
How to make auto rotation working in NavigationController and TabBarController in iPhone application?

I am new to iPhone applications, my application contains both tab bar controller and navigation controller as subviews to window. when tab bar controller is loaded I want to rotate my view to landscape mode to display some images with cover flow. but when I rotated to landscape mode the view is not rotating. I have used the method - (BOO...

CommandLink navigation doesn't work in JSF

Hi, i wanted to use the navigation-rule feature of my faces-config.xml (JSF 2.0) but I have some problems with it. I have three files (index.xhtml,index2.html,index3.xhtml) and they look like this: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <htm...

c# User Control Navigation

I am making a c# windows app that has one MainForm and many User Controls (LoginPage, HomePage, MyListPage, etc.) embedded inside it. I am using Visual Studio 2005 to design the GUI. In MainForm's constructor I do: Controls.Add(new LoginPage()); Controls.Add(new HomePage()); Controls.Add(new MyListPage()); ...; But ...

WPF: Keyboard Navigation with imbedded listboxes

I have struggled for over a day trying to get keyboard navigation to work correctly in a WPF app with embedded list boxes. Here a description of the layout: - listbox 1 (repeats unlimited times) - texboxes 1-4 - listbox 2 (repeats up to 4 times) - textbox 5 - listbox 2 - button 1 - listbox 1 - buttons 2-9 ...

Passing a javascript variable to Ruby in a combo box nav

Updated Example I am using a Select Box as a nav. When I select an item, I would like to be redirected to that page. = select (@organization, "tabs", @organization.tabs.collect { |t| t.title }, {} { :onchange => "escape_javascript(#{ render edit_organization_tab_path(@organization, this.value)})"} ) So this example does not work beca...

How can I navigate two pages deep in a single apparent operation

I have a scenario where page A can navigate to page B, and page B can navigate to page C, but A can also navigate to C and I want B to be inserted in the stack so that navigating back from C always ends on B. More graphically, I want to allow these navigations: A --> B --> C (back) B (back) A (normal navigation) A --> C (back) B (back...

WPF: Page to page navigation from listbox menu employing frame technique?

I got a problem. I added a frame in the window xaml to load pages in. I can directly load a page into frame with Source tag of the frame. It works. I need to use the code in C# to refer to the link from listbox menu a poplulate an apropriate link when an listbox item is selected. My problem is that I cannot refer the frame in C# code, it...

Silverlight - tab navigation with arrow keys

How to cycle between controls with arrow keys. I want the same effect as I get with Tab key. Is it even possible? ...

Different list item

Hey, I've a very funny problem. I have a very loong ul li a menu and want to have ONE item with different width and height. The menu looks like this: <ul id="nav"> <li id="smaller"><a href="#" id="smallerLink">The smallest item</a></li> <li><a href="#">Another item</a></li> <li><a href="#">Another item</a></li> <li><a href="#">...

How to have previous and next button in the django admin (change_form)

I want to modify the django admin for a particular model to provide the following behaviour. A user make a search on the change_list page. The the user click a specific entry and he lands on the change_form for that entry. Nothing different to the usual. Now, what I want is a mean to navigate the former search results. Basically next a... mvc c# - methods to create a navigation for table with many entries

Hello all, I have follow problem: in my table into View i have more than 50 entries(rows). I want to show just a 8 entries pro time, and above the table make some kind of navigation (like 1 2 3 4 5 ..) and if i need to see next 8 entries I#m clicking on the number 2, i see them. I dont know how can i do all this. has somebody any idea? ...

IE7 making Galleria Fullscreen do funny things with dots navigation

Hi all, My Galleria gallery seems to be working everywhere except in IE7. I have hacked at the code to make it fit the designer's vision, however, I've ended up with a strange space and some dots along the top of the gallery in IE7. I have tried everything to make it disappear while allowing the navigation to function. Wondering if an...

Can viewDidAppear:animated method be called multiple times for a single presentModalViewController:animated ?

I have a view hierarchy like this: nav1 (UINavigationController, top level object in nib) view1 (UIViewController) nav2 (UINavigationController, top level object in nib) view2 (UIViewController) I called nav2's view[Will/Did][Appear/Disappear] methods in view1's each method. and when I'm calling presentModalViewControlle...

inserting links into Magento top nav in a robust, user-friendly manner

There are a couple of options that I've used in the past, and I'm interested to hear thoughts on which is best. manually insert links into top.phtml (urgh...) +easy, quick -users cannot edit -reduces future proofing for upgrades create a category where the Display Settings is set to Static Block Only with a selected CMS block. The C...

Adding an archive of posts to the navigation menu in WordPress 3

Hay all, I'm playing around with WordPress3 and 2 of the new features, custom post types and the menu creator. I've started off by creating a new post type called "products", as you've guessed, this list products. I'm using the bog standard template and I'm creating a new menu to replace the top navi. As far as i can see i can only ad...

Silverlight Navigation + Params?

Hi there, I'm considering a scenario where I'd have a Silverlight 3 (or greater) application, which would utilize the SL Navigation framework. Let us assume (for simplicity's sake) that it would be a simple forum. In my application I'd have a a page named Forums.xaml Normally when I'd navigate to the said page the URL in the browser w...

Keep the ul directly under a class open using jquery

I have the following bit o' jquery: // Code for Side Navigation $("#sideNav ul li:not(:has(li.current))") .find("ul").hide().end() // Hide all other ULs .hoverIntent( function(){ $(this).children('ul').slideDown('fast'); }, function(){ // $(this).children('ul').slideUp('fast');...

When I alter an ID's CSS class via Javascript, my jQuery nav bar doesn't reflect the change..???

I've got a single, main nav bar in it's own file, nav_bar.shtml, which every other page includes. This menu bar is a jQuery menu bar (ApyCom is the name of the company that sells these nav bars). How an item on the nav bar determines if it's active or not (and thus highlighting it so the user knows) is through the class="current" on th...

JQGrid Programatically Select Grid Row

I have a JQGrid with loadonce:true(so it's all client side) and paging enabled(with, say 20 pages). I would like to specify a row(programatically, without user input) and have my grid navigate to the corresponding page to select the specified row. Is this possible with the current JQGrid? I've looked into search and filter, but that j...

Querying SimpleXML object with CSS selectors instead of XPath

I'm using SimpleXML to load and parse an XML document with PHP. I'm not too familiar with XPath and I would prefer using CSS selectors to parse it. What are my options? Is there anything pre-build for SimpleXML, or should I be using something different altogether ? ...