
Packages and MXML components

How do I say an MXML component is inside some package? Well, it's in a different folder... I know how to do it ActionScript... But when I do in MXML I don't declare the package explicitly because I don't know how, and when I call it to my application, it states that The prefix "package" for element "package:Component" is not bound...

Displaying error tooltips in Flex DataGrid's each row

Hello! I have a simple DataGrid in Flex 3: <mx:DataGrid width="{indexW - 20}" height="100%" headerHeight="0" resizableColumns="false" dataProvider="{itemsList}" itemClick="itemKlik(event)" dataTipFunction="displayTooltip"> <mx:columns> <mx:DataGridColumn id="col1" dataField="title" showDataTips="true"/> <m...

about air(flex) application server connection

Hi, The application which developed by AIR(flex builder),Could connect with server(php) side. ...

Displaying content from bulkLoader which is typed as MovieClip in Flex app

Hello! I know this is somehow trivial, but I couldn't find appropriate solution so please help me :) I am using bulkLoader to load dozens of SWFs into my Flex app, and all of SWFs are static (1 frame only). 'Everything' works fine, however, I'm not sure how to handle data from bulkLoader... I am getting MovieClip types for all of my SWF...

Tooltip placement setting

My flex app has various Custom components. I want the tooltips for all of them to show at the top-right corner. Is there a Application setting that I can do this with? Or do I have to do this at the component level. Either ways, how will it be done? ...

Howto removeEventListener with <mx:SetEventHandler /> ?

Hi there, I'm trying to remove an eventlistener on (in this specific case) a HorizontalList. The list is initialized with the property itemRollOver="playPreview(event)" I'd like to remove this eventListener by switching state and stating something like: <mx:SetEventHandler target="{horList}" name="itemRollOver" handlerFunction="nu...

Please some details on the MXML tag <mx:SetEventHandler />

Can anyone give me some details on the proper use of the tag <mx:SetEventHandler /> used when switching states? The Flex documentation is not very elaborate on this subject. Especially removing event handlers has my interest. This question is a more specific formulation of my preceding post:

Flex: Why does setting scaleX/Y in mxml effect the components size but setting it in actionscript does not?

Hi, I'm playing around with the scaleX/Y in the canvas tag and have noticed some strange behaviour. When I set scale in in mxml the width and height of the canvas are adjusted accordingly. For example if I have a canvas like this: <mx:Canvas width="1000" height="1000" scaleX="0.1" scaleY="0.1" /> The canvas now appears on screen to ...

Why is the compiler complaining about a possibly undefined property

Hello, I have a very simple practice program for Flex 4 ( Gumbo ). package { import mx.controls.ColorPicker; import mx.controls.Label; import; import flash.display.Sprite; public class testClass extends Sprite { private var cPicker:ColorPicker = new ColorPicker(); privat...

Itemrendrer : Adjusting container height to Text height to avoid text truncation

hi, I have a datagrid with variable height. I have written a Itemrendrer for rendrering data. now there is one more part that is the text field. i would like to resize the comtainer height to that of the text field so that the text doesn't get truncated. Thanks sohil Following are my classes Auto Resize Text Area package { import ...

UIComponent base class not working

I have a BaseComponentClass that I am using as the class that all my custom components extend. For some reason, none of my custom components show up at runtime. I am not getting any compile or runtime errors either. I am implementing all the protected UIComponent methods. My code looks like this: public class BaseComponentClass extends ...

Custom button component protected property

In my custom button component, I want to get a handle on the textField (The internal UITextField object that renders the label) in the Button so I can modify some properties on it. It exists as a protected var in How can I do that in my mxml component? ...

Prevent displaying of some data in last row of Flex Datagrid

Hello! I have some DataGrid with editable rows, which has also an option to add new row 'dynamically'. I mean, last row has some default data (e.g. "CLICK HERE TO ADD NEW ROW") and when user clicks on it, he can edit that value and new row will be eventually inserted. However, I also have a column in same DataGrid which doesn't come fro...

Internationalizating images in Flex

I have a button in Flex that has mx:skin set to an image, but i want to set it so that when i change the language the image change as well. The code is something like the following: <mx:Button id="btnMain"> <mx:skin>@Embed(source='main/resources/images/ABA_MAIN_IDLE.png')</mx:skin> The way i handle i18n is by using a class called ...

Dynamic loading and compilation of MXML/AS at runtime

Greetings! I am trying to build an application which has a flex front-end and a php back-end. I am struggling to do something with this application which I couldn't figure out a way to do. I would want my flex application to show a view based on an MXML it recieves from the server as a response to some interaction in the flex applicatio...

Flex: List with VBOX-type (smooth) scrolling??

I have a list control that uses a custom itemRenderer and custom itemEditor. The itemRenderer/Editor are textarea controls with at least 3 lines of text each. The default scrolling nature of a list control is by Item, rather than by some number of pixels, the way a VBOX scrolls. I want my list control to have more of a word-processor ...

flash has mxml microsoft has xaml What has java?

Flash has MXML and Microsoft has XAML. What markup languages does Java have? ...

Flex Event Blocked by Another Object

I am using a box element to add a transparent overlay to a column of buttons. I want to add a click event to the buttons. However, when you click a button the click event is only triggered on the overlaying box. Is there anyway to pass the event to the underlying button or perhaps a better way to display an overlay without blocking the c...

create a FlashBuilder4 mxml class instance using ActionScript?

I have a number of GUI dialogs defined using MXML. Assuming these mxml objects have been compiled into my application, is there any way to instantiate these objects using ActionScript, sort of like this? myFoo: Mxml2ActionScriptClass("FOO.mxml") = new AutomagicalMXMLFactory( "FOO.mxml"); myFoo.addEventListener(etc etc) th...

starting with flex - please let me know if the direction is right (ActionScript vs MXML separation)

Hi, I've just started learning flex using OReilly "Programming Flex 3.0". After completing three chapters and starting fourth (ActionScript), and not having enough patience to wait till completing chapter 22 I started to practice :) One bit that I have most worries about right now is the the dual coding mode (MXML vs ActionScript) P...