
What live sound editing\filtering libs are there for flash developers?

What live sound editing\filtering libs are there for flash developers? ...

How to load flex swf from flash?

I have some swf compiled in flex I want to load it into my movie clip in flash pro. ...So how to for example load flex swf inside Flash CS4? how to do such thing? ...

Possible to reuse Effects by id in MXML Transition?

I'm sure this question has been asked before, but I'm just not sure how to search for it (kind of like trying to search for the this operator...ugh). I have a <mx:Dissolve id="dissolveOut" ... /> Effect in an Flex page I'm working on, and I would like to reuse this effect in a <mx:Transition> sequence. Is there a way to call dissolveOu...

Flex AdvancedDataGrid with expandable nodes: possible to make the alternatingItemColors start fresh after each expandable node?

Say I have this AdvancedDataGrid: <mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="grid" height="384" width="100%" styleName="aStyleName" displayItemsExpanded="false" groupItemRenderer="SomeRenderer" draggableColumns="false" defaultLeafIcon="{null}" folderClosedIcon="{null}" folderOpenIcon="{null}"> <mx:columns> <!-- a bunch of AdvancedDatagridCol...

How to make returned from PHP Data fill MXML Flex mx:List (Using actionscript and PHP)

I am Using Flex 3 and apache with PHP 5.2. I am searching for simple as possible way to fill my mx:List with data using POST URLRequest. In Flex builder I am using the next code public var variables_se:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); public var varSend_se:URLRequest = new URLRequest("DataProvider.php"); public var varLoader_se:URLL...

How to fix ComboBox dropdown issue in fullscreen?

Short version: ComboBox's dropdown works and renders properly before fullscreen, but not during or after. I'm not totally sure how to ask this, so I've actually made a page demonstrating the error, with a very simple Flex app, and all three directions you need to experience the problem yourself. For those of you not daring enough to fo...

Binding key/value pairs loaded from xml

I want to load key/values configuration pairs stored in XML file. To bind a collection of data i know i need to use the ArrayList class, but the problem is that i want to be able to bind the loaded values using their corresponding keys and not by their indexes in the ArrayList object. For example i want to be able to do this : <mx:Tex...

How to save ByteArray to HardDrive from Flash swf?

How to save ByteArray to HardDrive from Flash swf? So... I have a generated if flash ByteArray Now I want to save it to Hard Drive. How to du such thing? ...

Flex, can't custom style the tooltip

I'm having trouble changing the font size of my TextInput tooltip. The text input looks like this: <s:TextInput id="first" toolTip="Hello"/> then I create a style like this: <fx:Style> @namespace s "library://"; @namespace mx "library://"; mx|ToolTip { fontSize: 24...

Flex dynamic form height

I'm not sure if this is possible, is there a way to get the <mx:Form> to set its own height based on the position of an element within it? For example something like this: <mx:Form height="{submitBtn.y + submitBtn.height}"> <mx:FormItem>... </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem>... </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem>... </mx:FormItem> ...

How can I have an mx:Window automatically resize to its content?

I'm creating windows in a Flex application (AIR) using the mx:Window component. I'd like the window to be automatically sized to its content (because it will be dynamic), in the same way that an mx:Panel or mx:Box would be. I've customized components before, so I'm somewhat familiar with the UIComponent lifecycle, but I'm not quite sure...

Custom "context menu" in flex

I would like to add a custom context menu with line separators, but can't really figure out how. What I need: <mx:List id="treeContextFile" visible="false" width="233" verticalScrollPolicy="off" includeInLayout="false"> <mx:dataProvider> <mx:Array > <mx:String>Open</mx:String> <horizo...

Converting mxml Rect & SolidColor to actionscript

I'm trying to learn how to use actionscript over mxml for flexibility. I have this simple block of mxml that I'm trying to convert to actionscript, but I'm stuck half way though <s:Rect id="theRect" x="0" y="50" width="15%" height="15%"> <s:fill> <s:SolidColor color="black" alpha="0.9" /> </s:fill> </s:Rect> I can convert...

problem with setting rectange width in actionscript

I have a rectange that I've created and set its individual properties like so var aRect:Rect = new Rect(); aRect.width = "15%"; aRect.height = "15%"; Problem is the compiler chokes on 15% and "15%", with or without the quotes, neither works. ...

does actionscript addChild require a display object first

Solution: if you have the same problem, addElement() instead of addChild() is what did it I'm trying to move away from mxml to actionsctipt. I have a <s:Rect> that I've created and set its properties, but having trouble adding it. var aRect:Rect = new Rect(); //set properties like aRect.x, aRect.y, aRect.width, aRect.height //trie...

the correct actionscript to find if object already exists

I have a Rect object that I'd like to create and set its properties only once. After that, I want to just modify its properties since it already exists. This is my general idea if(theRect == undefined){"creating"); var theRect:Rect = new Rect(); //then set properties addElement(theRect); //then add it using addElem...

Array items sorting and editing with MXML AS3 (in practical case)?

I have an array with lots of items with same names like CloudObserverCMSStub edited CloudObserverCMSStub edited CloudObserverCMSStub created CloudObserverCMSStub2 edited CloudObserverCMSStub2 edited CloudObserverCMSStub2 created and different related to names dates for each item in such format Wed, 17 Mar 2010 22:32:09 GMT...

How to remove part of the string starting from special char (or word) in ActionScript?

so I have a string "bla dla dla vre bla 54312" I want to turn it into "bla dla dla " by saying something like function(string, "vre"); how to do such thing? ...

How to get data from http protected URL

so I have a Track system with some kind of protection. So to get some data from any URL you have to pass protection like this and then (in browser) you can see some pages (if you havent passed login youll get no conte...

How to delete part of a string in actionscript?

So my string is something like "BlaBlaBlaDDDaaa2aaa345" I want to get rid of its sub string which is "BlaBlaBlaDDD" so the result of operation will be a string "aaa2aaa345" How to perform such thing with actionscript? ...