
ASP.NET MultiView by ID ?

Is there a way to set the active view in a MultiView by ID rather than by index? Something like this? multiviewProgress.Views["step3"].SetToActiveView(); ...

A little bit more complicated multiview App for Iphone

Hi, i'm new to iphone development. I spend several days by looking for how write muliview app for an Iphone OS. I found how to switch the diferent views without navigation hierarchy (in this article). It's great, but i want more complicated function. For example, i have three diferent views (view 1 - 3) and i can switch between them w...

Adding another view to a view based application

Hi, I'm developing an iphone apllication that stores some data into a database. That is working fine. But now i have a problem when i want to show the data. Because to show the data i need to design another view. But i'm facing problem when i try to add another view.Is it possible to have multiple view in a view-based application,cause m...

Multiple View App shows Blank Screen in Simulator

Hello; I am developing a simple app that first shows a menu screen, and when a button is pressed, a game screen appears. I was able to develop the game screen without any issues, but when I changed the code to first display the menu, the simulator showed a blank screen. I've read all the articles on connecting views with IB but I can't...

multiview iPhone apps.

I have several different views in my iPhone app. When the app starts, I will have logic to determine which view to start with (rather than always starting with the same view and leaving it up to the user to change views). One of the "views" will have several pages (tabs or table rows, not sure at this point... but the dominant view will...

Multiview returns to first view

Hi, I have a .net page with a multiview control. In the first "view" I have a form users need to fill in (data is stored in database), a second "view" brings a 'thank you' message and the ID just created. It works ok. The thing is that I added a 'print this page' link in the second "view " so users can print their IDs (they also reciben...

how can we change multiview view from client side (with javascript)?

hi my dear friends : is it possible to change multiview view from client side (with javascript)? thanks in future advance ...

MultiView Control Selelct is Always null

hi my dear friends : I want to check multiview, ActiveViewIndex with Javascript, but in the below code, MultiView is always null: document.onkeyup = onkeyupOfDocument; function onkeyupOfDocument(evt) { var evt = evt || window.event; var MultiView = document.getElementById("MultiView1"); alert(MultiView); } How can i f...

MultiView And JavaScript (or jquery) Working...

hi my dear friends : how can i get multiview in javascript or jquery ? below code always returns null : (Javascript) var MultiView = document.getElementById("MultiView1"); and below code is not null but not work :(jquery) var MultiView = $("*[id$='TextBox1']"); what is the going on about that? can u give me plz a sample code fo... MultiView /check ActiveViewIndex With Javascript Or Jquery

hi my dear friends : why the below alert always shows me null? <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Keyup._Default" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns="" ...

ASP.NET A problem with the MultiView control

Hi, I have some asp;View controls in asp:MultiView control. The strange problem is, when I move from View3 to View4, some controls from the View3 are visible within View4. Why ? It's the first time I occur that problem <asp:View ID="View3" runat="server"> <br /> <label id="Label1">Test</label> <br /> <asp:Button ID="Reje...

Gridview Usercontrol in multiview:RowCommand fire only in first view

Hi I have a Gridview inside a usercontrol with a rowcommand event. this usercontrol is loaded dynamically into every view in multiview. when I click on the imagebutton inside the gridview, the rowcommand will fire only in the first view. when I select the second view and clicking the imagebutton, then this view will be empty (the use... Multiview Word Wrap Problem (Visual Studio 2010)

I am using MULTIVIEW control, but when I enter text in one of it's VIEW the text got expanded beyond specified width i.e. 200px in Visual Studio. What I want is to wrap the text within container. Here is the code. You can simply paste it in Visual Studio to see the problem. <div style="width: 200px"> <asp:MultiView ID="MultiVi...

iPhone SDK Managing Memory for Multiview app

I have an app that programmatically creates labels and text fields based on the contents of a text file. Whenever the view controller is loaded, it creates text fields and labels that are different each time. My problem is I need to clear out the labels and text fields without releasing the view controller since I need to keep track of t...

View replication within asp:Multiview

Hi guys I am looking forward to get this behavious on Web Application that lets a user navigate within a organization hierarchy. Every hierarchy level is displayed with an employee's name and function along with a button to see employees assigned to them and a button to send an email to the employee. When clicking an emplyee's m...

MultiView issue with validation in form

Hi all, Currently I am working on a user control which has the following "layout": the user control elements are placed inside an Update Panel inside the Update Panel I have a MultiView control with 4 views: first view 2 buttons to select the type of the user to create (clicking one button changes the active view to the second view, c...

MultiView's not 'refreshing' (ASP.NET)

I'm currently modifying a web application (ASP.NET and C#) of mine. Before, the user searched for an account in a seperate page, then opened up the details of the user in another page using a QueryString. Now, I'm requested to make it all one page. So the initial searching page is gone, and the textbox is placed at the top of the main d...