
How to identify a formula of cell contains defined names in Excel by using VSTO?

Hi folks, Is there any way to identify a formula of excel cell contains defined names by using VSTO? Or is there any way to replace the defined Excel.Name in formula of a Excel cell when the name of Excel.Name is changed by using VSTO? thanks, Yst ...

how to get the name of the parent element of the cursor positioned using javascript in html/jsp

I need to get the element name(i.e. text area name where the cursor positioned), and pass the name to the server then when it is back I need to pass thru the url for anchoring to the position of the element. every text/textarea have its own anchor names defined in a form i need to know where the cursor was positioned before form submit ...

Is array name a pointer in C?

Is an array's name a pointer in C? If not, what is the difference between an array's name and a pointer variable? ...

Dynamically set the property name of a C# anonymous type

Is there any way to dynamically set the property name of an anonymous type? Normally we'd do like this: var anon = new { name = "Kayes" }; Now I'd like to set the name (or identifier) of the property dynamically, so that this name can come from an XML file or a database. ...

How do I generate a random list of person names?

I need to generate a list of people's name randomly. Where can I find lists of names? I need a list of first names, a list of middle names and a list of surnames. --EDIT-- Just want to make it clear, these names are only English names. ...

CMake CTest prevent truncation of test name

Hi, I'm currently running CTest, but I have a problem whereby tests with long names. For example: "API Part1 : Some test information w/ this input file" get's truncated to something like "API Part1 : Some test information w/ th"). It seems like the test name is truncated to about 31 characters. How can I change this? Thanks ...

find name of company at URL

Hello, given the URL of a well known company (eg, how would you automatically and reliably find the company name (in this case "Mc Donalds")? Thanks Edit: someone voted to close this question, so maybe I need to explain the motivation. I have a large list of company URLs and I want to find data about each compan...

Referencing classes in Python

Hi all I'm having a spot of bother with Python (using for app engine). I'm fairly new to it (more used to Java), but I had been enjoying....until now. The following won't work! class SomeClass(db.Model): item = db.ReferenceProperty(AnotherClass) class AnotherClass(db.Model): otherItem = db.ReferenceProperty(SomeClass) As far as...

Which name for a "smart" dictionary (hashtable) ?

Hi, I'm looking for a good name for a custom dictionary which automatically initializes the value for a requested key if it doesn't exist, using a delegate. The indexer implementation should help understand what it does : public V this[K key] { get { V value; if (!_dictionary.TryGetValue(...

What's the HTML code to limit the access to my web-page?

I have a question about HTML. I know that there is this mechanism that wouldn't allow users to get a direct access to a web-page unless they enter a password and a name. What's the HTML code for that? ...

How can I access x:Name from Code Behind?

I have a datagrid in which I am using DataGridTemplateColumn and DataGridTextColumn. I want to access these columns at runtime so I have assigned x:Name property to them. But I was not getting that value in code behind, so I looked for DataGrid and then read objects by iterating through DataGrid.Columns. How can I read x:Name property fr...

Name Hypocorism List

Does anybody know of a public list of name hypocorisms (a contracted form of a given name, such as Tony from Anthony, Rosy for Rosemarie or Vicky from Victoria)? ...

DataSet StoreProcedure Table names

Hi, I am calling a stored procedure to return two tables. I am getting it as a dataset in my console application. The table names in the dataset are something like TABLE,TABLE1. Is there anyway to change this to a meaningful names from stored procedure?? Thanks, Mahesh ...

CMake: How to generate different shared library names depending on build type

This is my first time using CMake and I'm trying to build QJSon, a JSON parser for Qt 4.x. What I want basically is to build different output library names depending on the build configuration. I'm using ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} macro to generate different targets (qjson.lib/qjson.dll and qjsond.lib/qjsond.dll). Seems that the VS 2008 solutio...

[Wordpress] How do I get the name of the page I am on?

I want to print the name of the page I am on in Wordpress. How do I do this? ...

jquery: get elements by class name and add css to each of them

Hello, I have a certain number of div boxes that all have the same class name. I am trying to apply something to them all but have no luck. The code I constructed so far is $(document).ready(function(){ elements = $('div.easy_editor'); elements.each(function() { $(this).css("border","9px solid red"); }); //elements[0].css("...

Is it redundant to use the "name" attribute for input fields in modern web development?

Hello, I've noticed a lot of websites with form(s) containing input fields whose "name" attribute is specified even if it isn't used for styling or scripting purpose! Moreover, according to the official document about the form in HTML document ... name = cdata [CI] This attribute names the element so that it may be referred to ...

How to read a display name from a DLL?

In the registry and in theme files you'll notice a lot of references to DLLs when it comes to display names. For example: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\.Default] @="Windows" "DispFileName"="@mmres.dll,-5856" I've opened the mmres.dll file in PE Explorer, but I don't see any display names. How can I retrieve the actuale d...

Redirect query string parameters to individual domain names in apache

We have a client who has many branches around the UK. Some of their branches have their own sites with their own domain names. The client has a part built system where visiting: shows the About Us page for that particular branch. What I need is a way to map specific domains to their branchId (thi...

How to get unicode month name in Python?

I am trying to get a unicode version of calendar.month_abbr[6]. If I don't specify an encoding for the locale, I don't know how to convert the string to unicode. The example code below shows my problem: >>> import locale >>> import calendar >>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, ("ru_RU")) 'ru_RU' >>> print repr(calendar.month_abbr[6]) '\x...