mysqli and mysql insert into database commands
Can anybody give me a basic full php-mysql insert into block of code for mysqli() and mysql_connect(). Many thanks ...
Can anybody give me a basic full php-mysql insert into block of code for mysqli() and mysql_connect(). Many thanks ...
Hi I have three tables named **Student Table** ------------- id name ------------- 1 ali 2 ahmed 3 john 4 king **Course Table** ------------- id name ------------- 1 physic 2 maths 3 computer 4 chemistry **Bridge** ------------- sid cid ------------- 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 ...
I have a SQL query which is parameterized by a very limited in-house framework. The query looks like this: Select * from somewhere where name IN (:parameter); The code will inject zero to many strings into the location specified by :parameter. The ":parameter" flag can only be used within the "IN" clause (so it can't be moved after th...
Hello, I have a table with ~30 million rows ( and growing! ) and currently i have some problems with a simple range select. The query, looks like this one: SELECT SUM( CEIL( dlvSize / 100 ) ) as numItems FROM log WHERE timeLogged BETWEEN 1000000 AND 2000000 AND user = 'example'</pre> It takes minutes to finish and i think that the s...
I have 10k forum topics. I run this query: SELECT * FROM `topics` WHERE category_id = '2' ORDER BY `last_message` DESC LIMIT 2990, 10 This checks all rows! All rows! Even after adding index to last_message. last_message is a time() and I want to order all messages by that descending. So, what do you suggest me? Without...
I have a Sqlite 3 and/or MySQL table named "clients".. Using python 2.6, How do I create a csv file named Clients100914.csv with headers? excel dialect... The Sql execute: select * only gives table data, but I would like complete table with headers. How do I create a record set to get table headers. The table headers should come dir...
I was following a tutorial I found on how to create a simple login using sessions and a database. I followed it to the T (with the exception of tidying up all of the code because theirs was a mess and I'm OCD like that). I get no errors at all on the page, it just comes up with a blank screen and I can't work out for the life of me why ...
I want to do something like: SELECT * FROM db.table WHERE COUNT(someField) > 1 how do I do this in MySql. ...
I want some input on what you guys think is the most secure way to connect to a mysql database using php. Currently the way Im doing it is a utility php file that I include in the top of all my other php files. The utility php file is this <?php if(!defined('IN_PHP')){ die("hackerssss"); } $mysql_host = "localhost"; $mysql_user = "r...
Started coming up with a java web app for online user interaction. Decided to use a MySql DB for data storage. I have already created the tables with the proper/expected data types. My question is I always thought the next step would be to creat stored procedures like Search/Add/Delete/etc.. that the user could envoke from the page. So i...
Hi guys, I have a bunch of fields that have the same class, now what I am trying to do is get the id and value of each one, create an array, and then using $.ajax send it to a PHP script, which will run through each one and enter it into the database. I tried using JSON, but my server does not have support for json_decode, which is ess...
hello, for some reason the below code is outputting the correct ticker in the location of LPrice for all items, but only outputting the correct data for the second data element for PCT and PNL. Meaning, row 1 output only populating in one section, while row 2 populating in all correct sections. Note: there are currently only 2 elements i...
i am a student. i have to do the individual project about a system. the system must be done using the console not the web base. so i`m using netbeans version 6.9 and mysql version 5.2. my problem is i do not know how to connect them. hopefully, you all can help me... thanks a lot... ...
I am writing an eclipse RCP app and I am trying to use a separate db for tests to prevent corrupting my production db. During the setup of the test db i need to execute an sql file to fill it with test data. Is there a way to tell the app to use a different db and execute a specific sql script (maybe via launch properties or maybe frag...
Hi, I have a table with columns like these : idx | amount | usercol1 | usercol2 | usercol3 | percentage1 | percentage2 | percentage3 Data is typically like this : 0 | 1500 | 1 | null | null | 100 | null | null 1 | 3000 | 2 | 3 | null | 50 | 50 | null I would...
My MySQL queries are returning arrays with duplicate entries: numbered keys and labeled keys with the same data inside. This may be standard, but it seems like a waste, and something that could cause problems if I'm printing values. I mean, not a huge problem, obviously. But I'm just curious if I can stop that. It seems unnecessary. For ...
Hi, I have a table with 45 millions from a mysql DB, i want to export those data in a .csv format, what is best way to do without affecting existing performance of other tables (when this operation is performed)? Thanks. ...
Hi everyone, after searching up and down, reading all possible articles and tutorials, I grasped the basics of the concept, but still cannot do it, and so as many others as I can see. Can someone please post 100% practical and dummy proof guide to creation and most basic usage of MySQL many to many relationship, I'm so sure many will be...
I have a table with auto increment zerofill ID numbers. When I query the data the IDs lose their leading zeros (i.e. "000529" returns as "529"). Is there a way to preserve the leading zeros, or even generate them back in the query statement? I know I can generate them back in PHP using STRPAD, but for the specific project I am on I would...
Is there a way I can check if a row potentially could be deleted? That it for example is not currently connected through restricted foreign keys to anything else. Reason: I am making an admin page with all the users in the system listed. They can always be disabled, but they may also be deleted. However they can only be deleted if they...