
Enabling "Back" on a page where I use javascript + fake hyperlink to hide current content and show new content

Hi, I'm creating a page where I want users to click on a link, and when they click on it, the current content of the page is replaced with new content (without actually leaving the same physical html page). I'm doing this using the following javascript: function ShowForm() { var ele = document.getElementById("Page1");

Thoughts about navigation architecture?

I'm writing an application. I want various parts of it to be accessible via a single string (e.g. a URL). I see lots of different ways to implement this and wonder if anyone else is thinking about it. For example, let's assume a web app that supports several different message boards. A URL to access the third comment in board A might...

My website nav menu renders badly in IE7 and below - Need your advice

I'm working on a site currently which has a simple css nav menu with css that looks like so: #nav { background: #ffffff; list-style: none; width:300px; height:100px; float:right; border-color: #600; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid; } #nav a { color: #bf511e; text-decorat...

[Android] Problem launching Google Navigation

hey, i tried since many hours to launch navigation from my app. I want navigation without destination. i tried with Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("google.navigation:q=")); startActivity(i); That launches navigation but with destination not found I tried too to launch processName, packageName ...

Android: Creating navigable paths on a park in Google Maps

I am trying to create an android app that would allow any user the navigation of a set of 5 statues located in a park. However, the park itself does not have any navigable roads or paths on the Google Maps API. So, I need to create certain roads(walkable trails) within the park to each and every statue so that when a user who is at the p...

Wordpress: Customising output of wp_nav_menu, adding a div before nested ul

Hi there, I'm building a site which uses a mega drop-down style menu which is styled using containing divs around the nested ul of the sub-menu. Does anybody know how to customise the output of the menu generated by Wordpress (wp_nav_menu) to add containing divs around the nested sub-menu ul? There are two parameters which are 'befor...

What is a good strategy to load a Poco referenced entity when disconected from context in EF4?

i started an web project app to learn how EF4 can be used. In my project i have defined 3 layers(DAL => Entity Framework 4, BLL => Business Logic Layer, UI). The BLL and DAL share POCOs generated using the template feature of EF4. For example i have "User" Poco class that looks like this: public partial class User { #regio...

Cookies and javascript navigation (tabs)

I have a navigation tabs and when user clicks a tab the div changes with ajax. I would like to it to remember on what tab user was when user changes page. I havent done the tab navigation and im totally new to javascript/jquery. Here is the javascript for the tabs: jQuery('#contentContainer #tabNavi .nav-item').each(function(i, item) {...

Iphone Navigation Bar not resize correctly

Hi. i have an application that must run on portrait and landscape. All is working, but i have this issue: i have the Navigation Controller in this way immediately under it there is another view(fixed static position, overlaying the rear view) in the image, it contains the n...

UIActivity Indicator- load views

Hi, I am trying to add some titles to my project. So, when my app gets loaded it should show my title screen with activity indicator spinning and after 3seconds it should push the navigation controller. Basically I will have an image on the first view controller. So, in IB I added an image view and set the image. Please help me guys how...

Best way to add "current" class to nav in Rails 3

I have some static pages in a navigation menu. I want to add a class like "current" to the item which is currently displaying. The way I am doing so is to add tons of helper methods (each for one item) to check the controller and action. def current_root_class 'class="current"' if controller_name == "homepage" && action_name == "inde...

How can I create a Multilingual Global Navigation(menu) for a Sharepoint 2010 WebSite?

A very good sulution for Multilingual UI are Variations, but how can you apply this feature to the Global Navigation(Menu)? After creating the Global Navigation for a WebSite it will stay like that forever, no matter if the current Location is in one of the Sites's Variations. So I'm looking for some solution to change the Language for ...

All Frames with different Uris navigated to first created Frame

I create multiple Frame programmatically and navigate each Frame to different page, But all of Frames navigate to the Uri of first created Frame while the Uri is different. EDIT : In my project user can open some items from his inbox list and view each item's page in different tab(each tab include a Frame). If this is not possible, i...

Joomla Navigation Question

I'm brand new to Joomla but after browsing around a demo site and doing some reading I think it may be the solution I'm looking for. I just have one question regarding navigation. The site I'm building will need a fairly complex navigation system. The organization I work for offers many programs open to their clients. Each program is re...

White Line under the navigation Bar (when come back from FullScreenmode)

Hi, i dont know how to solve this Problem. I have a Tab- and Navigation Bar. When i come back from FullScreenMode and go to another TAB, in the Webview i get a white space under the Navigation bar. Can somebody help me plz ? ...

wordpress twentyten navigation ie7 bug

Here's the problem I'm having. When you rollover the navigation the first time everything seems to work fine, if you rollover the nav and go a couple of levels deep everything still works fine. However if you roll out of the nav after going a couple of levels deep and then hover back over that same item all the levels of navigation th...

Can I emulate the trackwheel navigation of a blackberry app in an embedded browserfield?

I am using an embedded Browser in a blackberry app to view a website customised for blackberries. We're using this approach as we'd rather not invest in launching a native app that we can't change & distribute as quickly as a website for now. The problem is I want to emulate track wheel focusing from field to field as in a native app ...

Is there a way to call Navigate from within the ViewModel?

I have a Silverlight 4 project which displays a chart and some buttons to allow the user to change the chart's date range. The date range can also be passed in via a query string parameter - something like http://myserver/MySilverlightPage/#?DateRange=OneMonth - and when the user clicks a button I'd like to update the Url as well. I u...

Page Navigation Within a Post with Specific post_type defined not working in Wordpress That post has several pages using the quicktag of Wordpress. This post is also is a custom post_type.. using the following code in the functions.php in the theme template. add_action( 'init', 'create_post_type' ); function create_post_type() { register_post_ty...

navigation links in joomla articles

hi,i have some problem that in articles its not showing the navigation links even i have set the perameters yes and default plugin is set. so plz help me out for the same Thanks ...