
How can I mute/unmute my sound from PowerShell

Trying to write a PowerShell cmdlet that will mute the sound at start, unless already muted, and un-mute it at the end (only if it wasn't muted to begin with). Couldn't find any PoweShell or WMI object I could use. I was toying with using Win32 functions like auxGetVolume or auxSetVolume, but couldn't quite get it to work (how to read th...

Mute Audio from Javascript?

I was sitting here wondering if it's possible to write a greasemonkey script that would detect sites like payperclick and mute the audio so the ad isn't heard. I realize that I could accomplish the same thing in a better fashion by simply removing the ad text through a greasemonkey script but for purposes of curiousity, I wondered if yo...

How to mute the microphone c#

Hi! I wanted to know, what would the coding be if I wanted to toggle mute/unmute of my microphone. I am making a program that can run in the background and pickup a keypress event and toggle mute/unmute of the mic. Any help with any of that coding would be very helpful. I am pretty new to C#, and this is just a really simple program I wa...

How to control Windows system volume using JScript or VBScript?

I want to control the volume of my Windows system from a JScript or VBScript script. Any ideas? Also, can I unmute the system volume if it is muted? ...

Mute sound in Java Applet

I use a Java applet, which produces unwanted sounds to me. Mute option in the applet is missing, and it's not possible to rewrite the source code. I want to hear other(non-JVM) applications' sounds. How do I suppress this Java applet(or JVM) sound output without disabling it? I'm using Ubuntu 9.10, jre1.6.0_18 and Mozilla FF 3.5.8. UPD...

Flash As3 Mute Button problems

Hey guys, I am trying to create a UI movie clip that can be used across different scenes. It uses variables from the root scope to determine states. When i press the mute button is works fine, however when i try to un-mute things go weird. Sometimes it takes 2 clicks to unmute, sometimes more. It seems random. Muting however seems t...

Check if iPhone is muted, and call a method if it gets muted in runtime

Hey! I want to check wether or not the iPhone is muted when the app starts, and I want some code to be run every time the mute-switch switches. Is this possible? Thanks :) EDIT: I use an AVAudioPlayer to play sounds. What I am trying to do is to set the text of a label, if the phone is muted, in viewDidLoad:, and edit the text again...

flex 4: swfloader - how to mute game completly

Hiya. Ive read some answers here regarding muting swfloader volume but none of the examples would work in flex 4. I tried doinf the following: this._swfGame.source=url; this._swfGame.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0.0); this would shut down the volume of the preloader, but when the game starts the volume is back to normal. i tr...

For the iPad or iPhone, how do you control the system Volume? For example, have a button that mutes all audio.

I would like to make a button in my iPad app (probably will be similar to iPhone apps) that when I push this button, all audio is muted, even when you exit the app. I don't see anyway that you can control the volume, although I'm sure other apps have that I have seen in the app store for the iPhone. I also read some places that doing t...

Check to see if system volume is muted?

Hello everyone. I am working on a project that plays audio for part of the program. I would like to be able to display a message if the user's system volume is muted. I am using Python on Windows. ...

How to mute microphone in Windows 7 with C/C++?

I made a program to mute microphone using WinAPI and it seems to work perfectly in Windows XP but doesn't do a thing in Windows 7. Is it possible to control microphone volume or mute with WinAPI in Windows 7? void setVolume(DWORD volume) { HMIXER mixer; if (mixerOpen(&mixer, 0, 0, 0, 0) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { MessageBoxW(NULL, L"Er...

App freezes while muting the phone

Hello, I am trying to toggle the microphone of Android mobile. App. freezes if I run the mute and unmute in a loop, With a delay of say 500ms. Is there a specific reason mobile behaves this way? (Motorola Droid is not even able to mute the phone) however all other mobiles are able to do it. This runs in a loop for 20 times audioService...

How to detect if the iphone is on mute

Hi there, Im wondering if I can test whether the iPhone is set on mute. How can I do this? I searched for it a while but I didn't find a good solution! Thanks Markus ...

iPhone SDK - Mute

Hi I have the following to play m background music: NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/bgMusic.mp3", [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath]]]; NSError *error; bgMusic = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url error:&error]; bgMusic.numberOfLoops = -1; bgMusic.volume = 0.1; i...

Muting Embedded SWF file in AS3

Hey, I have a SWF A, then loads another external SWF B inside it. I want SWF B to mute SWF A. Any idea how this can be done? I can pass parameters from SWF A to B if needed. ...