
Where we can get Adobe® Stratus 2 examples on "Swarming", Live Application-Level Multicast, Distributed Data Storage?

When and where will see (ore already can get) Adobe® Stratus 2 examples (with source) on "Swarming", Live Application-Level Multicast, Distributed Data Storage? ...

Moving children of a container (defined in MXML) inside an "inner container"

I'm currently working on a custom component which extends Canvas (let's call it SuperCanvas) ; it's basically a container that let you zoom & pan its contents. It would be too long to explain why, but I can't use scrollRect, so I was forced to declare a Canvas object (called innerCanvas)... inside my SuperCanvas (I know, not very nice =...

In ActionScript, fill stage with external SWF

EDIT: I have since solved this problem by simply reworking my MXML-based app and using the SWFLoader component to get the desired effect, without any reloading necessary. This question is therefore no longer an issue for me, but I leave it open for reference. In MXML, I can get the desired effect easily: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=...

How to get HTML text from Adobe Flex Builder RichTextEditor?

How to get HTML text from inputed and edited text into Adobe Flex Builder RichTextEditor control? I mean with valid HTML coming from the Flex RichTextEditor component Not Badly formated HTML, with no spaces, with tags not closed! So we have some text edited with RTE a-la We want to get its content as HTML. how to do such thing? ...

How to add images into Adobe Flex Builder RichTextEditor?

How to add images into Adobe Flex Builder RichTextEditor control? I mean using a button =) So we have some text edior with RTE a-la We want to get into its content images using some button. How to do such thing? BTW: I found this but I realy do not understand h...

Open Source Flex mxml actionscript Table creator and editor?

I'm searching for at least simple Open Source Flex mxml actionscript Table creator and editor? I need it to be able to create simple tables and generate some text (xml or HTML ) representation of thair contents ...

How to add Column to Adobe flex mx:DataGrid in mxml and/or actionsctpt?

I have simple mxml code <mx:DataGrid id="DGG" editable="true"> <mx:dataProvider> <mx:Object scheduledDate="4/1/2006"/> </mx:dataProvider> </mx:DataGrid> <mx:Button id="SetBut" label="Set Array as Data Provider" click="SetDP(); AddBut.visible = true;" x="100.5" y="1...

How to record Audio and Video at the same time into flv in Adobe air 2.0 ?

How to record Audio and Video at the same time into flv in Adobe air 2.0 ? So that Video and Audio will be sinchronised? Open Source libs and Blog aricales are wellcomed!) ...

is out there any Open Source phpmyadmin flash user intrface?

is out there any Open Source phpmyadmin flash user intrface? ...

When do the properties in a mxml declaration get committed to the object?

If I do something like: <myComponent id="foo" title="bar" /> The parameters don't seem to be available immediately within the component. When do they become available? ...

Flex Tile that expands as items are added to it

<mx:Tile width="100%" height="20"> <mx:Button label="btn"/> <mx:Button label="btn"/> <mx:Button label="btn"/> <mx:Button label="btn"/> <mx:Button label="btn"/> <mx:Button label="btn"/> </mx:Tile> The above Tile has a height of 20. When I add 50 new buttons to it, a vertical scrollbar is added. How can I make it ...

Changing 'top' property at runtime in Flex.

In the follow Canvas, how do I change the property top at runtime? <canvas top="10"/> I tried: <canvas top="{ topVariable }"/> But the binding doesn't seem to take effect. How can this be achieved? ...

Flex 4 dynamically resize parent container to contain children

Is there an easy way to make a parent container (eg Group) resize when it's children resize? Below is a little example app. When I put the 200x200 'food' in the 'stomach' the stomach & it's containing 100x100 'body' should resize to contain the food. Any ideas? (from this gist <?xml version="1.0" encodi...

Is there a benefit to embedding ActionScript in MXML when developing Flex apps?

I always thought that separating the UI from the logic is the way to go like the use of class files in Flash CS3/CS4 or MVC in web frameworks but recently there are plenty of examples and posts using ActionScript embedded in MXML. Is there a benefit to doing this? Am I missing something. ...

Use same MXML for an Add & Modify Form?

I have a form that is written in MXML that allows a user to create/add a User. I need to add a form that allows a user to modify SOME but NOT ALL of the fields for this user. The forms are so similar, I don't want to have to create two separate forms, one for Add and one for Modify. For example, in the Add form, the user specifies a...

choose random xml node from xmllist according to a condition

Hello, I'mm using flex builder 3. I have an xml file that looks like this, notice the flag property. It can be either 0 or 1: <question id="2"> <short>OMG</short> <meaning>Oh My God</meaning> <hint>OMG did you hear they broke up?!</hint> <flag>0</flag> </question> <question id="3"> <short>BTW</short> <meaning...

Update UIComponent size

Hi, I've created a AS3 class which extends UIComponent so that I can easily add it to my MXML layout. It works fine, but I'm trying to figure out how to update the UIComponent width and height dynamically. I want my super UIComponent to draw a border around the content, so I need get the specific 'content' dimensions in order to do this...

How to copy something as a pastable bitmap in flash?

How to copy something as a pastable bitmap in flash? So I have simple mxml project - empty page with a panel on it. I want to be able to select some region on my panel and copy it somehow as bitmap pastable to photoshop, word and other programms. How to do such thing? (libs, articles etc) Edit - It may be not possible in FP10 but in...

How to send parameters to swf not using any html?

Is it possible to send params to swf using SWFLoader or something like it? So.. I want to create swf loader (swf) which would be able to send some Application.application.parameters to swf swf I'm triing to load (which are usualy sent to an application from html.) how to do such thing? ...

How to filter sound coming from microphone in flash (10.1)?

I hove some sound coming from microphone. i need to add sound filter to it and to play it to the guy which talks into that microphone. How to do such thing? ...