dispose a number of threads that do TCP scanning, WCF P2P attempts, and so on. The problem lies in a WCF thread that stalls on a method for about 17 seconds.
IP2PAuthenticationService server;
ChannelFactory<IP2PAuthenticationService> channelFactory;
I've got a thread dump of an applet running on JVM 1.6.0_12 in Opera 9.64 Build 10487 - and it shows three event queues! As far as I know the Java Swing event handling is single threaded - did this change in any recent update?
My problem is, that multiple event queues will tend to cause deadlocks since I've got some more locks than only...
Basically, I've got a situation where one thread throws an exception which a different thread needs to handle. I'm trying to do this with boost exception, however somewhere along the line the exception loses its type and thus isn't caught by the catch blocks.
Basically, thread B wants to do something, however for various reasons it mus...
I have an application that runs multiple threads which are sometimes cancelled. These threads may call into another object that internally accesses a resources (socket). To prevent the resource to be accessed simultaneously, there is a critical section to get some order in the execution.
Now, when cancelling the thread, it (sometimes) h...
Given: I fill up an array of handles with auto reset events and pass it off to WaitForMultipleObjects with bWaitAll = FALSE.
From MSDN:
“When bWaitAll is FALSE, this function checks the handles in the array in order starting with index 0, until one of the objects is signaled. If multiple objects become signaled, the function returns t...
A web service is configured to expose some of its data when receiving a USR1 signal. The signal will be sent by a xinetd server when it receives a request from a remote client, e.g. nc myserver 50666. When the web server receives USR1 signal, it opens a dedicated fifo pipe, writes its data to the pipe, and then close the pipe. In the mea...
I'm using the W3C validation service to check that the text I type into a TextBox is valid markup.
It's almost working. But, under particular conditions my input results in an error and then endless timeout exceptions. I have to close an re-open the program to get it working again.
Please glance over my code and help me to solve th...
Consider code that involves multiple threads writing to a shared data structure. Now each of these threads write objects to the shared container that are essentially unique. Take the following (fictitious) example:
class Logger
IDictionary<string, Log> logDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Log>();
// Method called by several o...
I have a producer app that generates an index (stores it in some in-memory tree data structure). And a consumer app will use the index to search for partial matches.
I don't want the consumer UI to have to block (e.g. via some progress bar) while the producer is indexing the data. Basically if the user wishes to use the partial index, i...
Simultaneous Or Sequential write operation-- Does it matter in terms of speed?
With multicore processor, does it make sense to parallelize all the file write operation using multi thread, just to get a boost of speed? Of course, all those write operations are independent.
I have a simple example of a winforms application where i choose a directory in a directory chooser and click a button to loop through the directory and copy each file in the directory into another directory.
i want to do the file copy on a background thread to avoid locking the GUI.
i am looking for the simplest solution to:
Does the completed event of the BackgroundWorker control come back on the GUI thread or do i have to marshal that back.
Also, does the progress event come back on the GUI thread or do i have to marshal that back?
(Forgive me because I do not write in Java very often.)
I'm writing a client-side network application in Java and I'm having an interesting issue. Every call to readInt() throws an EOFException. The variable is of type DataInputStream (initialized as: DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(sock.getInputStream(...
I am looking for a Threading framework to use in my Delphi application.
Currently I am evaluating ‘OmniThreadLibrary’ - so far it looks good and does everything I need.
Is there any other ‘Threading framework’ for Delphi ?
(I am using D2006 & D2009)
How do you kill a thread in Java?