
has_one | nested attributes -

How would I show one of many nested objects in the index view class Album < ActiveRecord::Base has_many: photos accepts_nested_attributes_for :photos, :reject_if => proc { |a| a.all? { |k, v| v.blank?} } has_one: cover accepts_nested_attributes_for :cover end class Album Controller < ApplicationController layout "mini" def i...

Can nested attributes be used in combination with inheritance?

I have the following classes: Project Person Person > Developer Person > Manager In the Project model I have added the following statements: has_and_belongs_to_many :people accepts_nested_attributes_for :people And of course the appropriate statements in the class Person. How can I add an Developer to a Project through the nested_a...

Validate number of nested attributes

Hello, I have a model with nested attributes : class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :bar accepts_nested_attributes_for :bar end It works fine. However I'd want to be sure that for every Foo, I have at least two Bar. I can't access the bar_attributes in my validations so it seems I can't validate it. Is there any clean wa...

Ruby on Rails - nested attributes: How do I access the parent model from child model

I have a couple of models like so class Bill < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :bill_items belongs_to :store accepts_nested_attributes_for :bill_items end class BillItem <ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :product belongs_to :bill validate :has_enough_stock def has_enough_stock stock_available = Inventory.product_is(self...

Set value in controller using nested resource

I have two models, product and order. Product - cost - id Order - cost - product_id Each time someone places an order, it captures the product_id through a radio button value in the "new order" form. In the controller when creating the new order it needs to set order.cost to order.product.cost. Logically I thought the code shoul...

Accepts Nested Attributes For - edit form displays incorrect number of items ( + !map:ActiveSupport::OrderedHash {} )

Hi, I have a teacher profile model which has many subjects (separate model). I want to add subjects to the profile on the same form for creating/editing a profile. I'm using accepts_nested_attributes for and this works fine for creation. However on the edit page I am getting a very strange error - instead of seeing 3 subjects (I added t...


I'm trying to use a comment style model which is attached to another model but I keep getting the error: Review(#2171315060) expected, got Array(#2148226700) With params: Processing PlacesController#create (for at 2010-04-15 18:57:02) [POST] Parameters: {"commit"=>"Submit", "action"=>"create", "destination_id"=>"3...

User jQuery to get nested elements from XML

I'm spinning my wheels on this. How do I get the values from the following nested elements from the XML below (I've also put my code below)? I am after the "descShort" value and then the capital "Last" and capital "change" : <indices> <index> <code>DJI</code> <exchange>NYSE</exchange> <liveness>DELAYED</liveness> <indexD...

problems with build params for accepts_nested_attributes_for

I'm trying to add the user_id to a nested attribute that gets built by a parent controller but it doesn't seem to have the desired effect? Ie. I have a model called Place.rb which accepts_nested_attributes_for :reviews and has_many :reviews, :as => :reviewable, :dependent => :destroy The nested attribute works fine and I build it insid...

undefined method `build_users' with nested models

I've got into trouble with nested attributes. Here is my Account model : class Account < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :products has_many :blogs has_many :openings has_many :users has_one :logo, :class_name => "AccountPicture" has_one :address, :class_name => "AccountAddress" has_and_belongs_to_many :options...

nested attributes with polymorphic has_one model

I am using accepts_nested_attributes_for with the has_one polymorphic model in rails 2.3.5 Following are the models and its associations: class Address < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :city, :address1, :address2 belongs_to :addressable, :polymorphic => true validates_presence_of :address1, :address2, :city end class Vendor <...

Nested Forms not passing belongs_to :id

I have the following model class Project < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :assignments, :conditions => {:deleted_at => nil} has_many :members, :conditions => {:deleted_at => nil} accepts_nested_attributes_for :members, :allow_destroy => true end class Member < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :project belongs_to :person belongs...

Rails nested attributes with a join model, where one of the models being joined is a new record

I'm trying to build a grid, in rails, for entering data. It has rows and columns, and rows and columns are joined by cells. In my view, I need for the grid to be able to handle having 'new' rows and columns on the edge, so that if you type in them and then submit, they are automatically generated, and their shared cells are connected to ...

how to save nested form attributes to database

I am not really understand how's the nested attributes work in Rails. I have 2 models, Accounts and Users. Accounts has_many Users. When a new user filled in the form, Rails reported User(#2164802740) expected, got Array(#2148376200) Is that Rails cannot read the nested attributes from the form? How can I fix it? How can I save the d...

Howto: Access a second related model in a nested attribute builder block

I have a basic has_many through relationship: class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :bars, :dependent => :destroy has_many :wtfs :through => :bars accepts_nested_attributes_for :bars, :wtfs end On my crud forms I have a builder block for the wtf, but I need the label to come from the bar (an attribute called label for instanc...

rails nested attributes

I am using rails 3.0.0.beta3 and I am trying to implement form with nested attributes using :accepts_nested_attributes_for. My form is nested to three levels: Survey >> Question >> Answer. Survey has_many Questions, and Question has many Answers. Inside the Survey model, there is :accepts_nested_attributes_for :questions and inside...

Rails: Getting rid of generic "X is invalid" validation errors

I have a sign-up form that has nested associations/attributes whatever you want to call them. My Hierarchy is this: class User < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_authentic belongs_to :user_role, :polymorphic => true end class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :user, :as => :user_role, :dependent => :destroy accepts_nested_attrib...

Rails Nested Attributes, Relationship for Shared or Common Object

This has to be a common problem, so I'm surprised that Google didn't turn up more answers. I'm working on a rails app that has several different kinds of entities, those entities by need a relation to a different entity. For example: Address: a Model that stores the details of a street address (this is my shared entity) PersonContac...

How to manually build a correct nested form with accepts_nested_attributes_for?

I'm trying to manually build form fields for a testing purpose. I got the following models: class Bedroom < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :booked_bedrooms has_many :bookings, :through => :booked_bedrooms end class Booking < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :booked_bedrooms has_many :bedrooms, :through => :booked_bedrooms a...

Ruby on Rails: Is there any way to use nested attributes for a wiki system?

I'm building a wiki system for an application. The essence of the design is that there is an Article model, and each Article has_many Revisions. When it's time to display an Article, the most recent Revision is pulled up to get all relevant information. This seems like a perfect case to use an accepts_nested_attributes_for so that editi...