
How can I hide/remove/disable "forums views" in vbulletin?

anyone have an idea how to do this. i need to get rid of forum views either by hide, delete, disable or any other way. ...

How should I store textual data that won't change very often?

As an exercise in web design and development, I am building my website from the ground up, using PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and no frameworks. So far, I've been following a model-view-controller design. However, there is one hurdle that I am quickly approaching that I'm not sure how I'm going to solve, but I'm sure it's been addressed before...

Techniques for writing a scalable website.

I am new in the website scalability realm. Can you suggest to me some the techniques for making a website scalable to a large number of users? ...

Best practice for storing the date in MySQL from PHP

I've been using the unix timestamp all my life. I like it because it's easy to compare, it's fast because I store it as an integer. And since I'm using PHP, I can get any date/time format with date() function from the unixtimestamp. Now, some people are saying that it's best to use the DATETIME format. But besides the more suited name,...

Scalable one to many table (MySQL)

I have a MySQL database, and a particular table in that database will need to be self-referencing, in a one-to-many fashion. For scalability, I need to find the most efficient solution possible. The two ways most evident to me are: 1) Add a text field to the table, and store a serialized list of primary keys there 2) Keep a linker ta...

Are MySQL ENUMS intended for use with CakePHP or should I avoid them?

Thing is, I don't see these ENUMs producing pull-down menus in CakePHP scaffolding, so I'm thinking CakePHP might advise against it, but I can't find any documentation on the matter. Anyone know whether or not to use ENUMs? ...

Views in MySQL based on multiple computed values

In a follow-up to a previous question, let's say I have 3 tables, A, B, and C. Table A has an ID which is used as a foreign key on tables B and C, each of which has some value as an attribute. For each ID in table A, I want to get the difference in value between tables B and C, which can be done as follows: CREATE VIEW T1 AS SELECT ...

MySQL full text search across multiple tables

I have a series of tables that contain data I want to full text search. I've tried combining the tables with UNION, but the result loses its fulltext index so can't be fulltext searched. I don't think that putting the data into a temp table is the way to go. Is there someway that I can fulltext search these tables efficiently? Thanks in...

auto_increment no longer increments

In a MySQL table the id column is set to auto_increment and the next auto_increment is set to 128 in phpmyadmin, but any new rows added have 127 as the value in the id row. I have no idea why. Changed the column from tiny-int to int and everything working now, cheers. ...

A rails web app, quickbooks, and mysql

I've gotta use the inventory from quickbooks in my rails web would be nice if I could get quickbooks to use mysql, as that way I could just use mysql between the app and quickbooks, which would make things easy. Does anyone know how to get quickbooks to use mysql? Or will I be forced to have my app communicate directly with qu...

SQL Fallback Row?

I'm using MySQL 5.1 with PHP and I was wondering if it would be possible to run a query that will select a specific row using the primary key, but if it doesn't exist, to return a different one. For example: select * from table1 where id="a" else id="b" ...

Python MySQLdb exceptions

Hi All, Just starting to get to grips with python and MySQLdb and was wondering Where is the best play to put a try/catch block for the connection to MySQL. At the MySQLdb.connect point? Also should there be one when ever i query? What exceptions should i be catching on any of these blocks? thanks for any help Cheers Mark ...

How to execute SELECT and INSERT in single query with PHP/MYSQL?

I have a table user_name with 3 fields, id, Name, Email (id is auto_increment field). I want to execute the following query in PHP, but its not returning any result. INSERT INTO user_name (Name, Email) VALUES ('Example', '[email protected]'); SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS 'userid'; When I am executing the above query in PHP as below then ...

Write image file to database as BLOB (PHP)

Hi Guys, I want to enter some image file that is in ../img/test.jpg into the database If I do $image = file_get_contents('../img/test.jpg') And then mysql command "INSERT into table(picture) VALUES ('$image')" it doesn't work. Any suggestions? ...

Grails MySql processList

Hello, i have a grails application with a webflow. I store my inner flow objects of interest in the converstaion scope. After entering and leaving the flow a few times, i see that the single user connected to the DB (MySql) generates a lot of threads on the MySql Server which are not released. The processlist in mysql show me the thread...

How to store European Currency in MySQL?

On a new project I work on I have data in CSV format to import into a mysql table. One of the columns is a price field which stores currency in the european format ie. 345,83. The isssue I have is storing this decimal seperator. In most European currencies the decimal seperator is "," but when I try to insert a decimal number into a fie...

Two insert query... in the same click

I have two text fields and a button, on the click i need to save them into MySQL Tables. The top text box field data in table 1 and data in text box in table two... How to perform it. ...

selecting multiple items per date of a limited amount of dates from DB

My DB has a list of song I like that I have places on my web site for my friends to listen to. Some days I will upload 5 songs. Some days 1. Some days 0. What I want to do is select all the songs from say the last two weeks or last month but not have it limited by the number of songs or days I might have skipped uploading a song. For ...

displaying mysql timestamp correctly

Hey i'm trying to display a date/time from a timestamp field using: echo $date = date( "D F j", $row['date'] ); However it returns: Wed December 3 When it should return today: Monday July 13 Timestamp from the DB row is: 2009-07-13 04:16:31 Thanks. ...

MySQL export into outfile : CSV escaping chars

I've a database table of timesheets with some common feilds. id, client_id, project_id, task_id, description, time, date There are more but thats the gist of it. I have an export running on that table to a CSV file overnight to give the user a backup of there data. It also is used as a data import for a macro excel file with some cu...