
jquery navigation

Hi, I am creating a simple nav for a site landing page. It directs the user to one of two sides of the clients business and basically consists of the screen being divided in half as you roll over one side the other fades out. My code: HTML <div id="homeNav"> <a href="retail.html" id="retailNav">Retail</a> <a href="residential.html" id...

How to dynamically change <li> style without affecting other <li>s?

Hi, I have an unordered list of links. <ul> <li><a href="#">Link is really really really really LONNNNNNNG</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> </ul> I have set the line-height or the list items to 30px. ul {width:100px;} ul li {line-height:...

Simple jQuery Contextual Menu Click Problem

I'm absolutely trying to steer clear of plugins for this, I want something lightweight and simple. This is as far as I have gotten on a contextual menu. I can click on the li.dd a and it reveals the ul, and when I click on it again it hides the ul. What it doesn't let me do is click on anchors in the ul. Instead of linking to that anchor...

Category list not working on category page - Magento

Firstly I am new to Magento, so please explain in detail if you can help. I have used the following code: <div class="left-nav-inner"> <h3 id="products">Products</h3> <h4>Shop by:</h4> <ul id="product-menu"> <?php /* Get the categories that are active for the store */ $_main_categories=$this->getStoreCategories(); /* ...

Reload UITableView when navigating back?

I have a top level UIViewController that contains a UITableView. The top level UIViewController instantiates a NavigationController, and pushes another UIViewController onto the NavigationController. I.E. we push into a new, second view. This second view has the usual "Back" button in the upper left hand corner to allow you to navigat...

How to arbitrarily separate navigation items using simple-navigation?

I can't figure out how to configure my navigation so that I can call out different parts in different places in my layout, other than to use the 'level' system provided. Really my navigation isn't two 'levels' - I just want some of it rendered in one div and some rendered in another. I could hack my application's navigation such that o...

Android controls for navigation in a tree hierarchy

I want to navigate items in a tree hierarchy. I put the items on the same level in a listview. Upon clicking the item in the listview it will open another listview to show the items in the child level. I want the user to navigate easily to another level (parent, grandparent, grandgrandparent) without pressing the back buttons several t...

dynamically built SiteMapPath in

I'm trying to build a dynamic site map on my site using SiteMapPath. Should be like this: Home > Products > %product_name% > Prices where %product_name% is set dynamically in the runtime, depends on user's choice. I've read many articles on the theme and choose this

How to open a project page in silverlight 4?

There are two pages in my silverlight project: MainPage-default page and SecondViewPage an added Silverlight page. To navigate from one to another, I've overridden the Application_Startup(...) { this.RootVisual = mainUI; mainUI.Children.Add(new MainPage()); } created a public static void GotoPage(UserControl nextPage) { ...

HtmlPage.Document.QueryString within a UserControl.

A) If I check the querystring within a Navigation Page, things work great. B) But if I check the querystring within a UserControl (which is delcared in the Navigation Page), the querystring shows it is empty. Question) If there a way to check for a querystring by the UserControl (i.e. a child control who ultimately has a Navigation Pag...

Last UIView in navigation based app is shown on startup

Hello there, strange things happen in my iPhone app. Since a not defined point in time when I start my navigation based app (it doesn't matter if in simulator or on the device) the last UIView (the one that the user reaches last) is shown on startup. After the app is loaded it switches automatically to the RootViewController's view. It'...

Restrict jqGrid columns eligible for searching?

Is there a way you can restrict which grid columns are eligible for searching on using the jqGrid search navigation bar feature? In other words, specify that only 3 of your 5 columns will appear in the field list on the Find bar. ...

WPF treeview: how to implement keyboard navigation like in Explorer?

I am using the WPF treeview for the first time and am astonished of all the basic things it does not do. One of those is keyboard navigation, implemented in any self-respecting treeview, e.g. in Windows Explorer or Regedit. This is how it should work: If the treeview has the focus and I type (letters/numbers) the selection should move ...

jquery key up and down navigation through search results

I have an input box that as you type displays a div called "suggestions" and compiles it with search results, each result is displayed between p tags. You can select a result using the mouse but I would like to be able to select one using up and down keys. I have got it so far that if you press down the suggestions box appears again (I...

Issues w/ Silverlight Navigation Page + window.location.hash

I have silverlight navigation pages (with NavigationCacheMode="Required"). When i normally navigate to these pages (via mouse clicks) the pages get loaded as expected (they are only created once due to the cache attribute). However, I have a need to update the url in the browser address bar. When I update this via javascript ("window.lo...

PHP Switch ID error in Navigation

Hey guys, I’m working on a site and I kept getting a Notice: Undefined index: id in file root on line 3 I know its something simple but can’t figure out where the problem lies exactly. here is the code: <?php switch($_GET['id']) { default: include('pages/hello.php'); break; case "testimonials"...

TreeViewItem KeyboardNavigation doesn't work

Guys, I can't make KeyboardNavigation work for tree view. I figured out that the problem my some how related to the TreeViewItem, check this out for example: For ListBoxItem KeyboardNavigation works: <ListBoxItem> <StackPanel> <TextBox Height="20" Width="300" KeyboardNavigation.TabIndex="1"/> <TextBox Height="20" ...

What's the traditional way to navigate a project

Having just moved from textmate to vim I'm curious. To be able to navigate my project efficiently I've installed command-t and ack.vim. These both seem like relatively new projects in the history of vim. What do people traditionally do to move around a project when they work in vim, do they just use the file explorer or is there some old...

Retain Content on Page1 after navigating to Page 2 and back to Page1 in WPF

On Page 1 i have controls txtBox, ComboBox and a hyperlink. TextBox has Value "ABC" ComboBox has some value "123" When i click on the Hypoerlink On Page1, i Navigate to page2. On Page2 i click on a btnGoBack which takes me back to Page1. I can actually see my values. I however cannot see the values when the controls on Page1 are bound...

android intent to navigate to multiple destinations?

is there any way to navigate to multiple destinations? like you can do on google maps? ...