How can I hide/remove/disable "forums views" in vbulletin?
anyone have an idea how to do this. i need to get rid of forum views either by hide, delete, disable or any other way. ...
anyone have an idea how to do this. i need to get rid of forum views either by hide, delete, disable or any other way. ...
As an exercise in web design and development, I am building my website from the ground up, using PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and no frameworks. So far, I've been following a model-view-controller design. However, there is one hurdle that I am quickly approaching that I'm not sure how I'm going to solve, but I'm sure it's been addressed before...
I am new in the website scalability realm. Can you suggest to me some the techniques for making a website scalable to a large number of users? ...
I've been using the unix timestamp all my life. I like it because it's easy to compare, it's fast because I store it as an integer. And since I'm using PHP, I can get any date/time format with date() function from the unixtimestamp. Now, some people are saying that it's best to use the DATETIME format. But besides the more suited name,...
I have a MySQL database, and a particular table in that database will need to be self-referencing, in a one-to-many fashion. For scalability, I need to find the most efficient solution possible. The two ways most evident to me are: 1) Add a text field to the table, and store a serialized list of primary keys there 2) Keep a linker ta...
Thing is, I don't see these ENUMs producing pull-down menus in CakePHP scaffolding, so I'm thinking CakePHP might advise against it, but I can't find any documentation on the matter. Anyone know whether or not to use ENUMs? ...
In a follow-up to a previous question, let's say I have 3 tables, A, B, and C. Table A has an ID which is used as a foreign key on tables B and C, each of which has some value as an attribute. For each ID in table A, I want to get the difference in value between tables B and C, which can be done as follows: CREATE VIEW T1 AS SELECT ...
I have a series of tables that contain data I want to full text search. I've tried combining the tables with UNION, but the result loses its fulltext index so can't be fulltext searched. I don't think that putting the data into a temp table is the way to go. Is there someway that I can fulltext search these tables efficiently? Thanks in...
In a MySQL table the id column is set to auto_increment and the next auto_increment is set to 128 in phpmyadmin, but any new rows added have 127 as the value in the id row. I have no idea why. Changed the column from tiny-int to int and everything working now, cheers. ...
I've gotta use the inventory from quickbooks in my rails web would be nice if I could get quickbooks to use mysql, as that way I could just use mysql between the app and quickbooks, which would make things easy. Does anyone know how to get quickbooks to use mysql? Or will I be forced to have my app communicate directly with qu...
I'm using MySQL 5.1 with PHP and I was wondering if it would be possible to run a query that will select a specific row using the primary key, but if it doesn't exist, to return a different one. For example: select * from table1 where id="a" else id="b" ...
Hi All, Just starting to get to grips with python and MySQLdb and was wondering Where is the best play to put a try/catch block for the connection to MySQL. At the MySQLdb.connect point? Also should there be one when ever i query? What exceptions should i be catching on any of these blocks? thanks for any help Cheers Mark ...
I have a table user_name with 3 fields, id, Name, Email (id is auto_increment field). I want to execute the following query in PHP, but its not returning any result. INSERT INTO user_name (Name, Email) VALUES ('Example', '[email protected]'); SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS 'userid'; When I am executing the above query in PHP as below then ...
Hi Guys, I want to enter some image file that is in ../img/test.jpg into the database If I do $image = file_get_contents('../img/test.jpg') And then mysql command "INSERT into table(picture) VALUES ('$image')" it doesn't work. Any suggestions? ...
Hello, i have a grails application with a webflow. I store my inner flow objects of interest in the converstaion scope. After entering and leaving the flow a few times, i see that the single user connected to the DB (MySql) generates a lot of threads on the MySql Server which are not released. The processlist in mysql show me the thread...
On a new project I work on I have data in CSV format to import into a mysql table. One of the columns is a price field which stores currency in the european format ie. 345,83. The isssue I have is storing this decimal seperator. In most European currencies the decimal seperator is "," but when I try to insert a decimal number into a fie...
I have two text fields and a button, on the click i need to save them into MySQL Tables. The top text box field data in table 1 and data in text box in table two... How to perform it. ...
My DB has a list of song I like that I have places on my web site for my friends to listen to. Some days I will upload 5 songs. Some days 1. Some days 0. What I want to do is select all the songs from say the last two weeks or last month but not have it limited by the number of songs or days I might have skipped uploading a song. For ...
Hey i'm trying to display a date/time from a timestamp field using: echo $date = date( "D F j", $row['date'] ); However it returns: Wed December 3 When it should return today: Monday July 13 Timestamp from the DB row is: 2009-07-13 04:16:31 Thanks. ...
I've a database table of timesheets with some common feilds. id, client_id, project_id, task_id, description, time, date There are more but thats the gist of it. I have an export running on that table to a CSV file overnight to give the user a backup of there data. It also is used as a data import for a macro excel file with some cu...