
Is changing a variable name throughout your entire codebase just asking for disaster?

Let’s say that you decide to change the name of Stack Overflow to Frack Overflow. Now, in your code you already have dozens of objects and variables and selectors with some variation of the name "Stack". You want them to now be replaced with "Frack". So my question is, would you opt to run your entire codebase through a regular expres...

python variables not accepting names

I'm trying to declare a few simple variables as part of a function in a very basic collision detection programme. For some reason it's rejecting my variables (although only some of them even though they're near identical). Here's the code for the function; def TimeCheck(): timechecknumber = int(time.time()) timecheckdiv = backco...

Creating dtrace probes for plugins using single provider name

Note that this is for Mac OS X, although I imagine my problem would exist on any dtrace-capable OS. I have an app that utilizes a lot of plugins. I'm adding userland probes to it, in both the core application and in the plugins themselves. The issue is that if I use the same provider name in the plugins that the main app is using, tho...

ActionScript - how to address instance by name?

Hi, i am new to Action Script and i have the following problem: i have global variable tabName and a button, that changes its value, just like this: on(release){ _root.tabName = this._name; } and now i want to use String variable tabName to address curtain instance on stage to edit its property (actually, i want to control, which ...

How do you name your software projects?

I'm starting a new project and having a terrible time coming up with a name for it. While researching something, I came across this blog post, which suggested using a random word generator. I thought that was a great idea, so I gave it a try and got 'something' right off the bat. I hit the generate button a few more times with more spect...

Regular Expression in C# for Last Name that includes internal space

I'd like a Regular Expression for C# that matches "Johnson", "Del Sol", or "Del La Range"; in other words, it should match words with spaces in the middle but no space at the start or at the end. ...

how to get name of a class property?

Is there anyway I can get the name of class property "IntProperty"? public class ClassName { public static int IntProperty { get { return 0; } } } //something like below but I want to get the string of "IntProperty" ClassName.IntProperty.GetType().Name Basically what I want to do is to dyanmically save property name string into dat...

How to find the name of the current function at runtime? (C++)

After years of using the big ugly MFC ASSERT macro, I have finally decided to ditch it and create the ultimate ASSERT macro. I am fine with getting the file and line number, and even the expression that failed. I can display a messagebox with these in, and Abort/Retry/Cancel buttons. And when I press Retry the VS debugger jumps to the ...

SSIS Column Names automatically changed to F2,F3.....F13

Hi All, I have a XL source file, the first column contains the name, 199001,19902.....,199012, In SSIS package using XL source if click the 1st column contains headings it automatically covert my heading as name,F2,F3.....F13. But i need as it is like Name,199001,19902,.....,199012 as a heading than i am using unpivot transformation ...

How can I transform an element attribute to an element name in XSLT?

I'd link to transform XML with attributes like the 'name' attribute in the following: <books> <book name="TheBumperBookOfXMLProgramming"/> <book name="XsltForDummies"/> </books> into elements called what was in the name attribute: <books> <TheBumperBookOfXMLProgramming/> <XsltForDummies/> </books> using XSLT. Any ideas? ...

ActionScript 3 name property is not returning the right name...?

Hi all, I experienced a problem with the name property in as3, I created this "dot" movieclip and I exported to a class, then I anonymously created a bunch of dots using a loop. I assigned numbers as name to each dots private function callDots(num:Number):void { for (var i = 0; i < subImagesTotal[num]; i++) ...

c# - How do you get a variable's name as it was physically typed in its declaration?

The class below contains the field city. I need to dynamically determine the field's name as it is typed in the class declaration i.e. I need to get the string "city" from an instance of the object city. I have tried to do this by examining its Type in DoSomething() but can't find it when examining the contents of the Type in the debug...

print name of the variable in c#

i have a statement int A = 10,B=6,C=5; and i want to write a print function such that i pass the int variable to it and it prints me the variable name and the value. eg if i call print(A) it must return "A: 10", and print (B) then it must return "B:6" in short i want to know how can i access the name of the variable and print it to ...

Determine the name of the variable used as a parameter to a method

How would you, in C#, determine the name of the variable that was used in calling a method? Example: public void MyTestMethod1() { string myVar = "Hello World"; MyTestMethod2(myVar); } public void MyMethod2(string parm) { // do some reflection magic here that detects that this method was called using a variable called 'myVar' } ...

Getting the name of the parameter passed into a method

Duplicate: Is there any way to retrieve the name of a parameter that was passed into a method e.g. int someParameter = 1; Method(someParameter); public void Method(int parameter) { // I want the name of 'parameter' which wi...

MySQL: dot (".") in database name

Hello, does MySQL allows to create database which has dot (".") in its name? I'm using MySQl 5.1.22. Thanks ...

Excel Print Worksheets by Name

I've got an Excel 2007 Spreadsheet and I'd like to write a VBA procedure to print particular worksheets by name. How do I do this? For example, I'd like to print "FirstSheet","ThirdSheet", and "FourthSheet" but not "SecondSheet". ...

get login username in java

How can I get the username/login name in java ? I tried: try{ LoginContext lc = new LoginContext(appName,new TextCallbackHandler()); lc.login(); Subject subject = lc.getSubject(); Principal principals[] = (Principal[])subject.getPrincipals().toArray(new Principal[0]); for (int i=0; i<principals.len...

How can I set up my domain name on Google App Engine?

I've made a website to go on App Engine, and have deployed it. I've redirected my domain name to, and it successfully goes to my site. The problem is that in the address bar, '' turns into '', and I haven't got a clue as to how I make it stay with ''. It seems like such a si...

Getting element name based on position in DOM

Hello. I want to find the name or ID of a element where I got top and left position. I know how to use jquery to find the position of an element (Hovering over the div will trigger that position text will appear on screen): $(".item").hover(function () { var eleoffset = $(this).offset(); $("#mouse").text("Mouse - Top: ...