
What is an appropriate use for ASP.NET's MultiView control?

What are some scenarios where MultiView would be a good choice? The MultiView control along with its View controls simply seem to extend the notion of Panels. Both Panels and MultiViews seem prone to abuse. If your UI concerns and biz logic concerns are properly separated, why lump views together in a single ASPX? ...

Communicate between UpdatePanels ASP.Net

I have placed a treeView in One Update Panel and Each View in one update Panel something like this <UpdatePanel id="UP1"> <ContentTemplate> <TreeView/> </ContentTemplate> </UpdatePanel> <MultiView> <UpdatePanel id="UP2"> <View1/> </UpdatePanel> Now I want to know how I can make sure When ...

Access UpdatePanel inside View from Another UpdatePanel ASP.Net

I have two updatePanels UpdatePanel1 contains a button UpdatePanel2 is inside a Multiview View1: . <Multiview> <View1> <UpdatePanel2> </UpdatePanel2> </View1> </Multiview> Multiview ActiveIndex is set to -1. Now I have attached an AsyncPostBackTrigger on UpdatePanel2 which is associated with the button click. I want ...

Linking Multiple asp.NET MultiViews

I am dealing with a master page split into various content placeholders as per usual. On a number of pages I use a multiview to show and hide the content based on different view modes (view / edit / add). This means one multiview per master page content placeholder... The trouble comes when I need to switch view modes, eg from 'View' to...

Trying to set view inside UpdatePanel in PageLoad

Hello, I'm having trouble with a combination of an UpdatePanel and MultiView. I have an UpdatePanel at my top level, inside I have a bunch of imagebuttons - their click events set the view on the Multiview, and each View has an UpdatePanel inside of it with my binding. Everything works great - but I am trying to set the View via the Q...

UserControl's Event Handler not firing

I dynamically load a UserControl into a View that's in a MultiView control. Although the UserControl adds an event handler, the event never fires. What am I missing here? Thanks! Containing ASPX page: protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { if (MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex == 2) //If the tab is selected, load control ...

CausesValidation not working in MultiView

I have a back button in a MultiView which has CausesValidation set to false. I have three views in the MultiView and on the second View the back button with the CausesValidation is placed. It all works nicely if I click it when I am on that View. But if I go to the next View and then back again, remove a value from a TextBox which has ...

Showing all MultiView Pages in ASP.NET

Hi, I've got an ASPX application that has lots of details split up into tabs by using a MultiView control. The problem I have now is that the user wants a summary page that displays all the information in a single page (typical!). Is there a way of getting MultiView to display all of its pages at the same time? I've tried going throug...

ASP.Net Datalist with linked DataSourceId does not reload

I have a MultiView control which has a View in which a DataList is filled like this: <asp:DataList ID="DataList6" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource11" Width="100%"> <ItemTemplate> <!-- rendering is left out to keep this sample simple --> </ItemTemplate> </asp:DataList> The problem is that when I switch to another view of t...

Multiview - View Clear State

Hello all, Thanks in advance for your help. I am using I have two views on my webpage (contained within one multiview), both contain buttons. view_1 Contains a repeater/datasource and an custom made ‘edit’ button (which holds the ID for each row returned). view_2 Contain an ‘update’ form and a ‘update’ button. When the u...

How to use the ASP .NET AJAX Toolkit Tab with a Grid View inside

Hello, I have already search for some time over the net on how to create an ASP .NET AJAX toolkit tab control which uses GridView inside, could anyone point me on how to do this? Right now, our GUI team has already made a static tab control which is quite properly designed. I do not know how to use the tab with this. Any tutorial or li...

How to stop a web control from loading child controls?

This is for ASP.NET. Think about the multiview control. It has 1 to many view controls. Each view control has the ability of holding controls, but, yet, only one view is visible at a time. Keeping that in mind, I'm thinking I want to "tell" the non-visible views to NOT LOAD, therefore, NOT LOADING the child controls. In my sample, duri...

ActiveIndex error - suggessions needed

I have a activeindex naviagtion error, while i navigate pages using the next button. This issue is happening, when user goes to the last page again come to the front using back button and go the last page using “next “button. (Multiple iterations causing this issue) Website is acting strange. It gives following flow.. Page1-->page2-->...

iPhone multi view application design question

Hi! I have a question about iPhone app design approach... I have in mind to make some complex application and I think that the best base for my needs is "Tab Bar Application" template. Actually, I've been looking some apps on iPhone, and AppStore's design is definitely what I need; a Tab Bar based app with different options on the top - ...

Best approach for one view to call a tabbed view on iPhone

EDIT Let me simplify the question: Suppose your application has two views, the home view and a tabbed view with 3 tabs. The home view has three standard buttons named "Tab1", "Tab2" and "Tab3". When you click on "Tab1", the tabbed view should be opened with tab 1 selected and the same goes for Tab2 and Tab3. Any hints? /EDIT What I'm ...

Aletrnatives to MultiView in ASP.NET

Hi The website I'm building contains a large number of views which will be displayed on the same place but hidden or shown according to how the user navigates the menu. It gets quite messy in visual studios design view when you have a MultiView with 10 different views in it. I've already separated the content of each view in several us...

multiview problem with inactive view and page refresh

I have two views, each with a user control on it: one for listing some data, other for editing an item. When I click SAVE button on my user control for editing it raises an event calling setActiveView which activates the other View with a list. When i hit F5 after that it causes another SAVE, as if I clicked the save button again on the ...

Autocomplete jQuery on User Controller within Repeater .NET

I have a Multiview search feature on a Web User Controller that is called within a Repeater, OHMY!! I have some training sessions being listed out on a page, each calling an employeeSearch Web User Controller so people can search for employees to add to the training session. I have the Employee Names and Employee IDs listed out in JS on...

Can I have usercontols within an multiview ?

Can I have usercontols within an multiview ? ...

Code that Worked with MultiView fails with Wizard ASP.NET

I originally created a process that occurred by transitioning between views in a multiview and it worked fine. Now, I've moved this same code into a ASP.NET Wizard and it keeps throwing an error at the second step. The error is: Method 'System.Object AndObject(System.Object, System.Object)' has no supported translation to SQL. Any ideas ...