
How can I determine mySQL prepared statement result column names in PHP?

That is, with a prepared statement like: select col1,...coln from table where col3 = ? I believe I can use $mysqli->field_count to get the number of columns being returned (haven't tried). But is there a way to link each column name to the values returned in bind_results? I could always try to parse the column names out from the comm...

Prepared Statement not returning anything

Hi all, Please forgive me for the possibility of the stupidity of this question, but I've just started using prepared statements. I know this particular query works, as I tested it with unprepared, procedural methods. Here it is: $name = 'introduction'; $mysqli = new mysqli('localhost', 'user', 'pass', 'db') or die('There was a probl...

PHP Mysqli fetch_assoc

The MySQLi feature of PHP is great. Prepared Statements are great for injecting parameters in a query. However, if you use Statements, it seems you dont have access to the fetch_assoc feature anymore. You have to manually bind all your results. This mean my SQL query has to list all the fields, then I have to list all the variables in ...

PHP and MYSQLi - Bind parameters using loop and store in array?

Below is my code for the function I am using to retrieve multiple data from my table, but I would like to use bind_result($array[0],...,..) to be generated automatically depending on number of fields i am selecting in the query. for example.. $query=select a,b,c,d,e from table;//selecting 5 fields ...... $stmt->execute();$stmt->bind_re...

Construct a valid MySQL query using Ruby/MySQL

If using the Ruby/MSQL library I returned an object of type Mysql::Result, how would I construct a string that loops through the object and constructs a valid MySQL query? I am having trouble figuring out how to drop the final comma from the output below, and how to pass this output back to the query() method. require 'mysql' dbh = Mysq...

Unexpected duplication in mysqli/php

I'm using MySQLi with PHP(5.2.4) MySQL(5.0.51a) on Ubuntu 8.04 LAMP. The relevant Db tables are below: Questions +----+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | id | question ...

using mysqli to extract custom data

I am using a function in php for all select queries so that i can dynamically retrieve data from my database ..... I just wanted to know that is my code secure and efficient or if their is a better way to do this, if so please point me to the right direction...thanks class mysql { private $conn; function __construct(){ $this->co...

Looking for a simple mySQLi class example with descriptions

Hi, I am looking for an example of a simple, but functional example of a class extending the mySQLi class in PHP5. I am interested in stored procedures also. Basically what I need is an example of a practical and usable class. I learn best by example and unfortunately I have been unable to find any site or book that seems to have a reall...

PHP Mysqli prepared not creating statement object

Hi, I am using the php mysqli extension with prepared statements, but on one query it is not creating the query object. Here is the code: $sqlq = "SELECT id,name FROM productcategories JOIN products ON productcategories.productid = WHERE categoryid=?"; if($allsubcats) { foreach($allsubcats as $key => $data) ...

mysqli_real_escape_string AND prepared statements?

Should be a simple enough question: If I am using mysqli prepared statements, do I still need to use mysqli_real_escape_string() as well? Is this necessary, or a good idea? Thanks, Nico ...

Advantages Of MySQLi over MySQL

What are the advantages of using MySQLi over MySQL? ...

When INSERTing into a table can I get the value of the automatically incremented primary index?

I am inserting a row into a table and would like to get the value of the automatically incremented primary index. The primary index is the only unique value in the table so I don't want to do anything like "SELECT [primary index] FROM [table] WHERE [the columns = the data I just inserted]" to prevent ambiguity. I also don't want to SELE...

Using mysqli error numbers

I am building an object oriented wrapper for sql using mysqli - thats neither here nor there. I'm trying to use error numbers to detect if a database/table/column doesn't exist. Things would all be fine and dandy if I didn't receive error number 656434540.... Of course the error message is "' doesn't exist". Its SUPPOSED to read "T...

Can't return a result set in the given context

When ever I try to call store procedure in mysql that sends back a result set, it keeps saying me that "can't return a result set in the given context". I've google it and some said it's mysql bug, some said you should change your mysqli driver and .... Situation : Using mysqli driver Client API library version 5.0.51a , PHP Version ...

Mysqli Prepare Statement - Returning False, but Why?

I have a function that generates a prepared INSERT statement based on an associative array of column names and values to be inserted into that column and a table name (a simple string): function insert ($param, $table) { $sqlString = "INSERT INTO $table (".implode(', ',array_keys($param)).') VALUES ('.str_repeat('?, ', (count($p...

mysqli multiple queries - set variable produces boolean error/how to skip this?

Got the following simple query which works fine through phpmyadmin but when I add it to my php website no results are returned and no error/warning messages either. If I remove "SET @N=-1;" then it works fine. <?php $db_connect = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, true); mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $db_connect); $test_query = m...

Problem with fetching a BLOB column in PHP + MySQLi

Here's the code: $conn = new mysqli('localhost', 'user', 'password', 'db'); $stmt = $conn->prepare('select Data from sessions'); $stmt->execute(); $x = 234; $stmt->bind_result($x); $stmt->fetch(); var_dump($x); This outputs: string '' (length=0) In fact the table contains exactly one row and the blob column contains some valid ...

Difference between "->" and "::" in PHP MySQLi OOP

Can anyone tell the difference between mysqli->commit and mysqli::commit? The header in this page is mysqli::commit but in examples they use mysqli->commit I'm confused. ...

mysqli using prepare

Hello guys. I need some help, I have created this function and it works fine, but now I need to use "prepare" in MySQLi. Can I get some help? I have tried but I don't really understand how to prepare work with MySQLi. My db obj is ( $this->db ) in my class. I need a sample of my own cod...

Why doesn't this prepare statement work in MYSQLI?

I created this code: $statement = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM phptech_contact"); $statement->execute(); $result = $statement->result_metadata(); $object = $result->fetch_object(); print_r( $object ); When I run it, it doesn't work. Can anybody tell me why it doesn't work? I have 20 rows in this table so data should be returned. ...